Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 301 Riots In The Forbidden Forest

News about the third event of the Triwizard Tournament has been released, and the news that it will be located in the Forbidden Forest has undoubtedly aroused huge discussion.

For the students at Hogwarts, the Forbidden Forest is both familiar and unfamiliar. For the vast majority of students, the word "forbidden forest" only exists in the taboos mentioned in the principal's speech at the beginning of the school year. Students have no specific concept of the forbidden forest because they will not enter the forbidden forest at all. For some students who know something about the Forbidden Forest, the horror of the Forbidden Forest is a nightmare they will never forget.

Fear comes from the unknown, and the Forbidden Forest is precisely a place that students don't understand. Not to mention ordinary students, even people like Solim who have done things in the Forbidden Forest many times don't dare to say how much they know about the Forbidden Forest. Putting aside everything else, the weird centaur "One Seven Seven" that Solim and Silna met in the Forbidden Forest last time was obviously not a good person, and Solim had never heard of a centaur like that. , it is obvious that there are more unknowns in the Forbidden Forest that are unknown to the outside world.

Aragog is dead, and his descendants have been dispersed from their nests by the Ministry of Magic, but they are still active in the Forbidden Forest, and without the restraint of Aragog, they are now even more unscrupulous in hunting in the Forbidden Forest. Yes, the original Acromantulas had a range of activities, but now the Acromantulas can go wherever they want. A large part of the Forbidden Forest has been occupied by them, and the centaurs have already joined forces with the Acromantulas. There have been several fierce conflicts between the giant eye spiders, but these have nothing to do with the students in the school, but the warriors.

As the guardian of the Forbidden Forest, Hagrid naturally knows the recent situation of the Forbidden Forest very well. Without the restraint of Aragog, his descendants will not let Hagrid go just because he is an "old acquaintance". In the eyes, it is just a pile of walking meat, no different from other food.

The recent commotion in the Forbidden Forest has given Hagrid a headache. Now even if he enters the Forbidden Forest, he can't say that he will be able to come back safely. The Acromantulas will sneak attack on their favorite prey in all kinds of unexpected places. Except for Thestrals, any flesh and blood creature is their prey - including humans.

The relationship between Hagrid and the centaurs was also very tense because of the Acromantula. The ancestor of the Acromantula named Aragog was brought to the Forbidden Forest by Hagrid, and Hagrid found a partner for it regardless of the consequences. As a result, the Acromantulas reproduced crazily in the Forbidden Forest. It turned out that Aragog was still restrained, but now that Aragog is dead, the Acromantulas no longer have any scruples to wreak havoc in the Forbidden Forest.

The blame was placed on Hagrid. Of course this has to be blamed on Hagrid. Putting Aragog in the Forbidden Forest is not a big deal, but providing a breeding environment for such a species that has not signed a non-aggression contract with Hogwarts, and Without restrictions, once the situation gets out of control, the impact will be huge. The current Acromantulas just haven't broken out of the Forbidden Forest. If they really break out of the Forbidden Forest and bring chaos to Hogwarts... No matter how it is resolved afterwards, Hagrid will definitely go there. Stayed in Azkaban for a year and a half.

This is what Hagrid is worried about now. After losing Aragog, Hagrid and the Acromantulas have been completely unable to communicate. No one knows when these Acromantulas will break out of the Forbidden Forest and rush to Hogwarts - there are all the human flesh that the Acromantulas yearn for. The reason why they have not broken out of the Forbidden Forest now is entirely because The Romans who held them back by the centaurs are now hunting these Acromantulas in groups in the Forbidden Forest, but compared with the number of Acromantulas, the number of centaurs is too small.

Seeing that the third event of the Triwizard Tournament was about to begin, no one wanted to see such a chaotic situation in the Forbidden Forest. Swarms of Acromantulas will bring great danger to the warriors who enter the Forbidden Forest, and even the slightest carelessness will cause casualties. The Ministry of Magic wants to solve the commotion in the Forbidden Forest, but the centaurs are They are extremely disgusted with wizards and will not agree to wizards entering their forests. If the thugs from the Ministry of Magic and the people from the Department for the Management and Control of Magical Creatures enter the Forbidden Forest without the consent of the centaurs, it is likely to cause conflicts between wizards and centaurs. conflict between.

Horse people are extremely proud. Although this pride is ridiculous to wizards, it is also true that they never accept help from wizards. But things in the Forbidden Forest always have to be resolved. Once adult wizards enter the Forbidden Forest in large numbers, it means conflicts with the centaurs, so they don't have to be adults.

Speaking of, what caused the riot in the Forbidden Forest? The reason is that Aragog's death caused the Acromantulas to lose their restraints, but how did Aragog die? Although Aragog was already very old, Even if Solim doesn't kill it, it won't live for a few years. In the original book, Aragog died a year later, but sometimes something is done just as it is done, and letting something happen in advance will often cause a series of troubles... ..

If Solim was the culprit behind the riots in the Forbidden Forest, he himself would not object. So Solim didn't object when Dumbledore asked him to solve the problem in the Forbidden Forest. He used the territory of Hogwarts to resolve Solim's personal matters, and then caused a series of riots. Solim should be responsible both emotionally and rationally.

And Solim believes that this matter is not without its benefits. The venom of the Acromantula is a good thing, and Basque has not eaten his favorite food for a long time. Besides, Solim also thinks that this matter can also train Neville and Draco. After all, they have not really been exposed to actual combat, and there is still a big difference between spell practice and real actual combat.

After obtaining Dumbledore's permission, Solim returned to his home in Fair Isle through the portkey. The door key Solim used was connected to the candlestick in the study. When Solim walked from the third floor to the living room, he saw Basque making a big pie and warming himself by the fireplace.


With a "pop 1.4" sound, the elf appeared in front of Solim.

"Dear Master, may I ask what your orders are?" Qim lowered his head and looked at his toes.

"Has anything changed on this island during my absence?"

"Those Muggle iron ships came once, docked in the south for a day and then left. Other than that, there is nothing else." Qim replied respectfully.

"Very well, let's go prepare dinner with Lala. Just keep it simple. I'll spend the night here tonight." Solim waved and then walked towards Basque, who was wearing a cool pair of protective mirrors.

"We will go back to Hogwarts together tomorrow. I believe you haven't eaten an Acromantula for a long time. This is a good opportunity."

Basque excitedly spit out the letter after hearing Solim's words. .

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