Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 275 Damn French Woman

After everything was finished, Dumbledore stood up and asked his classmates to stand up as well. Then he waved his magic wand and all the tables flew to the wall, leaving an open space in the middle. He created a high stage again, attached to the right wall, with a drum set, several guitars, a lute, a cello and several organs on it.

As soon as they saw this posture, the students all knew that it was about to begin.

At this time, the weird sisters rushed onto the stage together, and the students burst into thunderous applause. They all have extremely thick hair, wear deliberately torn black robes and have wild hairstyles. They picked up their respective instruments, and Solim watched them with interest. What is this? A Shamate in the wizarding world? He suddenly found that the lanterns on other tables had been extinguished, and several other warriors and their dance partners were standing. stand up.

Reyna tugged at Solim's clothes nervously, and then the two of them stood up. Solim found that he was not the only one who was nervous. Harry stepped on his robe when he stood up, but luckily there was a table to block it.

The Weird Sisters play a slow, melancholy tune. At this time, there were only the warriors and their dance partners on the dance floor. The professors and other students were all looking at the fourteen people in the center of the dance floor. Thank you... No matter who you are thanking, Solim thinks it's great to have so many people on the dance floor. To be honest, Solim can't let go. He feels it's a bit embarrassing to let others appreciate his unskilled dance moves. Fortunately, Harry seemed more nervous than Solim, which made Solim suffer a lot.

What should come will always come. Reina generously led Solim's hand to find her waist, and the other one was squeezed tightly in her hand.

Fortunately, it was not as bad as originally thought. Solim felt that he should thank his sister afterwards. If it weren't for Sirna, he would definitely make a fool of himself today - just look at Harry, Parvati He kept dodging his feet, and it looked like Harry had already stepped on them several times. Many students lowered their voices and laughed loudly. Well, poor Harry attracted the attention of many students, and his and Parvati's performance couldn't help but attract attention.

"At first I thought my feet were going to suffer today." Reina whispered in Solim's ear. “I didn’t expect the result to be pretty good.”

"This is all due to my sister." Solim began to look for someone familiar to him in the crowd.

At this time, the students also started to leave, and soon there were more than just warriors on the dance floor, which greatly reduced Solim's pressure, especially for Harry. They are no longer the center of attention.

"I haven't thanked you properly yet." Reyna looked at Solim with her light blue eyes, "If I hadn't had your help in the tent, if you hadn't been on the field, it would have delayed for so long, even until it turned dark. , I don’t think I can pass the first project so smoothly.”

Whether Solim was subduing the fire dragon or later taking blood from the fire dragon, objectively speaking, it did buy Reyna a lot of time to practice the spells Solim taught her at that time. Moreover, after the sky turns dark, the combination of the Ignore Curse and the Silence Curse will make it more difficult for the fire dragon to find Reyna, which allows her to get the golden egg without any danger. It can be said that if it were not for Solim, even if Reina could get the golden egg, it would not be in such an easy way.

"But seriously, are you really an underage wizard who is still in the fourth grade?" Reyna looked into Solim's eyes with an inquiring look, "I heard it when I was in the tent. Mr. Bagman yelled, and my friend also told me about your performance at that time afterwards. How did you do it? I mean--the rock giant.

As Solim explained, he felt Reyna's soft waist. Through the smooth fabric, Solim could clearly feel that there was no fat on her waist. It seemed that all the Beauxbatons girls had good figures. Solim gently inhaled the pleasant scent of Reyna's perfume. It was very light and did not feel out of place at all. For Solim, who has been dealing with some unpleasant potion materials all year round, the scent of Reyna's perfume was very light. The taste gave him a sense of freshness. Although Solim has no research on perfumes, he clearly knows that French perfumes enjoy a high reputation.

At this time, Solim felt the light dim, and looked up to see that it was Dumbledore who was walking over here with Madam Maxime in his arms. Even with Dumbledore's tall stature, he was still a lot shorter than Madam Maxime, and the crowd around them avoided them to avoid being hit by them.

Solim looked over and saw that the professors were also gone. Moody awkwardly danced a two-step with Professor Sinistra, while Professor Sinistra nervously avoided his wooden prosthetic leg. Solim secretly laughed in his heart, this fake still wanted to dance.

0...Please give me flowers...

"What are you laughing at?" Noticing Solim's expression, Reyna looked back. She thought it was the height difference between Dumbledore and Madame Maxime that made Solim laugh.

"Mrs. Maxime is a very nice person, but sometimes...well, she is biased." At this point, Reyna glanced at Fleur not far away, and Davis was moving awkwardly. His feet, it looks like his legs are more like prosthetics than Moody's.

"Ah, when it comes to 'partiality', all principals seem to be the same." Solim glanced at Harry who was pulling Parvati out and said, "If you ask any student at Hogwarts: 'What if The savior Harry Potter got into trouble, what punishment will the school give him? They will tell you: the professors will give him extra points——unless the professor

Snape. "

Reyna's eyes found Harry, who was already sitting on the sidelines, "I know he-"

"Of course, who doesn't know him?"

"I was somewhat curious about him at first, but the feeling he gave me..."


"You can't say that -" Reyna shook her head, "He gives me the feeling that - he seems to be the Lord of the World." The title doesn't suit him that well.

"This title was just shouted by some wizards with little knowledge - and then it was fueled by some wizards' instructions -" Solim looked through the tips of Reina's hair.

-Dumbledore, who was still squirming with Madame Maxime, said, "-that's why wizards talk about it."

"I think the title 'Savior' suits you quite well." Reina winked at Som.

"Huh?" Solim really didn't expect to hear such a sentence.

"For me -" Reyna bit her lip, "-you are my 'savior'. If it weren't for you, I would be finished by then."

After speaking, he came over and lightly tapped Solim's lips [a feeling like an electric shock instantly ran through Solim's body.

Oh————Damn French women are quite good at flirting with men.

That's all Solim had in mind at the time. .

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