Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 210 “Good Guy” Solim

Blake's matter has come to an end, but there are still some things that need to be made clear.

Peter, who betrayed the Potters and led to their deaths, and then framed Black and led to Black's twelve-year career in Azkaban, was taken away, but some questions worth pondering were left: Among the four people, why did Peter choose to rebel? And he rebelled actively?

Peter was a small person, but how many tragedies did such a small person cause? How many people's fates were changed? The death of Mr. and Mrs. Potter, the death of the McKinnon family, the death of the Prewett brothers, and the death of Lupine at that time. The Order of the Phoenix was under suspicion and ostracism, and Blake also suffered the same fate. One of them was a werewolf, and the other had family members who were all Death Eaters. How many big and small troubles have been caused because people like Peter sneaked into the Order of the Phoenix?

Snape lost Lily because of Peter. Although at that time, there was no possibility for Snape and Lily, at least they were still alive and there was always time for reconciliation. However, due to Peter's betrayal, Lily died. Harry lost his parents, Snape lost the person he cared about most, and Black fell into eternal self-blame. It's all because of Peter.

If these people killed Peter, no one would say anything. They all had a big grudge against Peter. But now that Peter is disabled, it was not these people who took action, but a man who had nothing to do with Peter - Solim.

"I think you could obviously subdue him, but you used drastic measures. Can you explain it to me?" Dumbledore looked at Solim. I don't blame Dumbledore for thinking too much.

Solim's methods at the time were indeed excessive.

"I broke his arms and legs to prevent him from escaping," Solim explained, "and it turns out I was right."

If Peter still retains the ability to move, he can find an opportunity by taking advantage of the chaos after Lupine's transformation. If Peter had chosen to escape while Solim was still helping Snape to level the balance, no one would have had the energy to take care of Peter at that time. Compared to a The escaped mouse is naturally the werewolf Lupine transformed into, which is more dangerous.

It was Solim's "cruelty" that prevented Peter from getting this opportunity, but what happened later also proved Peter's desire to survive. After leaving the sight of Snape and Solim, Peter took the risk and chose to escape. If Peter's hands and feet were intact at that time, , what kind of consequences would that be? Subduing an uninjured Peter or killing three students would be effortless.

"So Harry, what do you think?" (afcb) Solim looked at Harry, who had been silent all this time, "Do you think my method was cruel?"

To be honest, Harry still clearly remembers the scene at that time. Solim's nonchalant look when he broke his limbs and the calmness he showed when he threw the broken rat to the ground. It was as if he had just thrown away a piece of trash. Such Solim really made Harry feel uncomfortable. Later, after Peter showed up and kidnapped Ronald, Solim cut off Peter's hands and feet like a joke, which made Harry feel extremely uncomfortable.

Peter killed Harry's parents, so Harry naturally hated him and had some thoughts of killing Peter to avenge his parents, but they were all dominated by emotions such as anger or hatred. But why did Solim treat Peter like this? Just to prevent him from escaping?

But Harry had to admit that although Solim's approach was uncomfortable, it was effective, and Peter's attempt to escape failed.

Harry looked at Solim. He knew that if it weren't for Solim's "means", Peter might really be able to escape, and it would be under the eyes of the three of them. Harry was very dissatisfied with his performance at that time, and he even lost his mind at the time. It's all blank.

"I don't know...but if it weren't for you, Peter might have really managed to escape. After all, we..." Harry understood that the three of them had no chance of winning in front of Peter, and Hermione's The wand was knocked away as soon as he took it out. At that time, Harry didn't even have the consciousness to take out the wand. He knew that he was too far behind.

Harry's little thoughts were not hidden from the people in the room at all, he was too easy for others to see through.

"Oh, Harry. I can't blame you," Professor McGonagall reassured, "It's too much for you students to deal with a dark wizard."

"Can I ask... what will happen to Peter and Blake in the end?"

"Peter should be thrown into Azkaban after the trial. As for Black, nothing will happen to him." Dumbledore said with a smile, "So you don't have to worry about your godfather's safety.

"Godfather?!" Harry's voice suddenly rose, because last time at the Three Broomsticks, due to Solim's interruption, Harry did not learn that Black was his godfather.

This sudden news shocked Harry. He quickly looked at the other people in the room, hoping to get some hints. Professor McGonagall smiled kindly, Snape glanced at Harry with disgust, and Solim was looking at a portrait on the wall. Harry knew that the portraits on those walls were all the headmasters of the past.

"It seems that you won't be able to sleep tonight because of this news." Dumbledore looked at Harry with a smile, "If everything goes well, you should be able to see him before the end of this term."

Solim waited until he and Dumbledore were alone in the headmaster's office before finally cheering up.

"Did something go wrong?" Dumbledore's words were still confused. But Solim knew what he was talking about.

"There is no problem, it's just that I think it would be better for them to be exposed to some things that they have not been exposed to before and will definitely be exposed to in the future." Solim withdrew his gaze from the previous headmasters and began to look at Dumbledore's Fawkes.

"Principal, they will definitely see blood in the future. No matter how much you protect yourself, you can't avoid this happening. Instead of passively accepting when that person comes back, it's better to start adapting from now on. Because then all kinds of dark creatures, Death Eaters and fallen wizards will regard you as enemies. The Order of the Phoenix does not have enough manpower. When the time comes, they will see blood whether you like it or not. Whether it is the blood of the Order of the Phoenix or the blood of Death Eaters, you have to Start getting them used to it now.

"They are not you, Solim." Dumbledore shook his head. "They are not ready."

"Was I prepared back then?" Solim finally looked at Dumbledore, "People are forced out. It's clear from Potter's current behavior that he wasn't prepared and didn't have the corresponding awareness. It’s time to catch the duck and put it on the shelf, otherwise let him understand now what he will encounter in the future.”

"I'm really thinking about your 'savior'. Please don't think of me in such a bad way, okay?" Solim was also a little helpless. Dumbledore, an old guy, just likes to think blindly. It seems that all old people have this problem?

Dumbledore rubbed his temples, sighed and said, "Okay, let's leave Peter's matter as it is.".

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