Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 248 Harry’S Advantage Game

"You mean Hagrid!" Harry was finally not stupid enough and finally remembered Hagrid, the ranger.

"Yes, I think Hagrid will do his best to help you in this regard." Solim even thought of using Harry when making the plan.

"If nothing else, as long as Hagrid can make Lu Wei listen to you, you will basically not encounter any fatal threats in this project."

Lu Wei...Everyone here, except Sirna, has seen Lu Wei. No one will doubt its combat effectiveness. If Harry could really make Lu Wei listen to him with Hagrid's help, then Harry would be safe in the third event, if not crushing him.

Thinking of this, Harry felt that his hands and feet were no longer so cold.

"So what is this project going to do?" Hermione quickly got to the point.

"Within the stipulated time, the warriors must find the map of the last project in the Forbidden Forest. There are nine copies in total, which together form a complete map. And in the Forbidden Forest, the 05 warriors are allowed to attack each other." Solim said arrive. "After getting the map, the warriors can leave the Forbidden Forest.

"Does that mean the warriors can snatch the maps in each other's hands?" Hermione felt that the person who designed this project was simply a bad person.

"Isn't that obvious?" Solim spread his hands and looked at Hermione.

Hermione looked at Solim and then at Harry who was in a daze.

"But... how could Harry beat you."

"You Gryffindors are really stupid." Draco said with disdain.

"You can fight, but you can also cooperate." Draco rolled his eyes at Hermione, "The rules don't stipulate that the warriors must meet and start fighting, as long as they get the map." "

"Yes, just like Draco said." Solim felt that Draco's progress was quite obvious, and now he can use his brain.

"Theoretically, the nine warriors can work together as a team, and after finding all the maps, everyone can get a copy. Then it will be enough to see the real results on the last maze project."

There are actually many ways to complete the Forbidden Forest project. Students from the three colleges can be divided into teams according to the school, or they can fight independently. After excluding those external motivations, Solim felt that this event in the Triwizard Tournament was the most challenging for warriors. Different from the fire dragon or rescuing hostages, "The test of this item in the Forbidden Forest is all-round.

How to discover and interpret clues, how to hide yourself from being discovered, how to plan your course of action, and how to deal with situations when they occur. Whether to fight or make peace when encountering other warriors also tests the ability to assess the situation, including testing the ability to fight in small groups, or how to escape and deal with injuries after being injured.

How to identify dangerous plants and animals in the Forbidden Forest involves herbalism, potions, and magical biology. Operating in the Forbidden Forest also involves the use of spells and transfiguration - whether in combat or concealment.

Putting aside personal grievances, Solim feels that the project undertaken by the Rich family is of a very high standard.

"Do you understand now? Harry, what advantage do you have on this project?" Solim asked, "They will put the map and the clues to find the map in the Forbidden Forest, and your friend Hagrid is the ranger of the Forbidden Forest. This matter cannot be avoided no matter what. Before this project even started, you were already far ahead of others."

Solim's words were like a shot in the arm, and Harry instantly felt that fire dragons and the like were not so scary. As long as he comes to the third event, then this is his home court. With the advantage of the third event, Harry feels that it is not impossible to win the championship in the end.

"Are you confident? Then go next door to practice your magic!" Solim pointed with his hand, "Have an advantage? Then you have to wait until then! If you are defeated by the Fire Dragon in the first project It’s swallowed up, or it’s drowned in the second project... Then it will be useless even if your family owns the Forbidden Forest.”

Harry obediently followed Hermione and Neville to the next door to practice the Flying Charm.

Solim turned his head and saw Draco holding his chin, wondering what he was thinking.

"Solim, tell me...Does Harry need to practice his fighting spells?"

As soon as he heard this, Solim knew what Draco had planned. He wanted to take the opportunity to enjoy the pleasure of knocking down the savior, which was a great temptation for Draco

"It's not impossible if he masters both the Flying Curse and the Head Bubble Curse."

As long as they don't knock the dog's brains out, Solim doesn't care.

It wasn't until the gate hours passed that the three Gryffindors wandered back to the Gryffindor lounge. Harry could be considered to be quite experienced in how to avoid Filch and Mrs. Norris.

Harry was very tired today. When asked by his roommates Ronald, Seamus and Dean, he only said perfunctorily that he was practicing spells for the Triwizard Tournament.

Time is tight for Harry, so he spends a lot of time practicing in small classrooms every day. Especially at night, Hermione and Neville were exhausted before the first game.

You know, as a warrior, Harry doesn't have to take the final exam. This means that he has a lot of time now, but Hermione and Neville do not have such "warrior" benefits. They still have to do homework and complete the magic spells or spells assigned by the professor after class. It is a spellcasting exercise for Transfiguration. Fortunately, Hermione had followed Solim's advice after the start of school and went to Professor McGonagall to cancel several elective courses, otherwise she might have died suddenly this year.

Hermione was very busy, almost as busy as Solim, and sometimes Sirna would bring Gabrielle to her, which distracted Hermione even more.

Furong actually kept her word. The morning after that exchange with Solim, Gabrielle was led to the long table in Slytherin, and she had breakfast with Solim. This immediately made Solim a target - there were many male students at Hogwarts who had...well, some kind of fantasy about Fleur.

Flagg was a student of Durmstrang, and Fleur and Gabrielle were students of Beauxbatons, which made the students pay more attention to Solim. "Not to mention he is one of the warriors of Hogwarts." .

It is true that things are rare and valuable.

Now there are nine warriors, which greatly shares the attention of the students. If Solim was the only warrior at Hogwarts, then some gossip about him would have been exposed long ago - although the students could not find any gossip about him. .

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