Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 252: Trapped In A Cocoon

Solim has no research on architecture, and he can't tell what style the building in front of him is, but the only thing he can tell is that the building has been abandoned. Richie and Remus Johnton were walking around the building now, throwing something out of their hands from time to time.

Although there was more light in the stone building, Solim couldn't see clearly what they were doing from far away, but they would always return to the woods after they were done, so Solim could wait.

After Richie and Remus John turned the entire building clockwise and counterclockwise, they met on the other side of the building, and Solim also followed under the cover of the woods.

Combining the information from the third event of the Triwizard Tournament, Solim guessed that Richie and the two were preparing in advance. The third competition requires the warriors to find a map in the Forbidden Forest. They can't bury the map in the soil or put "480" on the tree - that would be too embarrassing. The building in the Forbidden Forest is very conspicuous. As long as the warrior sees this building, he will definitely come up to check it out.

Solim even speculated that they would place the Jiufen map in a prominent location in this forbidden forest. This third competition was created by the Rich family. It is reasonable for Rich and the others to know the inside story. Seeing that Richie and the two were preparing to return the same way, Solim put aside these speculations for the time being. He planned to deal with these two people first. As long as these two people were gone, the Forbidden Forest project would no longer have any hidden dangers.

The idea is good. As long as the two of them re-enter the Forbidden Forest, Solim will definitely find an opportunity to take action. But when Solim saw Richie take out a small object from his arms, a bad thought came to him.

"It couldn't be the door key."

But when look! mston's hand was already on Rich's shoulder, Solim knew that he had to take action. As long as they can interrupt the activation of the portkey, they will not be able to use the portkey again for the next five to ten minutes. The first project was already around the corner, and Solim knew that this might be his last chance. He had to give it a try no matter what. Anyway, even if he failed, Solim could ensure that he would escape unscathed.

When Richie and Remus John were ready to teleport, the tree roots and vines on the ground suddenly moved and instantly entangled their legs. The sudden change interrupted the transmission of the portkey, but Richie and Remus John did not panic at all. They quickly took out their wands and canceled the transformation spell Solim had just cast.

After the two men regained the ability to move, they quickly adopted back-to-back alert postures without saying a word, slowly turning in circles and looking at the surrounding woods. They knew that the attacker was in the dark woods.

Seeing the two people's extremely quick reactions, Solim was not surprised at all. After all, they have been studying at Skull for more than ten years. Combat courses have always been a top priority. No student dares to be lazy in combat courses. Seeing their performance, Solim was not in a hurry to jump out and start fighting. He would slowly grind it out as long as they dared to use the door key again.

Solim can interrupt again. As long as they understand that they cannot leave here with the portkey, they will inevitably return to the woods. That is the best time for Solim to take action.

Solim knows his own weight very well. If he fights Richie head-on, he will probably be defeated. The two people opposite him are older than him, and they have been trained by Skuller's combat courses. He must have experience in facing the enemy head-on. Richer than yourself. There is almost no chance of winning one-on-one in an open field, and judging from the numbness of their transformation skills that they had just released, the transformation skills themselves are not as good as the two of them.

"Bastard! Get out!" Richie shouted, "I'll let you taste the Corruption Curse again!"

Solim is completely unaffected. What a joke, if you could beat two against one and wait for you to say this, Solim would have jumped out and smashed their heads. And we haven’t seen each other for several years

Richie, an idiot, can actually provoke others. Solim secretly laughed. Did he think he would be so easily provoked?

The woods were still eerily silent, and Richie and Remus John suddenly felt that the wind had stopped. There was no longer even the sound of the rustling of leaves in the woods.

"Don't worry about it, just do it." Remus John's hoarse voice suddenly sounded, "Use fire to force him out. If he doesn't come out, fire can also cover us.

Solim naturally heard it, and when he narrowed his eyes, Solim showed an unexpected expression. These two people were planning to set fire to the Forbidden Forest? If they really dared to do this, they would be in big trouble. Dumbledore would definitely intervene. How could the two people who were still at Hogwarts escape at that time?

The current situation has not reached this point, and the two of them cannot commit such a reckless fight... Then Remus John said this to force himself to show up.

Solim, who wanted to understand, sneered and started calling the nearby snakes in Parseltongue.

"Attack the two people in the open space and pass the message on."

The rustling sounds around them immediately aroused the vigilance of Richie and the two. They didn't know what tricks Solim was playing, but judging from the sounds coming from the woods, they guessed that they were numerous.

"It's a snake!" Remus John cut the two snakes into four pieces with a cutting spell, "I didn't expect that boy to be a Parseltongue!"

Who knows if these snakes are venomous? Even if they are not venomous, neither Rich nor the two of them want to be bitten. But they also knew very well that these snakes were used to divert their attention, and the key attack must come from the wizard Solim. Although they understood this, they could not ignore the snakes that were almost swimming at their feet.

Red flames spurted out from the tip of Richie's wand, immediately surrounding him and Remus John, temporarily blocking the approach of the snakes. Seeing the heat wave rising in the center of the clearing, Solim in the shadow smiled, then pointed his new wand at the flames and began to whisper a spell.

"This is not the way to go. We have to force him out."

"If it were me, I wouldn't come out. Find an opportunity to escape first. If there is too much noise..."

Before Remus Johnton finished speaking, a snake composed of flames wrapped around him. Although the fire snake 4.6 did not have the strangulation ability of normal snakes, it could burn Remus Johnton.

The flame was summoned by Richie, and Solim used a secondary transformation to turn part of the flame into a fire snake. Remus John was caught off guard and was burned and his clothes were lost. If Rich hadn't reacted quickly and scattered the fire snake, Remus John wouldn't even have a piece of cloth to hide his shame.

The flames could resist the approach of the snakes, but they could not resist Solim's transformation. The flames Richie conjured himself became their cage. If the flames are removed, the snakes will swarm them. If they are not removed, Solim will keep harassing them, leaving them no time to activate the door key. And maintaining the flame comes at the cost of consuming Richie's magic power.

Trapped in a cocoon - this is the truest portrayal of the two of them now. .

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