Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 234 Avada Eats The Big Melon

"But the Death Curse is completely different - this is also one of the differences from the Death Curse. People with a little common sense will know what effect the Death Curse has on creatures with strong vitality. For example, dragons, even if they don't have Scales, three or five Death Curses cannot kill a healthy dragon at all. But the Death Curse is different. Regardless of the protection of scales or not, as long as it is hit by the Death Curse, any life will die in a short time. The Death Curse The operating mechanism is different from the Death Curse. The Death Curse kills by depriving life force, while the Death Curse kills by crushing the soul - this is another difference between the two."

"Although the Death Curse is derived from the Death Curse, compared with the Death Curse, the Death Curse is more universal - its casting requirements are not so unattainable, which makes ordinary wizards It’s also possible to master it.”

"From this point of view, the mysterious man has made a contribution to the wizarding world.

As soon as the last sentence was spoken, the entire classroom was audibly quiet. What contribution did the mysterious man make to the wizarding world...?

"Don't look at me like that. I'm just discussing the matter." Solim spread his hands.

To be fair, Voldemort did make a contribution to the wizarding world with Avada Kedavra. Before the Death Curse was improved by Voldemort, many wizards actually had no ability to protect themselves, but the spread of the Death Curse has indeed improved the strength of most wizards.

Wizards all have magic at their disposal. These spells are the last resort when you are in danger and are desperate. But what kind of magic spells can ordinary wizards have? Before the death curse appeared, powerful blasting spells or powerful cutting spells were their last resort. Maybe some people can learn some corrosive spells and the like. There are crude damage spells, but how can these compare to the simple and quick life-killing spells? The enemy can be killed as long as it hits.

"Very good..." Moody said calmly, very well. The life spell does require powerful magic power. Mr. Selwyn is indeed right about this... I think you would be more willing to see it with your own eyes."

Moody took the last spider out of the bottle. The students all knew what was coming - for most, it would be the first time they had seen Avada's infamous Kedavra in person.

Moody's wand was pointed at the poor spider on the podium. The spider seemed to know what was going to happen next. It struggled desperately, but to no avail.

"Avada Kedavra!" Moody yelled, and in a burst of dazzling green light and a cacophony of noise, the spider died without a scratch on its body.

Seeing Moody take a deep breath, Solim guessed that this might be the first time he used this spell after more than ten years. It seemed that "Moody" was a little intoxicated now.

"You see... This is a very unpleasant feeling, because when you face it, you don't have much resistance. The Death Curse has no breaking spell, which means you are absolutely You can't be hit by it. Of course, it's not without accidents - just like what Mr. Selwyn said just now: We have a special 'exception' here, Mr. Yibo, who narrowly escaped death under the killing curse. But I don’t think any of you think you’ll have that kind of luck, so…”

.....You need to be more vigilant!" Moody yelled again.

This was the third time that the students were frightened by this sudden roar.

"Damn it!" Draco cursed in a low voice, "This crazy guy!"

"Huh? What are you laughing at?" Draco noticed that Solim had just twitched the corner of his mouth.

"I'm thinking about happy things." Solim was a little happy. The curse Moody recited when he released the death curse just now made Solim think of some interesting things.

But it's a pity that interesting things like "Avada Eats Big Melon" cannot be shared with others.

The students are still recalling the scene they just saw: a flash of green light, and a life just disappeared.

Harry too, that dazzling green light reminded him of something. He already knew how his parents died, and the dementors from last semester also indirectly helped him recall the memories of his infancy. His parents were killed in this burst of green light.

"Okay... These three spells - Avada Kedavra, Soul Imperius Curse, and Cruciatus Curse - are all called the Unforgivable Curse. If any one of them is used on humans, it will be enough. A lifetime in Azkaban. This is what you have to defend against. This is what I'm going to teach you to defend against. You need to be prepared. You need to be alert. But most importantly, you need to be alert at all times, Never let up. Get out your quill and write this down."

During the rest of the class, the students were busy taking notes and recording the three unforgivable curses. The classroom was quiet, with no one speaking, until the bell rang - but when Moody announced that get out of class was over, as soon as the students left the classroom, all kinds of discussions suddenly surged like a flood.

Most of the students talked about those curses and the tragedies those curses had caused in a tone of awe. Some of the Slytherin students were discussing what Solim said about the Death Curse. The origins of some Slytherin students did allow them to know some ancient spells, but things like the Death Curse that have been swept into history are still there. Very few students still remember it.

But this is also a matter of level. Solim knew that many native spells had never exited the stage of history, the most well-known one being Apparition. The death curse has also never withdrawn from the stage of history, but the death curse has never been used to deal with wizards.

Hermione and Harry walked from the Gryffindor side to Solim's side.

"You never told us about the Killing Curse and the Death Curse." Hermione's thirst for knowledge had always been strong. (Hao Nohao)

"I won't tell you because it's not necessary." Solim explained: "The death curse is a curse that you will never see in your life. Because it has never been used to deal with wizards, but to deal with those who have strong vitality. Of a creature: a dragon, an elf, or something else.”

"What is a Native Charm?" Harry had never heard of the term.

"It is a magic spell that has not been simplified in any way, and is completely composed of the most primitive magic patterns. You will learn one in school, but for most people

This is also the only native curse they can come into contact with in their lives. "

"What is that?" Hermione also took the magic pattern elective course.

"The Law of Apparition."

"By the way Solim, do you know where the kitchen is?"

"What do you want to do?"

A circle of people looked at Hermione warily, they all knew what Hermione wanted to do. .

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