Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 233: Taking Over The Spotlight

"The Cruciatus Curse." Moody said, "You need to zoom in a little bit so you can see it clearly." Then he pointed at the spider with his wand:

"Grow big quickly!"

The spider bulged. It's now bigger than a tarantula. The students in the front row nervously leaned back as much as possible for fear that spiders would jump into their faces.

Moody didn't care, he put the spider on the podium. Then he uttered the infamous incantation in a soft tone as if whispering to his lover: "Crush the heart and cut out the bones."

The effect of the Cruciatus Curse was significant: the spider immediately began to twist violently, and if it had an organ, the classroom must now be filled with shrill wails.

Moody didn't take away his wand, and the spider began to tremble all over and twitch more violently. Solim didn't look at the poor spider, nor did he observe the students' expressions. He was now staring intently at Moody's face.

Although Moody remained expressionless, his only intact eye revealed a long-lost sense of satisfaction. Solim, who had been prepared for a long time, was keenly aware of this fleeting moment. Emotional outpouring. Most of the students' attention was not on Moody. They were all nervously looking at the spider that had begun to twitch.

Now that he had seen something that interested him, Solim looked away from Moody. Turning to look at Neville, Neville now was not as miserable as shown in the original work, although his face was a little pale.

Moody was finally satisfied, or he finally remembered that he was at Hogwarts. He stopped casting the spell, but the poor spider was still twitching, but the amplitude was much less than before.

Moody shrunk the spider back down and put it back in the bottle.

"Excruciating pain," Moody said softly. "If you can say the Cruciatus Curse [you don't need to use your thumb or a knife to torture someone... this curse was also very popular at one time."

Solim didn't know much about the Cruciatus Curse.

Was it very popular at one time?

Solim said that the Cruciatus Curse has been "popular" since its invention, and some wizards use it to greet each other when joking with each other. But to be honest

It had been a long time since Solim had felt the power of the Cruciatus Curse.

"Okay, does anyone else know what the spell is?" Moody's magic eye started to move again.

After being frightened twice, the students are now a little confused. However, Hermione still raised her hand after the professor asked the question, but this time her hand was trembling.

"Very well, Miss Granger."

"Avada Kedavra," Hermione whispered.

"Ah...that's right." A smile appeared on Moody's terrifying face, "Yes, this is the last and most powerful one: Avada Kedavra. People also call him Death Curse.

"Tsk." A chuckle suddenly broke out in the quiet classroom. The students quickly looked towards where the sound came from.

"Mr. Selwyn, do you have any different opinions?" Yidi narrowed his eyes.

"The Killing Curse is the Killing Curse, and the Death Curse is the Death Curse. These are two completely different spells. Inexperienced wizards often confuse the two, but Professor Moody, you should not make such a mistake. "

Solim's words made the already quiet classroom even quieter. Everyone knows the Death Curse, but in the minds of these students, the Death Curse and the Death Curse refer to the same kind of curse.

Several people who were familiar with Solim looked at him in surprise. Solim had told them the three unforgivable curses, but he had never told them the difference between the life curse and the death curse. Moreover, Solim hardly speaks in class, but for some reason today he suddenly spoke up in Moody's class.

"Speaking as if you know more than the professor." Ronald muttered quietly from the side, but it was particularly prominent among the quiet professor at this time.

The students' eyes turned to Gryffindor again, especially the Slytherin students, who looked at Weasley dangerously. Although Solim doesn't get along with many people in the academy, he is still Slytherin's. Slytherin has always been united in confronting or stumbling upon Gryffindor. And for many students in Slytherin

Moody and them are not in the same group. It seems that Solim is planning to make Moody lose face, and the Slytherin students will naturally support him.

Neither Moody nor Solim paid any attention to Ronald.

Staring at Solim with both eyes, Moody said: "It seems that Mr. Selwyn knows very well, so you might as well talk about it."

"The Death Curse may not necessarily kill people - after all, we already have a ready-made example here." Of course, it could be two, Solim thought to himself.

As soon as he finished speaking, the students all turned to look at the "example". This was something that the entire wizarding world knew. He was the only person who narrowly escaped from the killing curse.

"But the Death Curse has never left anyone alive." Solim said flatly: "The Death Curse is a very ancient curse." The Death Curse is actually an improved Death Curse. It abandons some of the shortcomings of the Death Curse, such as the Extremely high requirements for magic power and long casting time and corresponding casting skills.”

"The Death Curse - if you are a person who is familiar with it, you can even cast the Death Curse silently, which is the silent curse of the Death Curse. But it is absolutely impossible to use the Silent Curse for the Death Curse, because the Death Curse and the Death Curse are the same It is a native spell, and the other is a derived 243 spell. After improvement, the casting time of the Death Curse has been greatly shortened, and the requirements for magic power are not as high as the original Death Curse, and there is no longer even a need for complex spells. It's all about spellcasting skills - all it takes is malice and a single-minded will to kill the other person."

"Very good, continue." Moody's eyes were still staring at Som.

"If - I mean if, some of you wizards with low magic power can't kill people even if they master the Death Curse. For example, even if someone like Weasley masters the Death Curse, even if he attacks our Professor Moody's use of this dangerous spell will not cause any harm to Professor Moody - at most, a little nosebleed."

The Slytherins laughed loudly at Weasley after hearing Solim's words. Ronald's face turned red and he stood up suddenly: "You damn viper! I..."

"I'm just making an analogy, why are you so excited?" Solim didn't even look at Ronald, your magic power really low?"

The Slytherins laughed even more.

Harry, who was next to Ronald, pulled Ronald's school robe and asked him to sit down.

"Mr. Selwyn is right. The Death Curse does require strong magic power to support it, otherwise it will not be able to show its effect."

Moody spoke, which made Ronald sit down bitterly. .

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