When Harry and the others were discussing things in the corner of the Gryffindor common room at night, Solim and Dumbledore were standing in the corridor on the eighth floor.

Dumbledore watched without saying a word as Solim walked back and forth in front of a wall three times, and then a door appeared on the wall.

Dumbledore's expression didn't show the slightest surprise. As the headmaster of the Room of Requirement, of course he knew. But most of the time it was used by Dumbledore as an emergency toilet.

Solim opened the door, leaning forward to invite Dumbledore to come forward.

"The Room of Requirement—" Dumbledore came in and scanned the messy interior of the room. It was like a garbage dump. You could see everything here, including broken seals, portraits without people, rusty weapons, and broken tableware. ........Especially at the door, there is even an umbrella stand made of a troll's feet.

Solim took the lead, followed by Dumbledore. The two of them walked slowly and without speaking. After passing through a jungle composed of old wooden boxes, broken armor, and piles of messy tables, Solim and Dumbledore finally stopped in front of an ordinary curved cabinet.

It was a stone bust of an ugly old man wearing a hairband and a rusty crown. That plain crown was Ravenclaw's crown. Solim has actually found it a long time ago, but Solim has never touched this thing because Solim thinks it's not time yet.

It was very quiet in the Room of Requirement. There was not even a breath of wind here. There was only a lonely golden snitch flying buzzing not far away. Dumbledore had noticed something was wrong with the crown worn on the head of the stone statue. Although there was nothing surprising about this ordinary-looking crown from the outside, in the eyes of a wizard like Dumbledore, this crown was extremely abnormal.

A well-hidden but very deep malice emanated from that ordinary crown. Dumbledore could tell that no matter what kind of dark magic was cast on the crown, it should not be activated now. This is obviously an extremely dangerous black magic item.

At this time, Dumbledore was not thinking about horcruxes.

"Principal, I think this is the thing you are most interested in." Solim pointed at the crown and said, "Maybe it should be said that it is 'one of the things you are most interested in.' About this thing

I think Helena, Barrow and Lady Ravenclaw's daughter, might be able to tell you something.

Dumbledore noticed something keenly after listening to Solim's words.

"You mean... Horcrux? Is this Ravenclaw's crown?" Dumbledore looked at the ordinary-looking crown on the statue in surprise.

Dumbledore has never seen Ravenclaw's diadem with his own eyes. It disappeared as early as the era of the Big Four, and no one has seen it since - except Reed.

What Dumbledore didn't expect was that Voldemort actually found the diadem that had been missing for centuries and turned it into a Horcrux.

With the Gaunt family ring, diary, and crown in front of him, Dumbledore saw Voldemort's third Horcrux. This made his hair stand on end. Who knew how many such things his former student had made. Although he knew that the human soul could not be divided infinitely, Dumbledore was still worried about the future situation. If he could not find all the Horcruxes, then everything he was doing now would be in vain.

"How did you find it?" Dumbledore asked nonchalantly. "I sometimes use this as a toilet when I'm in a hurry, but I've never found a diadem."

"I'm the same as you, principal, but I treat this place as a garbage dump to throw away some garbage: such as spoiled potion materials, failed brewing or unsatisfactory potions. After all, I can't put those things away. The trash was left in other classrooms, even though there were no professors attending classes there.

"The Room of Requirement is really a very magical place." Solim continued, "It can read your thoughts and then become what you need. If the eighth floor is not too far away, maybe I will boil The place for the potion is chosen here.”

Dumbledore stared at the diadem as he listened to Solim's words.

"Now that the matter is done, then - I will leave first." Thom bowed slightly to Dumbledore.

"I think you should have discovered this thing a long time ago." Dumbledore suddenly turned around and looked at Solim, "Can you explain it?"

0…Please give me flowers…

"There's nothing that can't be said. It's just compensation." Solim did not look at Dumbledore, but picked up a book "Unknown Potion Recipes" from the table on the side. Solim was stunned when he saw the title of the book, and now it was obvious that It was not the right time, so he decided to look at the book later.

"I'm at Hogwarts - although it's not inside the castle, it's still within the scope of Hogwarts. I did some things that brought you some trouble, principal, and those troubles also came to you, principal. It's not a big deal, but I'm still grateful. After all, if there was no Hogwarts, I wouldn't have such an opportunity.

Solim said it very implicitly, but Dumbledore was able to understand Solim's hint. After all, there are few things within Hogwarts that can truly be hidden from the headmaster Dumbledore.

Of course Dumbledore knew that the deaths of Durmstrang's two warriors were related to Solim. If it were an ordinary student, Dumbledore would definitely interfere. After all, murder by a minor is a crime no matter where it is. An extremely dangerous signal. But for Dumbledore, who knew Solim's past, he knew very well that Solim had no choice, because if he didn't kill those two people, he would be the one who would die.

And from a certain point of view, Solim and Dumbledore are still on the same side. The ring and diary that Solim once gave to Dumbledore are things that Dumbledore attaches great importance to, and it also makes Dumbledore value Solim even more as a student. Fighting against Voldemort and ending Voldemort's evil life are the things that Dumbledore values ​​the most. Solim can help him in these aspects. Even if Dumbledore does not regard Solim as "one of his own", he will regard him as someone who can cooperate. So Dumbledore could turn a blind eye to things that didn't involve the overall situation.

But today, Solim brought Dumbledore to the Room of Requirement to see the crown, which made Dumbledore have to consider whether to let this student really join the Order of the Phoenix.

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