Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 228 “Human Rights” Pioneer

"I know you all want to win honor for the school," Dumbledore spoke again, and the whispers of the students disappeared, "but I hope you can do what you can. For some reasons..."

Having said this, Dumbledore glanced at the Slytherin table without leaving any trace.

...There are no restrictions on the students who can sign up for this Triwizard Tournament. Seeing the students becoming restless again, Dumbledore pressed his hand, "But as your principal, I still hope that students under the age of seventeen will not sign up." Because it is simply impossible to pass the levels in those competitions. You still have a lot to learn. Through the methods of the Triwizard Tournament, the vast majority of lower grade students do not have the ability, so I still hope that you can do what you can. . "

Dumbledore's words did nothing to dampen the enthusiasm of the students. At least the Gryffindor students seemed to have just become collectively deaf and did not react at all to Dumbledore's warning words.

“The delegation from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will arrive in October and spend most of the academic year with us. I know you will all behave well while our foreign dignitaries are here. Warm and friendly, and once the Hogwarts Champion is finally chosen, you will support him or her wholeheartedly. Well, it is already late, so you can walk into class tomorrow morning refreshed and clear-headed. Important. Go to bed! Hurry!”

After saying that, Dumbledore sat down and turned to talk to Moody.

The students filed out of the auditorium, discussing the Triwizard Tournament along the way. There is no doubt that the students will go to bed very late tonight, because they are very excited now and cannot fall asleep without chatting for several hours.

Although the heavy rain stopped the next morning, the sky was still gloomy and misty, and the ceiling of the auditorium reflected the weather conditions very well. During breakfast, there were still students continuing to chat about the topic from last night, but now they were talking more about the new professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Moody's appearance is so impactful. If you don't say he is a professor, just look at his gloomy expression, terrifying appearance, and aura that scares others. Even if you say he is a dark wizard, some people will believe him. In fact, Moody can indeed be regarded as a dark wizard.

In fact, all Aurors are considered dark wizards. As long as they can complete their tasks, they will do whatever it takes. In fact, the Aurors' code of conduct clearly stipulates that they can do anything in the task, as long as they can mission accomplished. And Moody has been an Auror all his life, and this style has been ingrained in his bones.

On the official first day of school, Solim is definitely the most leisurely student in the entire fourth grade. There are only two required classes today, one is the magic class in the morning and the other is the herbal medicine class in the afternoon, both taken with Ravenclaw. . Unlike other students who rush to take the next elective course as soon as get out of class is over, Solim's tenth day can be said to be too relaxing.

However, for those students who chose the Care of Magical Creatures course, the situation on the first day was not so easy, and reality directly gave them a bump over their shoulders.

Professor Hagrid allowed them to see a brand new magical creature that none of the students, including Hermione, had ever seen. Of course they have never seen it, let alone seen it, they have never even heard of this kind of creature——because these magical creatures that Hagrid calls "explosion-tailed snails" were cultivated by Hagrid himself. They looked like deformed and gone giant lobsters. They were white, gray, slimy, and looked very scary. Many of their legs were sticking out in random directions, and you couldn't see where their heads were. They also emitted a very strong smell of rotten fish and shrimps. smell, and their tails will explode from time to time.

Such a terrible creature made the students suffer a lot, because Hagrid asked the students to feed these disgusting creatures, and many students were injured in this process. Hagrid's reputation also dropped rapidly among students because of the Blast-Ended Skrewt incident.

During dinner in the evening, Draco kept telling Solim what happened in the Care of Magical Creatures class.

"I can't believe it!" Draco cut a piece of steak fiercely, "He dared to cultivate new species privately. I must write a letter to my father.

"Come on, Draco." Solim was enjoying the pudding that Sirna had just served him with peace of mind, "Stop wasting your efforts on these things."

"I'm quite curious about the creature you're talking about. Is it called a 'explosive snail'?" Sirna asked, "I've never seen a new species before."

"It's best not to see that disgusting thing, otherwise you won't be able to eat." Draco vowed, "Students from the four houses have reached a consensus on this - except for Potter and Weasley."

Today is Thursday. After dinner, everyone came to the small classroom one after another, and Harry even came with Hermione. Solim didn't say anything about this. As a savior, he can only make a profit.

"Hermione what's wrong with you?" Solim noticed something was wrong with Hermione's mood.

"'s nothing." Harry spoke first, "She just..."

"Solim, you have a house elf too, right? I remember seeing one on your, uh... train in first year." Hermione was going to say it was in Solim's trunk, but okay Hermione changed her mind when she remembered that Solim said he didn't want others to know about his trunk.

I almost forgot about this... Solim quickly realized that Hermione seemed to have the naive idea of ​​fighting for the rights of house elves.

"Hermione..." Harry tried to stop Hermione.

"Yes indeed. What? Do you want to meet it?" Solim asked.

"Then did you pay him? Did he get a holiday?" Hermione emphasized "him". She was very dissatisfied with Solim calling the house elves so, as if they were an object that could work.

As soon as Hermione said this, everyone in the small classroom looked at Hermione with a look of lunacy - but not Neville, who was secretly glancing at Solim from the corner of his eye.

"Uh...Solim, Hermione, she..." Harry tried to stop Hermione for the second time, but still failed.

"Harry, don't say anything." Hermione slapped away Harry's hand that was tugging on her school robe.

"Will you pay for your clothes, your shoes, your chairs, your food, and give them holidays?" Solim asked rhetorically.

Hermione looked at Solim with an incredulous look, as if she were meeting him for the first time.

"I can't believe it! Even you treat house elves like this!" Hermione was excited. "They are not objects! They should enjoy their legitimate rights, not be exploited and oppressed!"


Solim couldn't hold it back anymore and air leaked from his mouth.

" continue."

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