Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 244 Solim’S Plan

"Will the centaurs agree?" Sirna couldn't help but think of the centaurs she had met. Except for a centaur named Firenze who was quite friendly, the other centaurs were very disdainful of wizards and didn't know them. Where does the confidence come from.

"It doesn't matter whether they agree or not. Because this project is to allow warriors to find the map in various dangerous environments in the Forbidden Forest - there are nine parts in total, corresponding to the nine parts.



"That was the last project - the maze."

"Ah, yes, the only constant item in every Triwizard Tournament." Sirna said, "The map will show the location of the Goblet of Fire? And I guess the map is not complete, right?"

"Yes, the complete map is divided into nine. Each map only shows a part of the maze. The warriors are allowed to snatch each other before they come out of the forbidden forest. If they get all the maps, then the advantage in the last project will be It would be overwhelming.”

"This sounds interesting."

"Yeah...but it's also very dangerous." Solim felt that this project was created by the Rich family to allow those two people to take advantage of the opportunity to deal with themselves.

Richie and Remus John had never been to the Forbidden Forest, that was for sure. The Forbidden Forest is completely unfamiliar to them, but their family most likely has a deep understanding of the Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts, but the conceptual understanding is definitely not as good as personal experience, so those two people There is a high probability that you will visit the Forbidden Forest beforehand - this is absolutely certain.

"Are you going to take action on this project?" Sirna also realized that this project was designed just for her brother.

"It's not that I'm going to take action on this project, but this project was created by the Rich family to create opportunities for those two people." Solim said, "And what I'm thinking about now is not whether to solve them on this project. But should we let them disappear when they visit the Forbidden Forest..."

"Are you planning to take action before the game starts?" Sirna was surprised, but she quickly came to her senses. Yes, who said that you have to take action during the game?

"Yes, I wanted to do it before the competition." Solim's eyes have adapted to the darkness. Speaking of which, since Solim's Animagus was completed, he has become more and more accustomed to the dark environment.

"And there is another advantage to taking action before the game, that is..."

"The referees and observers were not in place, and it was too late if something happened - maybe they didn't even know what happened, and the matter was over, and no one in the Rich family would have thought that you would do it before the game. Attack them that right?" Sirna's mind was moving very quickly.

"Yes, this time before the game is indeed a very good time to take action. Without a game, there will naturally be no security measures, there will not be any external interference, and the Forbidden Forest is also an excellent place to destroy corpses. Wherever there are traces, they will completely disappear in the Forbidden Forest. Whether it is the Acromantula, the Vampire Vine, or the weird centaur we saw last time, they will completely disappear. "

"But if the warrior disappears or dies early...will it affect the progress of the game?" Sirna was a little worried, "And will the game be suspended due to such an emergency?"

"The warriors all signed a contract with the Goblet of Fire. When a person dies, the contract will naturally become invalid. There is absolutely no difference between their death before the game and their death during the game." Solim said

"It seems you already have a plan in mind."

"Yeah, what I'm struggling with right now is the time to start. But it doesn't matter. Take your time. There are still several months until the third project. Okay, go to sleep." Solim turned over.

"Good night."

Solim's guess was indeed correct. Richie and Remus Johnton were indeed planning to visit the Forbidden Forest. Moreover, due to the limitations of the Marauder's Map, the terrain and names of people in Durmstrang's ship cannot be displayed, nor can they be displayed in the Forbidden Forest. This made Solim very distressed, because the names of Richie and Remus Johnton would only be displayed on the Marauder's Map during the journey from the ship to the Forbidden Forest. This makes it difficult for Solim to accurately track their whereabouts.

But luckily there is Flagg.

Solim knew nothing about the situation in Durmstrang's ship, but the heirs of the Orvis family knew everything about it. Under Flagg's careful observation, the whereabouts of Richie and Remus Johnton gradually gradually Mastered by Solim. It's only part of it, but just knowing when they're not on board is enough for Solim.

Even after so many days, the enthusiasm among the warriors of the Triwizard Tournament has not slowed down at all. The most popular ones are Cedric and Krum, and of course, Beauxbatons' Jacques Tefler-Picoquet. Compared with the popularity of Fleur Delacour and Rowena Roderick Ya She looks taller than the other two Beauxbatons girls.

First of all, it should be noted that Jacques's surname is Tefler-Picoquet, not Picoquet. Many girls at Hogwarts or Durmstrang caused a lot of trouble when Jacques asked for an autograph. joke.

Cedric's handsome appearance, excellent grades, and good popularity made it easy for students from the other two schools to accept him. As an international star, Krum has always had no shortage of fans, and the proportion of Klum's female fans is much higher than that of male fans. He doesn't dare to come to Hogwarts Castle now, because as soon as he shows up, he will immediately be Will be surrounded by girls. Tefler-Picoquet has gained the favor of many Slytherin students because of his family connections. As a pureblood, Slytherin would not mind making friends with him if there is no conflict of interest.

Compared with the three highly popular warriors mentioned above, the other warriors are inferior.

Richie and Remus Johnton (Li Liao) didn't look like good people at first glance, and the students all saw it. Durmstrang's students hated these two warriors very much, so naturally they wouldn't Someone take care of them. Furong is actually very popular among boys, but girls have big opinions on Furong. As for Solim...he is still the same as before, except for classes and meals, basically no one sees him. But what surprised Solim a little was that the students of Ravenclaw seemed to have a good sense of their own senses - it was Silna who told Solim that the little girl had many female friends in Ravenclaw, ranging from juniors to seniors.

The popularity of our "w savior" is limited to Gryffindor, and many senior students are not interested in Harry. They prefer Cedric or Krum.

In this restless atmosphere, the small classroom welcomed a warrior besides Solim and Harry - and her companions. .

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