Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 265: Solim Who Doesn’T Play By The Rules (Wins, Keeps His Word)

The fire dragon is not a fool, so of course he will not be hit so easily. He easily dodged the rock giant's fist by twisting his neck. In fact, it wasn't quite right to call it a fist, because the rock giant had no hands at all.

After deflecting the giant's attack, the fire dragon turned around and bit the giant's arm. The gravel flew out - but it had no effect. Instead, the fire dragon's action gave Solim an opportunity to control the giant and choke the Australian protein eye. That long neck. The two front claws of the fire dragon kept tearing at the giant's chest - it was said that the chest was just a pile of stones, but the giant's movements were not affected at all.

Of course, Solim is not naive enough to think that he can stun the fire dragon in this way. This is too unrealistic, but it is easy to make the fire dragon faint, and it can be done with the simplest physical method.

The giant's other arm kept hammering the fire dragon's head under the control of Solim, and even one of the graceful dragon horns was broken off - the graceful arc of the dragon horn was inserted into the crack of the stone at the end. inside.

The fire dragons did not faint. Their huge size made them extremely capable of resisting attacks, but they just did not faint. There were only 703 dragon teeth left in the mouth, and the strength of the struggle was getting weaker and weaker. At this time, the rock giant was also tortured to a state of disarray. The torso was dented by the dragon's claws, and the fallen stone The blocks formed a hill between the two behemoths.

Solim ignored Bagman's howling and the audience's reaction. He continued to wave his wand, and large rocks were constantly being added to the rock giant's body. Seeing that the fire dragon's struggle was no longer as strong as before, Solim controlled the rock giant and let go of the fire dragon. At this time, the graceful Australian oval eyes were no longer graceful, and the two dragon horns on the dragon's head were cut. After breaking it off, there were only a few dragon teeth left. Fortunately, the dragon scales protected its head extremely well, and not much dragon blood flowed out. However, something about its slender neck looks wrong. It may be that it was strangled too hard just now, causing the bones of the cervical vertebrae to become misaligned.

The fire dragon's head hit the ground hard, and its lower jaw just landed on the pile of rocks that had fallen before, making its neck almost as high as a person from the ground. Solim controlled the rock giant and fell on the Australian Oval Eye's back. The fire dragon was under heavy pressure and howled feebly, but this did not make Solim stop.

The rock giant that fell on the back of the fire dragon began to change.

At this time, many people sitting in the auditorium had an illusion for a moment: this giant made of rock seemed... to have become soft?

"Softening spell? What does this kid want to do?" Gilvis looked surprised, "This poor fire dragon has been defeated, why doesn't he go get the golden egg?"

All the viewers also had the same question. The dragon eggs were not far away. Although several dragon eggs seemed to have been smashed by the fierce fight just now, the golden eggs were still conspicuous. Why didn't Lim go get the dragon eggs?

"Plasticity? He's shaping that pile of rocks..." Someone among the students realized what Solim was doing.

The pile of stones that fell on the back of the fire dragon were softened and molded by Solim like plasticine. They now became a whole and were firmly connected to the ground. Their function was to restrict any activities of the fire dragon. ————Through physical means.

"Uh-huh... Hardening spell, I guess this will be the next one." A discerning wizard like Gilvis could already guess Solim's next move.

"Your grandson is really cautious. He must completely immobilize the fire dragon and not give him any chance to counterattack." Gilvais turned his head and looked at Elrond and said.

"You are my grandson! Turn your head away!"

The audience suddenly became noisy. They saw that Solim did not go to the location of the golden egg after fixing the fire dragon, but walked towards the fire dragon.

"What does he want to do?" Gilvais stopped arguing with Elrond and frowned at Solim (afbi) who was approaching the fire dragon step by step.

Elrond twitched his eyes, he had a bad feeling...

"Let us congratulate Solim!" Bagman was roaring heartbreakingly. "Among all the warriors, he is the only warrior who defeated the fire dragon head-on! This will bring him a great advantage. Now our The warriors are heading for the golden egg, let us..."

Bagman couldn't say any more. Solim didn't go to the golden egg, or even glance at it. After finishing the last spell, he walked towards the Australian Opal Eye. Its dragon's head was resting on the gravel grabbed from the chest of the rock giant during the previous fight, and it was posing in a "kill it at the neck" posture.

Solim ignored the outside interference and went straight to the fire dragon's neck. Since the faucet is cushioned by stones, the space under the neck is perfect for what Solim does. He took out his box directly from his arms and took out various tools and containers from it. The tools for breaking the dragon scales and cutting the dragon skin were the ones Solim scrounged from the shop in Knockturn Alley last time. So were the containers to hold the dragon's blood. There were eight jars in total, and Solim decided that he would not leave here until these jars were filled.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw Solim rattling and taking out a bunch of things next to the fire dragon's neck. Even the most idiotic wizard should understand by now what Solim is planning to do.

Gilvais on the high platform gave Elrond a thumbs up, "Awesome! This guy really knows how to find opportunities. What does the champion's thousand galleons mean? How can dragon blood be valuable, and it also has egg eyes." of blood, once those eight jars are full, the champion’s thousand galleons can’t even afford one jar of dragon blood. This business is good, I’ll ask your grandson to give me a jar later.”

Elrond squinted at Gilvis with an expression of "Do you think I care about you?"

"Uh..." Bagman, who had been talking non-stop, had nothing to say now. How else could you ask him to explain the situation now.

"This warrior asks you to get the dragon egg as soon as possible. You have defeated the fire dragon. After a brief discussion with other referees, Bagman began to urge Solim to end the game. There is another warrior waiting to appear.

Solim had already used tools to peel off the dragon's scales, cut open the dragon's skin, and was using a jar to collect the blood. After hearing Bagman's words, Solim did not hesitate and used a "loud voice" directly to himself.

"The rules of the first event of the Triwizard Tournament require that the warrior can end or suspend the game only after he obtains the golden egg, or when the warrior's life is in danger. But now I have neither obtained the golden egg nor encountered any danger. If your life is in danger, you cannot interfere with the progress of the game in this case."

Solim's words made Bagman choked and speechless. Bagman had just introduced these rules to the warriors in the tent.

Unlike the speechless referee's seat, the audience began to boo loudly. They thought Solim was so interesting. More wizards outside the school felt that these ten trips were really not in vain. .

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