This feeling was very strange. The water was very cold. Harry knew that, but he didn't feel any discomfort. The cold lake water made him very comfortable. There was also a new feeling of breathing. When Harry first entered the water, I have already confirmed that something like gills has grown on my neck, and I rely on this to breathe in the water. Now Harry's hands and feet have grown webbed, which allows Harry, who is not very good at swimming, to move freely in the water.

Among all the novel sensations after eating jellyfish, the most awkward thing for Harry was the two hands on his shoulders. Those were Solim's hands. He was now swimming in the water with two people, Solim was holding his shoulders, and Reina was lying on Solim's back. Harry himself didn't know what this was.

After Solim pointed out the direction to Harry, Harry swam straight towards a place. Along the way, Harry only saw Krum, but he later swam in another direction.

The scene in the Black Lake was novel even to the students of Hogwarts. Even the Weasley twins wouldn't dive into the Black Lake. Although it was an inner lake, the lake was still full of life. Harry could see many fish swimming among the aquatic plants.

Harry had a hard time swimming with the two of them, but Solim and Reyna had it much easier. The Head Bubble Curse covered his whole body under Solim's control, while Reyna only covered his head. to ensure breathing.

Just as Harry was heading towards the destination with the two of them, other warriors encountered some trouble.

The Black Lake is full of life. There are not only ordinary fish here, but also some other creatures, such as the giant octopus and Grindylow known to the entire Hogwarts, and the mermaid known to some students. Although these are considered magical creatures, they also have certain intelligence and social structure, but their magic power is not worth mentioning at all. The only threats to wizards are the forks made of fish bones in their hands and the fangs in their mouths.

Unfortunately, Fleur went in the wrong direction and encountered a large group of Grindylows, which are horned, colored water devils. They are no strangers to the students of Horwarts. It turns out that Lupine was one of them when he taught Defense Against the Dark Arts. I have specifically talked about this magical creature that has widespread distribution throughout Europe. Grindylows have very long fingers, which, although they are quite powerful when grasping things, are easily broken.

Grindylow is very easy to deal with on land or in shallow water, but in an environment like Black Lake, once there are too many, it is not good news for wizards. After all, they are creatures in the water. People cannot swim with them. Once they are caught by them, it will be difficult to escape.

But fortunately, these Grindylows were raised by the mermaids in the Black Lake. They would not kill the warriors. At most, they would only suffer some injuries, which would not be life-threatening.

Unbeknownst to Solim and others, Yi Rong was the first warrior to be eliminated.

However, Solim had already made it clear to Harry before: try not to get close to the water plants or pass through the grass at the bottom of the lake. Grindylow likes to lurk in such places. Staying away from the water plants can reduce the risk of being attacked by Grindylow.

The direction was clear, and after eating the gillweed, Harry's movement speed in the water was unmatched by other warriors. This allowed them to arrive at the location of the hostages twenty minutes after the start of the game - a small mermaid village. .

A clearing suddenly appeared in the underwater jungle of aquatic plants. There were many stone houses on the clearing, speckled with algae. Harry saw some faces in those dark windows... faces that were completely different from the mermaids on the painting in the prefects' bathroom...

Harry turned back to look at Som, he was a little hesitant, not sure if he should go there. Solim motioned for Harry to look in one direction.

Following where Solim pointed, Harry saw the "hostages". There are many stone statues at the bottom of the water, and the hostages are now tied to the statues with ropes.

The mermaid's skin is iron gray, and her dark green hair is long and unkempt. Their eyes are yellow, their incomplete teeth are also yellow, and they wear pebbles strung with thick ropes around their necks. They smiled maliciously at Harry as he swam by. In order to see more clearly, one or two ran out of the stone houses. They held spears in their hands and slapped the lake water with their thick and powerful silver fish tails.

Harry swam cautiously, as he was afraid that these ugly mermaids would attack them, but in the end, the mermaids just looked at them and didn't do anything drastic.

0...Please give me flowers...

When he swam to the hostage, Solim finally got off Harry. He quickly swam in front of Sirna and cut the rope around her body with a knife. Solim then threw the knife to Harry.

Harry took the knife and thought it looked familiar. He immediately thought of the ring that Solim had lent him when he was in first grade, a ring that could turn into a knife.

Harry had indeed used this knife to cut through the rope that Quirrell had tied them.

At this time, Harry had to say that Solim was well prepared. The ropes were all made of water grass, thick, slippery, and very strong. Harry also had a pocket knife, which Sirius had given him for Christmas, but the pocket knife was still in his box in Gryffindor Tower.

Only then did Harry have time to observe his "hostage". Ronald looked like he was asleep now. There was no Bubble Charm on his head, but he looked like he didn't have to worry about breathing underwater at all. question.

When Harry rescued Ronald, he discovered that Solim and the Beauxbatons girl had released all their hostages. Sirna and Harry knew each other, but Harry did not recognize the girl Reyna was holding, but he knew she was a Beauxbatons student.

Just when Solim signaled Harry to leave, Harry pointed at Hermione who was still tied up - as Hermione's friend, Harry couldn't just leave Hermione here. Of course, Solim felt that Harry was a drunkard and Cedric's girlfriend - yes, the relationship between him and Qiu had been made public. Solim felt that Harry still wanted to have close contact with Miss Zhang.

Solim thinks it's obviously unrealistic for a junior brother like Harry to want to take advantage of the situation. If nothing else, compared to Cedric, Harry has the title of "savior". That's all, Harry is completely inferior to Cedric in other aspects. Harry was inferior to him in terms of academics, ability, popularity, and even height. Solim felt that Zhang Qiu would only fall in love with Harry if he was blind.

Seeing Harry still gesticulating there, Solim looked helplessly at Reina. Solim motioned to Reina to go up first, and he would do Harry's ideological work. .

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