Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 204: The Soldiers Are Divided Into Two Groups

Solim frowned and looked at Snape and Lupine worriedly.

Although he has never seen such a werewolf, Solim also knows that just now Lupine's level is stronger than most werewolves. After such a weird change, Lupin must be more difficult than before. Can Snape still deal with him? Or, Would Snape still be able to subdue Lupine?

"Boy! Let go of me quickly, or it will be too late!" Black shouted anxiously.

Solim glanced at Black, he and Black didn't go far, in fact they didn't take a few steps before Lupine became like that, it's too late now, but the problem is who can guarantee that Black will be obedient after he gets out of trouble run?

Seeing that Solim didn't speak, Black knew he was thinking about the situation and he had to say something to increase the stakes.

"If no one helps them, one of them will die, someone must separate them!"

Solim had already made a decision in his heart, and it was after careful consideration. Lupine couldn't die, and Snape couldn't die. Then Solim would have no choice.

After waving his wand to untie the rope on Black's body, Solim grabbed Black's collar, stared into his eyes and said in a serious tone: "You swear to the names of James Potter and Lily Evans: You will definitely guarantee the safety of these two people, and you will never run away!"

"I won't run. But you have to promise me that Peter will never escape again." Black said: "Although I want to stare at that coward more, I know that I am needed here more. This is regarded as Let me atone for what happened back then."

"You don't have a magic wand. I'll lend you one. Remember to return it to me afterwards." Solim didn't think Black's Animagus alone could do it. Animagus valued adaptability and concealment ability more. , Combat ability is one of the defects of Animagus. If you just let Black go up there with his butt naked, he might be the first to burp.

"You gave me the wand, what do you do~"?" Black caught Solim's wand and groped it carefully, "I haven't touched a wand for a long time, but your feeling doesn't suit me very well.. ..."

"Stop talking nonsense, some use is good." Solim glanced at Snape who was resisting Lupin's attack, and then said to Black, "Don't forget what you promised me."

The scene in front of him was something Solim really didn't expect. Peter dared to undo the Animagus form, and even repaired one hand and one leg. Solim broke Peter's hands and feet to prevent him from escaping, but he really didn't expect Peter to have the courage to undo the Animagus form.

The risk of Animagus returning to human form with incomplete or traumatized limbs is very high, and it is very likely to cause permanent deformation damage, such as permanent deformation of bones—————— This means that even if you have to It is also deformed. But it doesn't mean that if you are injured in the Animagus form, you can't restore the human form. Although it will take great risks, the transformation of the Animagus itself is to reshape various parts of the human body. In theory, it is indeed possible Some parts were fixed during the process of reverting to human form.

For example, Peter has now repaired his left hand and right leg, but it is more likely that the bones of his limbs have healed after turning back into a human form, but they have grown into strange shapes. I have to say that Peter was lucky enough—at least he regained some mobility.

"I have to admire your ability to escape." Solim's words are from the heart, Peter's ability to escape is really strong, he has escaped in almost deadlock situations many times, although he paid some price, But he did save his life.

Hermione tactfully pulled Harry away, but Ronald, who was still sitting on the ground, was not so lucky. Seeing the distance between the two of Harry, Peter quickly pointed his wand at Ronald who hadn't slowed down.

"Don't force me, I just want to get out of here!" Peter's left hand trembled a little, and he didn't know whether it was nervousness or the sequelae of changing back to human form.

"Okay, I'll let you go." Solim gave Hermione a look to signal them to leave.

Hermione knew it was best to go to the professor at this time, but Peter noticed their tricks.

"Don't move!" The wand in Peter's hand was almost on Ronald's face. "Don't leave."

"That's interesting. You want to escape, but you don't allow them to leave?" Solim looked at Peter with a playful expression, "Are you trying to escape with them?"

"Are you really Scabbers?" Ronald asked a stupid question, or rather, even though he saw the whole process with his own eyes, he still didn't want to believe the fact, "Why did you stay in our house for so many years?"

Peter looked at Ronald, he knew that this silly little wizard really regarded the mouse he turned into as a friend, which touched Peter's heart a little. Friend......... This word is not only a nostalgic memory for Peter now, but also the root cause of his current situation. Sometimes Peter doesn't even know what he wants to do.

«Have you considered it yet?" Solim didn't want to procrastinate, "You can run away now, and I will come to you after I send them back to the castle. You know, the longer you procrastinate now, the worse the situation will be for you. After all..." Solim glanced at Peter's left leg and right hand, "...Your legs and feet are not very convenient now, you can run farther now, can't you?"

Solim is adding salt to Peter's wounds. You broke his hands and feet. You still have the face to say such sarcastic remarks in front of others. Most people can't bear it. But Peter held back. Revenge is something to come. The only thing that matters now is escape, and everything else can be put aside.

But Peter didn't believe what Solim said, he just walked away with his butt naked, he dared to say that he wouldn't run very far before he would be arrested (李李好). I have to think of a way to make the Hogwarts gang fearful.

Looking at Peter's flickering eyes, Solim could probably guess what he was thinking.

"It's okay, you can take Weasley away as a hostage." As soon as Solim opened his mouth, everyone looked at him in disbelief, "Anyway, he firmly believes that you are a mouse, and he also firmly believes that everyone You are hurting him. You can take him away, he must be more willing to get along with you. "

"No! Ronald, he is..." How could it be possible for Harry? Peter took Ronald away, and quickly opened his mouth to stop him, but he was speechless in the next second - Solim gave him and Ronald a silence curse.

Peter looked at the wand in Solim's right hand in shock, he didn't even know when Lim got it.

Solim pointed at the Forbidden Forest with his wand.

"Either you go with this crap now, or you don't."

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