Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 242 The Excitement Belongs To Others And Has Nothing To Do With Me

Hogwarts was undoubtedly going to be very late tonight, but the professors obviously acquiesced, and the Gryffindor twins didn't even know where to get a large amount of Butterbeer to celebrate.

Hufflepuff's celebration was in their style: everyone had late-night snacks together, and the kitchen was right next to their lounge, which was very convenient.

As for the Slytherins...well, no celebrations, just business as usual. At first, there were younger students who were preparing to do something, but after some well-meaning upperclassmen pulled them aside and bit their ears for a while, the so-called celebration was gone. There are many students in Slytherin who are well-informed. Although they are not sure about the details, the three surnames of Selwyn, Richie and Remus Johnton come together. They wisely chose to wait and see.

Solim also thinks that this is nothing to celebrate. It is not that he won the Triwizard Tournament "340", but that Slytherin has produced a warrior. This is nothing to celebrate. Solim returned to his dormitory and started writing a letter. He needed to confirm the specific content of each project in the Triwizard Tournament - yes, this was a very critical step. Solim didn't believe that since the Limeng people intervened in this matter and just brought in two people, they might also interfere with specific projects.

There are still more than twenty days before the first project will officially start, and Solim hopes that he will have enough time to prepare after receiving the reply.

Compared to the deserted Slytherin, Gryffindor is much more lively. The students celebrated with butterbeer brought by the Weasley brothers. Everyone was happy. Although some students who wished they were warriors were a little depressed at first, they quickly put it behind them and joined everyone. Surrounded Harry and started going crazy

Ronald is not as depressed as in the original novel. Because he voted with Harry at the time, since the Goblet of Fire selected Harry, Ronald had no reason to conflict with Harry.

The next day's normal class did not appear any different because of the selection of the Warriors. The courses were still as heavy and the homework was still the same. Since many people slept very late last night, many students were depressed during class today. However, the Ravenclaw and Slytherin students were in high spirits - because they did not hold any celebrations at all.

The castle was as usual, as if the students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang had never been there. Except during meal time, students from those two schools will not be seen in the school. Beauxbatons' students usually stay in their carriages, while Durmstrang's students stay in their large ships. Both alchemy creations have been cast with a large number of traceless expansion spells, and the internal space is large. It's amazing that their daily life can be carried out on it.

Richie and Remus John, who were scared by Solim last time, would no longer come to the banquet hall for dinner. They would have the house elves prepare the food and send it directly to their rooms. After lunch, Solim came to the west tower, where the owl loft is located, and Solim wanted to send the letter he wrote last night.

By chance, he met Harry who also came to send a letter. He was facing away from Solim and looking at Hedwig who was flying further and further away.


Harry turned around quickly and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it was Solim.

"Are you here to send a letter too?" Harry asked a silly question.

"Of course, why am I here if you don't want to send a letter? Want to blow some air?" Solim glanced at the owls. These little guys were staring at him and Harry.

Solim picked out a gray owl that looked very healthy, tied the letter, and turned to look at Harry.

"Is it addressed to Blake?"

"How do you know?" Harry was surprised.

"Is it difficult to guess?" Solim let go of the owl, "He is your godfather, and he has recently been cleared of the grievances he has carried for more than ten years. He can now walk around openly. You will hide the fact that he became a warrior. Him? And I think you should be very confused now and need someone you trust to help you, right? "

Harry was a little embarrassed, Solim's words seemed to be saying that he didn't trust him. But there seems to be nothing wrong with this. Harry doesn't even know Solim, let alone trust him.

"Don't think too much." Solim said: "Let me remind you. Things about this Triwizard Tournament may not be as simple as you think. But you'd better improve your spellcasting level in the near future. , the only thing that can help you during the game is your magic wand."

"Uh...thank you." Harry said, "Tonight..."

"You and Hermione come together." Solim turned around and prepared to go down, "But forget it Weasley, lest you get caught in the middle."

After becoming a warrior, Harry felt a little reluctant. Because he has seen Cedric's popularity, which is no less popular than Krum. Harry has been receiving attention since he came to Hogwarts, and he thought it would be the same after becoming a warrior this time. But reality is reality. Compared with Cedric, Harry felt like an insignificant person, but seeing Solim, Harry felt a lot more balanced.

Solim didn't know what Harry was thinking. Even if he knew, he would probably laugh at Harry's pretentiousness. Harry has become accustomed to his role as "savior"

After all, he has always been the center of attention. Now a more outstanding and popular person stood up and severely suppressed Harry, who was used to being in the limelight. Although Harry was not jealous or resentful of Cedric, he still felt awkward.

Elrond acted quickly, and the reply was sent during dinner, and it also brought a package. But it was not the owl that delivered the letter to Solim, but Filch.

Hogwarts does not accept letters at night, but will put them into Hogwarts the next morning after they have been inspected and confirmed that no dangerous items are contained.

To be honest, Solim hadn't spoken to Filch in a long time. Even if I sometimes go back later in the evening, when I meet Filch on the way, they just nod to each other and don't communicate too much. But even so, the relationship between Solim and Filch is still good. Filch will never forget who he became a wizard because of. Although Filch also knows that he is just a test subject, he doesn't care. And the fact is exactly what Filch himself expected - he finally became a wizard on the planet of life.

After becoming a wizard, Filch could have left Hogwarts to start a new life, but he chose to stay here. Solim can understand Filch's choice. He has worked at Hogwarts all his life. This is home to him, and where else can Filch go besides Hogwarts? Return to his original family. ?Filch, who is used to seeing warmth and coldness, is not so naive.

After reading Elrond's reply, Solim couldn't wait to open the package - it was Solim's new wand. .

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