Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 250 Magic Wand Detection

When Harry and Solim arrived, everyone was looking at them with a look that Harry couldn't understand: some were sympathetic, some were dissatisfied, and some people familiar to Harry showed a look of understanding.

Sympathy and dissatisfaction Harry could understand that he was late for so long and might be scolded later, and those who were delayed by his and Solim's lateness could certainly express their dissatisfaction. But what's going on with those understanding glances?

Solim knew that Creevey would definitely tell them Snape's words when he came back to report the news, and people who were familiar with Snape would not doubt that Snape would do such a thing - they all knew what kind of character Snape was. In their opinion, Snape wouldn't let anyone go.

"Harry, Mr. Selwyn, come here quickly." Bagman greeted, "The only thing left is you two who haven't checked the wand yet."

Before they came, Ollivander had already checked the wands of each warrior. In fact, they didn't wait long. Ten minutes before Solim and Harry arrived, they were still checking their wands.

This is a smaller classroom, and most of the desks have been pushed to the back of the classroom, leaving a large open space in the middle. But there are three desks facing each other, placed in front of the blackboard, covered with a long piece of velvet. Behind the velvet-covered desk, there were five chairs, and on one of them sat 690 Ludo Bagman, who had just been talking to a witch with blond curly hair.

The warriors in the room behaved differently. Beauxbatons' Fleur was chatting happily with Cedric. It could be seen that they were both very happy. Not far away from Furong, a middle-aged man with a big belly was holding a camera and glancing at Furong from time to time.

Solim didn't even look at the remaining warriors, because even with his eyes closed, he knew how those people would react. Richie and Remus Johnton must have been in trouble again, and Krum must have been alone. As for the remaining people, Solim didn't even bother to remember their names.

"I didn't see Headmaster Dumbledore and Mr. Ollivander, where are they?"

"They're up there," Bagman pointed to a staircase at the back, "both of them."

"Wand check?" Harry looked at Bagman, who he thought was just taking a picture.

"We must check whether your wand is fully functional and performs well, because in future competitions, the wand will be your most important instrument." Bagman said

"You two hurry up (afcd) and click on it."

Solim didn't waste any time and stepped onto the stairs, followed closely by Harry.

The upper floor is an open space, which looks similar to the top of the Astronomy Tower. You can overlook the entire Hogwarts from all sides. Dumbledore and Ollivander were looking at Solim and Harry who had just come up.

Walking directly to Ollivander, Solim took out the dragon staff he originally bought from him.

"It's very well maintained." Ollivander held it in his hand and observed it carefully for a while, "And I still remember this wand. I can see that you usually cherish it very much."

Birds swarm. '

A bunch of birds burst out of Solim's wand.

"In quite good condition, he will be a good helper." Ollivander raised his head and looked at Solim with his gray eyes, "I wish you good luck, Mr. Selwyn.

Dismissing Solim, Ollivander looked at Harry expectantly.

Harry also took out his wand and handed it to Ollivander in a good manner.

"Ah, yes," said Mr. Ollivander, his gray eyes sparkling with excitement, "Yes, yes, yes. I remember it clearly."

Ollivander looked very excited after getting Harry's wand, which was completely different from the nonchalant way he looked when he checked Solim's wand.

Ollivander spent much longer examining Harry's wand than Solim's wand. Finally, he let a stream of wine squirt out of the wand and handed the wand back to Harry.

Declare it in very good condition.

After checking the wands of the last two warriors, Dumbledore led Solim and Harry back downstairs.

"Ah, can we finally start?" Harry saw the witch in gaudy clothes standing up next to Bagman. The fat man holding the camera was still staring at Fleur. He didn't even notice that Dumbledore had come down.

"Come on, take a photo of the warriors and the referees!" Bagman looked very excited, "This will make the headlines of the Daily Prophet, right? Rita.

"Of course, Ludo." Rita Skeeter looked at Harry with bright eyes, "I think I need to conduct a comprehensive interview with the warriors later."

When Rita Skeeter said the word "interview," the expressions on some warriors' faces were not so pretty. The three Beauxbatons warriors looked at her with disgust, as if they had been offended by something before. Cedric also frowned.

Solim felt that he was running out of patience. He had to adjust his position no less than ten times just because of the position. This was mainly because Madame Maxime was too tall and the room was too small for the photographer to stand far enough away to include her in the camera. In the end she had to sit down and everyone else stood around her. Karkaroff kept twirling his fingers around his goatee, trying to curl it up, and there was a disagreement between the photographer and Skeeter about who should stand in the middle: Skeeter wanted Harry Standing in the middle, the photographer kept pulling Klum and Fleur into the middle.

The group photo was finally completed before Solim's patience ran out. But Solim was very awkward. One was because there were so many people, and the other was that he was not sure whether he blinked when taking the photo. However, Solim soon stopped worrying about this problem - because in the wizarding world, the photos are all moving. .

"Come on, take a solo photo of the warrior!" the photographer greeted, but this time Solim had no intention of cooperating.

"Forget about taking solo photos, we've all taken group photos anyway." Solim was about to say hello to Dumbledore and then leave.

Just as Solim took a step forward, he saw Skeeter grabbing Harry like a lioness.

"Come on Harry, the two of us should find a place where no one is around."

Solim's face twitched. If Solim hadn't known what this old woman was planning to do, he would have thought wrongly.

"Harry, if I were you, I wouldn't talk to her. And I advise you to stay away from her." Solim felt that his words were the most benevolent thing. If Harry himself didn't understand what would happen if he refused. Solim can't be blamed for embarrassing things. .

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