Richie was really unlucky.

If the Acromantula launches a sneak attack a little later, they will be taken away by the Portkey; if the Acromantula launches a sneak attack a little earlier, Richie will not activate the Portkey. The sneak attack launched by the Acromantula happened to be stuck in the short period of time when it could not move after activating the door key.

Remus John was really a little panicked now. The venom of the Acromantula is not fatal. On the contrary, some sleeping potions or rejuvenating potions also contain the venom of the Acromantula.

The venom of Acromantula is not as diverse as that of snakes: neurotoxins, blood circulation toxins, cytotoxins, mixed toxins and the like. Acromantula's venom has only one effect: rendering its prey unconscious. The original solution of Acromantula venom has an amazing effect, usually taking effect within two to three minutes. The person bitten often faints before they can take any measures, and is then dragged back to their nest by the Acromantula.

"There is nothing we can do." Remus John paused and stretched out his wand to burn the Acromantula that just bit him into coke. "You just activated the door key. There is no time left. Go now and leave me alone." ”

"Don't be stupid." Richie waved his magic wand, and Remus John suddenly floated up, "Without you, I probably wouldn't be able to get out alone.

The tip of Richie's staff suddenly emitted a burst of intense light, and then the light weakened very quickly. With the bright light of 980 degrees just now, Richie and Remus John had clearly observed the situation around them: a lot of Acromantulas had come, and when frightened by the bright light just now, they retreated far away. After a while, the light weakened, and the Acromantulas began to move around again.

See it. "Richie turned a blind eye to the Acromantulas. For wizards like them, as long as they know the territory of the Acromantulas, as long as nothing happens, these guys with eight legs cannot hurt them.

But both Richie and Remus Johnton knew that since Solim had driven them here, he would never let go. But you want to rely on the Acromantula to deal with them? Think about it and you know it's impossible, so Solim will definitely take the opportunity to make a sneak attack. As long as there is any accident, the Acromantula will probably swamp the two of them.

"There are those damn spiders all around. I think we have almost no chance of activating the Portkey again." Richie took a step forward with the floating Remus John. "While you are still awake, do more for me." Bar."

The previous confrontation cost Richie a lot of magic power. Remus John was injured before and is now about to enter a coma. It is better to let him clean up the spiders around him before passing out, which can also save some money for Richie. magic.

"Richie, maybe there is still a chance." Remus John's eyes suddenly became unfocused. He forced himself to say to Richie: "Find an open space and do the same thing as before... set fire to it. These spiders won't accept that...that..."

Remus John fell asleep before he finished speaking, but Richie already understood what he wanted to express. The reason why they were so embarrassed before was entirely because Solim was a Parselmouth, and the snakes restricted their energy, otherwise they would have been able to determine Solim's location long ago. But these Acromantulas are not like that. They will not accept Solim's orders, and I have never heard of anyone being able to control Acromantulas. These Acromantulas do not have a wizard to direct them, so they will only rely on instinct.

Richie only needs to repeat his old tricks, and a fire ring can resist these extremely fire-phobic spiders. He can then calmly wait for the door key to cool down in the ring of fire.

The only thing to watch out for here is Solim's sneak attack, but the fire ring will definitely be surrounded by these Acromantulas. Richie wants to see how Solim plans to sneak in and attack.

Solim had no intention of making a sneak attack. Richie and the others were right about one thing: Solim indeed couldn't control these Acromantulas - but "people" could.

While Richie and Remus Johnton were running in a panic and fighting with snakes in the Forbidden Forest, Solim rushed to Aragog (afca)'s lair. Solim was still somewhat interested in the ancestor of the Acromantula, which could communicate with wizards, but this time he did not want to burn the spider again, but to make a deal with Aragog.

It was also Solim's first time to visit the Acromantula's lair, and it was even more humid and hot than he imagined. Giant Acromantulas can be seen everywhere here. They surround Solim and constantly vibrate their claws, making intensive "clicking" sounds.

These spiders recognized Solim, and they still remembered the terrible thing that happened on their tribe's territory a few years ago: the wizard wrapped in flames slaughtered them mercilessly, and then took their bodies away. Things once caused the Acromantulas to go crazy and kill other creatures in the Forbidden Forest to vent their anger.

And today, the nightmare of the Acromantula clan has come again.

Aragog is very old, and he almost only does one thing every day: sleep. But today it was awakened by its own offspring, and it also brought very bad news. In any case, Aragog, as the leader of the Acromantula clan, must come forward.

Solim looked at the behemoth in front of him with great interest. Aragog is really big. Solim has seen Lu Wei. The three-headed dog is the largest creature Solim has ever seen with his own eyes, and the Aragog in front of him looks about the same size as Lu Wei.

Aragog has never met Solim. Similarly, this is the first time Solim has met Aragog, but this does not mean that they know nothing about each other.

"Human wizard, why did you break into our lair?" This is the first time Aragog has been so polite to outsiders. If he hadn't known what Solim had done to his own tribe, he would have pounced on him to devour him.

"I won't say any more gossip." Solim seemed not to care about the spiders behind him and above his head. "There are two people on your territory now. I want to get rid of them. If you want to taste human flesh, , it’s best to listen to me.”

Aragog clicked and clicked with the spiders around him.

"They are already trapped by my children and it is only a matter of time before they are caught."

"They should have set fire. How many of your children are dead now? Twenty? Or thirty? I can help you, they are yours, I just want them to die. I don't care about the process."

A flame suddenly appeared on the tip of Solim's staff, and then quickly disappeared. The spiders around him were so frightened that they backed away.

"By the way, you'd better find someone who understands human language to join me."

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