The places where Acromantulas live are usually dark and damp, and such places can be said to be everywhere in the Forbidden Forest, which means that the environment of the Forbidden Forest is the Acromantula's favorite.

Basque spent the whole day yesterday having fun in the Forbidden Forest, driving many Acromantulas on the periphery of the Forbidden Forest into the depths of the Forbidden Forest. The Acromantulas' fear of the Basilisk prompted them to frantically want to stay away from the Basilisk. In the area where they are located, thanks to Basque, these Acromantulas will not come to the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest for the time being. This also means that it is impossible for them to break out of the Forbidden Forest and disrupt the order of Hogwarts. However, for For Solim and others, if they want to find the Acromantula, they have to walk a few more steps.

"Oh my god..." Draco was panting. He felt as if his feet were filled with lead. "How long do we have to go?"

The others were similar to Draco and looked very tired. There was no way they could fight the Acromantula in their current state. Although Solim had no choice but to stop and let them recover their strength.

With Basque here, they don't have to worry about sneak attacks from the Acromantula, but for other...basilisks, they are not that much of a deterrent.

The roar of the earth moved rapidly towards Solim and the others from far away. The violent vibrations as they approached the ground made several people sitting on the ground stand up nervously.

"Damn it! What could it be this time?" 767 Draco pointed at the place where the sound came from with the wand in his hand.

"If I'm not mistaken, they should be centaurs." Solim tilted his head and judged from the sound that there were quite a few centaurs in this group. The centaurs must have been alerted recently because of the Acromantula incident. , they began to appear in groups.

"You all don't say anything later, let me speak." Solim said, "The centaurs are very proud, and some of your unintentional words are very likely to offend them, so you all shut up later."

Except for Solim, only Harry among them had seen a centaur. The centaur named Firenze left a very deep impression on Harry. He still remembers Firenze's amazing blue eyes.

The four-legged centaurs came quickly. When the first centaur appeared in front of them, Harry and several students who had never seen the world nervously held their wands and hit the centaurs in front of them.

The centaurs formed a circle, surrounding the five Solims and the basilisk. Many horsemen have already pointed their bows and arrows at the huge basilisk. As long as there is a slight movement, they will shoot the arrows in their hands.

"Relax, Basque won't hurt you - as long as you don't hurt him." Solim stood at the front and looked at the Centaur who was obviously the leader and said, "We don't want any conflict between the pro-Centa people."

"Human ponies, you should be students at Hogwarts. You are strictly prohibited from entering the Forbidden Forest." The leading centaur was extremely tall and strong, carrying a horse on his back - not a horse's back, but a human-shaped one. He held a huge wooden bow, with a pot of arrows tied to his left and right hips, and he was holding a spear made of wood in his hand.

"We are looking for the Acromantula." Solim's words caused a commotion among the centaurs. "These bloodthirsty monsters are out of control. In order to prevent them from harming Hogwarts,

Dumbledore gave me a task: try to reduce their numbers. At least make them no longer a threat to Hogwarts. "

"Groot, he's lying!" A centaur with a particularly bushy chest shouted at Solim while scratching his hooves, "What can you little ponies do?

"Maybe we can't do anything, but he can-" Solim didn't care about the centaurs' slander against him. There was no point in arguing with these centaurs. The most effective way was to block their mouths with actual sacrifices. .

Solim pointed at Basque, who was on alert, and said to the leader of the centaurs: "The basilisk is the natural enemy of those Acromantulas. I think you should have noticed the changes in the Forbidden Forest yesterday. Today, outside the Forbidden Forest All the Acromantulas have disappeared."

The centaurs began to whisper, and many centaurs looked cautiously at the basilisk that was spitting out letters.

"Can you control it?" The centaur leader took a few steps forward with his spear, which immediately aroused Basque's reaction.

"Don't get excited, they mean no harm." Solim said to Basque, but except for Harry, everyone else could only hear a completely incomprehensible "hissing" sound.

"First of all, I want to make a statement: I am a Parselmouth, and I believe that centaurs should also understand what this means. Another point: it is 'him', not 'it' Basques are not ignorant creatures without intelligence. "

While comforting the somewhat vigilant Basque, Solim said to the centaurs leader: "There is no reason for conflict between us and the centaurs. If possible, I hope we can not interfere with each other."

"This is our forest. It's not up to you, a human wizard's foal, to tell us what we centaurs want to do." The centaurs leader looked condescendingly at Solim and the few people behind him, and then asked :"May I have your name?"

"Solim, just call me Solim." Solim noticed the gaze in the centaur's hand, and then said: "The guy wearing glasses behind me is Harry Potter."

Solim's last words had a far greater impact on the centaurs than on the basilisk.

"Harry Potter? Is he talking about Harry Potter?"

"The one who defeated Harry Potter?"

Solim knew how to get these centaurs to put aside their hostility. Anything related to what they called "astrology" would attract their extra attention, and Harry was obviously their focus.

The centaur leader was obviously attracted by Solim's words. He stared at Harry with glasses intently, as if trying to see through flowers.

"Hello Harry, we meet again." At this time, a centaur walked out from among his kind. Although Solim had never seen it, he could guess "He is Ferentu————a An alien among horse people.

"Firenze!" Harry was obviously also impressed by the centaur he had "ridden" and recognized it immediately.

Solim thinks this may be mainly due to Firenze's incredibly blue eyes, which are much brighter than those of his peers.

"Firenze? Do you know him?" Grote, the centaur leader, looked at Firenze in surprise.

"Of course he knows Harry Potter." Another centaur came out, "And he let the little wizard ride like a mule.

Many horsemen began to scratch their hooves in dissatisfaction when they heard this sentence. .

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