"Why do you think Hagrid wants me to look for him in the middle of the night?" Harry, Hermione, and Ronald were walking in the secret passage leading to Hogwarts from Duke Bee. Hagrid had just told Harry at the Three Broomsticks that he wanted him to go to Hogwarts at twelve o'clock tonight. Find him in his cabin.

"I guess it might be something about the Triwizard Tournament." Hermione said, "Hagrid won't come to you for no reason, and it's still so late. Obviously there are things that are not suitable for too many people to know."

"What could that be?" Ronald asked, "But what surprised me most today is Professor Moody. He can actually see through your invisibility cloak. I have never heard that an invisibility cloak can be seen through."

Both Harry and Hermione knew that there were some things that were not easy to discuss in front of Ronald.

"By the way Harry, what did Sirius say?" Hermione changed the subject.

"He wrote back and said that he would come to "360" to see me before the first project. I guess it will be in the next few days... Hiss - do you think Sirius has arrived? That's why Hagrid asked me to go to his place at night. ?”

"Don't be stupid Harry." Hermione reminded, "Sirius is no longer a wanted criminal. Haven't you read the Daily Prophet? They all say he is a hero! Is it necessary for a hero to be so sneaky?"

"Well, maybe we'll find out what happened tonight." Harry pushed away the statue of the one-eyed witch at the end of the secret passage.

Solim's return to Hogwarts happened to coincide with the peak time for students to return to Hogwarts from Hogsmeade. After thoroughly cleaning the stains on his body, Solim changed into a clean robe and lay on his bed, quietly thinking about what happened a few hours ago.

The purpose of this operation is very simple, which is to kill Richie and Remus Johnton, but this is also a covert operation. At least on the surface, the deaths of Richie and Remus Johnton cannot be related to Solim - even if people with knowledge of the operation Everyone thought it was Solim who did it, but Solim couldn't leave any trace behind.

The operation will take away three lives: Sagitris Rich, Otto Remus Johnton and Aragog.

In the entire Acromantula group, only Aragog can speak human language. Being able to speak means that wizards can get some information from it. Solim and Aragog have had direct contact, so this is inevitable. It was learned by some wizards who came to investigate, so in order to be safe and cut off clues, Aragog's death was doomed from the moment Solim decided to find it.

Solim has already tested the power of venom in his Animagus form. Not only the lethal effect of the venom, but also the lethal effect of the venom after it is transferred between different life forms. Solim has also tested it.

The venom of the Acromantula will put the prey into coma, and their saliva will decompose the prey from the inside until the prey's internal organs and muscle tissue turn into liquid. The Acromantula will pounce on the prey and suck out only a piece of it. Zhangpi. The venom in Richie's body will first kill them, and then it will enter their bodies through the acromantula's feeding.

Solim's snake venom is different from the venom of some ordinary snakes. Whether it enters the blood circulation system or the digestive system, it will cause the target to be poisoned and die.

It is hooliganism to talk about fatality rate regardless of dose. Solim thought it was true, so he injected so much venom into the bodies of Richie and Remus Johnton. No matter which one of them Aragog ate, he would die from the venom - unless it could Resist the instinct from the depths of the soul of the Acromantula.

Before the start of the first event, people will definitely find that two Durmstrang warriors are missing. After the search is fruitless, the referees will definitely check the rules of the Goblet of Fire. Finally, they will find Richie and Remus Johnton. The fait accompli that two people died.

A fait accompli means that it has already happened. No matter how much fuss is made, in the end we can only accept this fact.

After dinner Hermione found Solim and told him that Hagrid had asked Harry to find him in the middle of the night. Solim calculated that time was almost up, the first project was about to start, and Harry would meet his opponent tonight.

"The dragon should have arrived." Solim said. Anyway, the warriors will know it soon, and there is no need to keep it secret.

Hermione immediately believed Solim's statement because she herself had the same suspicion.

"Are you going then?"

"No need." He shrugged, Solim already knew which dragons there would be...

After the warriors were determined, the Ministry of Magic began to discuss matters related to dragon selection. Flegg had already received a letter from his grandfather. "Of course Solim also knew what kind of letter it would be."


There are nine dragons in total. Anyone with a little knowledge of dragons can quickly name nine or more dragons.

Australian Opaleye, Celestial Fireball, Welsh Green Dragon, Hesidian Black Dragon, Hungarian Treetop, Norwegian Ridgeback, Peruvian Venomtooth, Romanian Ceratopsaurus, Swedish Brachynosaurus, Ukrainian Iron Belly... Solim can say Out of ten kinds.

The material value of these dragons is also different. The first to bear the brunt is the black dragon of the Heshidry Islands. They are the most valuable and of course the most dangerous. Solim dares to say this. No matter which warrior is unfortunate enough to draw the Black Dragon of the Hesidian Islands, his first project will basically be declared a failure.

Next are the Australian Opaleye and Romanian Ceratops --- these are the two dragons Solim most hopes to encounter in the competition. There is no other reason, it is because of the materials on these two dragons. Australian opaleye's eyeballs, tears, blood and their eggshells are the most valuable. The horns and nails of the Romanian ceratopsian are valuable materials that senior potion masters are competing for. Although the horns of the ceratopsian are allowed to be sold in the market, it is really difficult to obtain these things without some connections and money.

Solim feels that the first project is a good opportunity for him to make a fortune - as long as he doesn't encounter a black dragon [otherwise he will have to fetch the dragon eggs honestly.

It was approaching midnight, and Harry and the others were still in the Gryffindor common room. He already knew what he was going to see tonight, and Hermione told him Solim's words when she returned. Although Harry already knew that the first project was a dragon and was mentally prepared for it, he still couldn't help but become nervous when things came to pass.

"Seriously, is Selwyn's information reliable?" Ronald didn't believe it, "That's a dragon! How could they let the warriors fight against a dragon alone? This is simply murder!"

"I'll know if it's true or not soon." Harry touched the invisibility cloak lying on his knees, "Tonight, if what Solim said is true - then I will be able to see the nine dragons later."

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