How should I put it? Hermione was completely frightened by Solim's words. She just wanted to do something for the house elves to improve their living conditions out of her own compassion and pity, but Solim's words made this inexperienced little girl The girl's warm blood completely cooled down - not only cold, but also freezing.

Hermione had never thought about the problems Solim mentioned, and had never realized what house elves really meant to wizards. Now that she knew, she was dumbfounded. She sympathized with these oppressed and exploited house elves. , wanted to do something to help them, but if this was in exchange for the safety of her family, Hermione couldn't accept it in her heart.

"If nothing else, just talk about your idea of ​​paying house elves. Dumbledore wouldn't agree with it. There are hundreds of house elves in Hogwarts. That's a huge expense. Hogwarts Titz's budget is limited. If you give money to the house elves, then the students' food purchase, school maintenance, and staff's salary will be affected.

All will be against you. "

"So, forget about this matter, Hermione. These are not things you should pay attention to now. If you really want to do something for wizarding society, just go into politics. But that is no better than liberation. It's much easier to raise 157 house elves, but at least there is hope of success."

Hermione was very disappointed. What she believed to be a just and correct cause had ended before it had truly begun. After listening to Solim's words, she had to admit that she thought things were too simple, but Hermione was Hermione, and she cheered up again after being depressed for a while. She was not ready to give up just like that. If the original path didn't work, she would change her path. She was going to visit the house elves at Hogwarts recently to see how they were living in Hogwarts.

Just as Hermione was thinking about her thoughts, the topic had shifted from house elves to the new Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

"My grandma once told me that Moody was a very powerful Auror." Neville rarely spoke. He was usually silent.

"Half of the people in Azkaban were captured by him. And in the era when...that man was raging, Moody was always on the front line."

"Humph, he is just a retired old man now. I also heard that he has a brain problem." Draco pointed at his head with his finger (afbb) and said disdainfully, "It seems that I mean By the way, the professors who teach Defense Against the Dark Arts every year at Hogwarts are not normal people."

"You say that because Professor Moody is an Auror, and Malfoy probably has to deal with them a lot, right?" Harry still had a good feeling about Moody. In Harry's opinion, Auror is an honorable profession, and Moody is naturally a good person.

Seeing that Draco and Harry were about to quarrel, Solim spoke quickly.

"Moody is really good, there's no need to say that." Solim said to Draco, "Not to mention Defense Against the Dark Arts, Moody is competent in courses like Transfiguration, Potions, and Charms. An Auror Coming to Hogwarts to teach, in my opinion, is completely overqualified.

"But I heard that he has gone crazy...or is going crazy," Draco said. "They say that he often pulls out his wand and points it at someone."

"Occupational disease, I can't blame him." Solim looked at everyone in the room, "Aurors are in danger at any time, so when their nerves are too tense, that will happen. Obviously. Moody is always on alert and will react to any sign of trouble."

"Is the Auror profession... really that dangerous?" Harry asked, "I mean, they are all very powerful wizards, right? And I heard that Aurors never act alone. "

"Is the Auror profession dangerous?" Solim glanced at Neville who was calm, "Have you seen the scars on Moody's body? His face and his broken leg."

"I can tell you clearly: The scars on Moody's face are caused by the Corrosion Curse. I think I have a little say in this - you all Qinglin

Everyone in the room except Harry had seen the scar on Solim's back when Solim was teaching them the Disarming Charm.

"I don't know what magic caused his legs, but I know who lost his legs." Solim looked at everyone, "Moody's life is a legend. As we all know, he filled most of Azkaban." It’s full, but not many people understand what Moody faced.”

Moody was crazy about catching Death Eaters, and succeeded twice, while Voldemort was too lazy to care about those wizards who were not strong enough in their skills. But as time went by, Voldemort couldn't keep his face anymore. Most of his subordinates would fall into Moody's hands whenever they encountered him. As the boss, he could do whatever he wanted, right?

At first, the Death Eaters planned to ambush Moody, but after killing Moody's partner, Moody killed several people and escaped. There were a few more ambushes after that, but Moody, as a top Auror, was pretty good at counter-reconnaissance. After several missed attempts, Voldemort finally took action himself, leading his men to block Moody who was on a mission at the time. After a brutal fight, some of the Death Eaters died, and some of Ao Chuan also died.

Here comes the awesome part:

Moody, who was in dire straits at the time, escaped from the hands of Voldemort at that time——Although he paid some price, this has proved Moody's combat effectiveness: to be able to escape from the hands of Voldemort in full power in ten years is amazing. It's not something that ordinary people can do.

Look at Harry's father, he is also a very powerful wizard. But what about when facing Voldemort? He was knocked down in one encounter, but Moody was able to escape from the siege of Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

That's the thing.

After listening to Solim's words, several young wizards began to worship Moody - including Draco. No one would doubt Voldemort's power back then, nor would anyone doubt the Death Eaters' fighting prowess. But Moody was able to withstand the tremendous pressure from Voldemort and the Death Eaters and capture those bad wizards one by one into Azkaban.

Neville was also very touched after hearing this. If his parents could have been as powerful as Moody at that time, maybe - needless to say, if his parents could have been as powerful as Moody at that time, Bella and the others would also be the same. Come to the door with your eyes open.

In the final analysis, it is still a matter of strength. .

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