Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 216 I Am Not Sowing Discord

"Solim, he's different from Peter." Hermione also started to help Weasley.

"That's right! Ronald is nothing like Peter. He wouldn't do those things." Harry agreed with Hermione.

"What's the difference?" Solim asked back: "You don't even know Weasley, let alone Peter. You may think that I am sowing discord. But in my opinion, the possibility of Weasley's corruption is infinite."

Fallen wizards and dark wizards are not the same concept. Dark wizards can control their emotions. They can decide when and in what form their negative emotions will explode. But fallen wizards are different. They are wizards dominated by negative emotions. Every little thing may cause an explosion of negative emotions in their hearts.

"Weasley has low self-esteem in his heart - you have to understand this." Solim determined Ronald's character, "Among the children in Weasley's family, Ronald is the least promising."

As the eldest brother, Bill served as a prefect and head of the Boys' Union during school. He got twelve distinctions in the Ordinary Wizarding Level Examination - just like Hermione, with the help of some gadgets, and then in the seventh-grade N.E.W.TL Advanced Wizarding Level Examination, he still got distinctions in all subjects. Such a teacher would be dazzling in any era.

Although Charlie's grades were not as good as those of his elder brother, he was excellent at Quidditch. He once led the Gryffindor team to win the Quidditch Cup from Slytherin. Wood still talks about him often in front of Harry.

Although Percy is not favored by his brothers, his grades are also at the top of his age - like Bill, he got twelve excellent grades in the ordinary wizard level examination, and he is also a prefect with Chong as his goal. As a prefect, few people listen to him.

Although George and Fred's results on paper were not ideal, they performed well in the fields they were interested in, such as potions and spells. Moreover, their hands-on skills were extremely strong and they were extremely popular at Hogwarts. good.

As the only girl in the Weasley family, although Ginny has no interaction with Solim, it does not prevent Solim from knowing some things about her. The little girl's grades are also top-notch, and she is very popular among lower-grade students.

On the other hand, Ronald, what can he praise? His grades? Forget it, forget about that, his grades are even worse than Harry's. Popularity? None of his brothers interacted with him very much. What else can be said, Ronald had no other friends except Harry - after all, he hung around Harry every day and didn't have time to make friends, right?

But to be honest, Ronald still has "ability". At least he can easily complicate a simple thing and cause trouble. The most powerful proof of this is when he encouraged Harry to drive to school with him in the second grade. , and then brought all kinds of trouble to his family.

When I was a child, I was not taken seriously. I wore old and worn-out clothes, and I was often beaten to death by my brothers. Because of the family relationship, I didn’t have much vision and ambition. Compared with his brothers, Ronald's existence is simply dispensable. With so many dazzling brothers, Ronald will not attract attention or get attention no matter what he does - except getting into trouble.

Envious of other people's material possessions and jealous of the attention they receive, Ronald grew up in this repressive environment. The only difference between him and Peter is that Harry only has one friend. If Harry had as many friends as his father, Ronald would probably become just like Peter - marginalized.

"You think Ronald is not Peter..." Solim smiled, "When Harry meets Black, or when Lupine is discharged from the hospital, you can ask them if they ever thought that Peter would become what he is today."

"If nothing else, if they didn't trust Peter, your father and your godfather wouldn't have chosen him to be the secret keeper, which would naturally not have caused tragedy to your family. Their trust, or rather their pride, cost them A heavy price was paid.”

"I still don't believe Ronald is who you say he is." Harry still stood by Ronald's side.

"Believe it or not, that's your business." Solim shrugged, but it didn't matter. "It's easy to see him clearly - if you leave him alone for a while without communicating with him, you will see how he reacts."

Harry and Hermione were confused for a moment.

"Do you know what is most important to Weasley?" Solim asked.

This question stumped Harry. Although he and Ronald were friends and lived and ate together, Harry really didn't know what was most important to Ronald.

Hermione somewhat understood, "You mean... Harry?"

0…please give me flowers…0

Snapping his fingers, Solim straightened up and said, "That's right! It's Harry."

Seeing that Harry still had a confused face, Solim explained to him helplessly: "The most important thing about Weasley is the title of 'Friend of the Savior'. This is also the general perception of Weasley among the students in the school." Think about it carefully, when you were in first grade, why was Ronald so quickly recognized by the students? Isn’t it because he held the status of being a ‘friend of Harry Potter’?”

"Do you understand? If you still don't understand, think about Peter. Your father, your godfather, Professor Lupin, put these people together with him, what kind of mentality do you think Peter will have? Your father's Quidditch game Very good, your godfather is from the Black family - not to mention this, men and women kill each other, even the less conspicuous Lupin was a prize at that time. And what about Peter? What can he do? Follow Do you think Peter would not be envious or jealous of such a brilliant group of 'friends', and then develop into hatred?"

Thinking of what Peter did later, Harry gritted his teeth, "But Ronald is not jealous of me."

"Oh, that might just be your personal opinion." Solim spread his hands, "Besides, how many times have you been right about things?"

"Firebolt!" Harry became excited when he said this, "Hermione almost made me lose the use of a broom. Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick checked and found no dark magic."

"Shout." Hermione gave Harry a sharp look.

"Haha," Solim was also amused by Harry, "So you think what Hermione did was in vain? I can tell you responsibly: that broom was given by your godfather."

"Huh?" Harry was really frightened this time. "But...he was still a wanted criminal at that time. How could he buy the Firebolt?"

"You can ask him about this when the time comes." Solim waved his hand patiently, "Why do you always fail to grasp the key point? How did you buy the key point? Now the truth is revealed, everyone knows that Black is innocent Yes. But what if Black is really here to kill you? Without Hermione's reminder to ride on that thing, how can you guarantee that the broom has not been tampered with?"

Harry stopped talking.

Hermione looked at Harry in relief. .

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