Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 312 Phoenix (Ah Ha, Didn’T Expect That?)

In addition to flying, the Phoenix also has a way of moving that is similar to Apparition, but that is not the Apparition of a wizard. Solim has long understood this. During the first period of time when he got the Phoenix, Solim almost It can be said that he read any books and records related to Phoenix day and night. Since then, Solim has been looking forward to Ashes coming of age, because once Ashes comes of age, he can use the ability of the Phoenix - to move with his master.

Solim had the experience of being revealed by Elrond with his entourage. It was a very bad feeling, just like getting drunk at two or three o'clock in the morning, and then getting up to go to work at seven o'clock in the morning. Compared with the appearance of followers, portkeys and floo nets are much more comfortable, but these movement methods are also very restrictive and are not suitable for use in combat at all.

But Phoenix's migration was different. Solim really experienced this feeling this time - there was no bad dizziness, no sense of disorientation, and moving from one place to another was as easy and comfortable as drinking water. .

Solim has long been fascinated by the Phoenix's ability. It turns out that he has consulted Dumbledore on this issue. However, according to Dumbledore, there has never been a record of underage wizards being taken away by the Phoenix. To be on the safe side, the principal suggested Solim waited until he was seventeen before trying anything in this area.

But now Solim doesn't have the time or leisure to think about this problem, because what is happening in front of him does not allow him to do so.

When Solim suddenly appeared in front of Harry and others with the light of fire, Firenze was kicked in the chest by the centaur's front hoof. This was the first thing Solim saw after he appeared. He didn't even have time to look at Harry and the others. Solim pointed his wand at the horse:

"Fire fire flashes!"

There was heat, no smell, and a big hole was opened in the centaur's back by the flash of fire. Solim could even see the hooves on Firenze's chest through the hole.

No matter how strong the creature is, it cannot survive without a heart, and no matter how strong the body is, it will lose its vitality without a heart for blood supply. The centaur who easily defeated Firenze was killed by Solim in what could be called a sneak attack.

With the two behemoths falling to the ground, the crisis here was finally resolved. Solim didn't have time to talk to Harry and others. He ran straight to Firenze's side. Harry and others also ran over after seeing this.

"Tsk, that's troublesome." Solim frowned and looked at Firenze's collapsed chest. There was nothing he could do about this injury. Indeed, the ashes are by his side now, but Phoenix's tears are not omnipotent. If it was poisoning or heavy bleeding caused by a wound, Phoenix's tears would have a miraculous effect, but... Firenze's chest could tell at a glance that the sternum was broken, and some bone fragments had even been inserted into the lungs or heart. Now, Phoenix's tears can't do anything about such an injury.

Firenze is still conscious, but apparently speechless. The fact that he can still move now is thanks to the strong body of the horseman.

"Solim, we have to save him!" As soon as Hermione came over, she saw Firenze's collapsed chest. The little girl had never seen such a serious injury except Solim's back.

"I can't guarantee it will be effective..." Solim pointed to Firenze at the ashes on his shoulder. The extremely humane phoenix flew to Firenze's chest and shed a few tears on the collapsed chest.

Solim did not look at Firenze's situation, but turned around and said to Hermione: "The crisis is still not over, don't let your guard down, I will go back to the castle immediately to inform the professor.

Whether Firenze's life can be saved depends on whether Madam Pomfrey arrives in time. "

"Solim, is that Fawkes?" Harry asked, having seen Dumbledore's phoenix.

"Let's talk about it when I get back." Solim waved, and the ashes returned to his shoulders. "I'll be back as soon as possible.

In a flash of fire, Solim disappeared from the spot.

"Only the owner of the phoenix can migrate with the phoenix." Hermione was still kneeling beside Firenze, "That is obviously not the principal's phoenix.

"But..." Harry was a little surprised. Since it was not Dumbledore's phoenix, could it be that...

"Obviously..." Hermione looked back at Harry and said, "There's something Solim isn't telling us about himself.

Once again, Solim is actually very familiar with this method of movement similar to apparation. With Apparition, Floo Network, and Portkeys, Solim was familiar with the feeling of being stuffed into a tube, but the Phoenix's migration did not cause Solim any discomfort at all.

With a burst of fire, Solim returned to his familiar dormitory. For Ashes, this is the most familiar place in the castle. Solim rushed out of the dormitory, startling several lower-grade students sitting in the lounge. Today was Hogsmeade day, and almost all the students still in the castle were junior students.

Ignoring the looks of these students, Solim rushed out of the common room and started running wildly in the corridors. Solim had never run like this in the castle. He must now find a professor immediately, explain the matter clearly in the shortest possible time, and ask the professor to inform Dumbledore and Madam Pomfrey, and then Solim must rush back immediately. He didn't forget that things in the Forbidden Forest were not over yet, and those centaurs were not dead yet. If Basque hadn't held them all back, as long as one centaur rushed to Harry's side...

Solim forced himself not to think about such terrible things. He just hoped that Professor Snape's schedule would not change much. It would be best for him to be in his office at this moment - after all, the professor closest to Solim is now He did.

There was no time to knock politely, and Solim didn't even try to see if the door was unlocked. He used an unlocking spell when he turned the corner and saw the door to Snape's office. If the spell didn't work, Solim was even prepared to use a blasting spell to force the door open.

Fortunately, the unlocking spell worked and the office door opened a crack. Solim violently pushed the door open with his shoulder. Before Snape could be seen in his sight, Solim shouted at the top of his lungs:

"Professor! Professor!"

Snape was dressed in black robes and appeared in Solim's sight from nowhere.

"You'd better give me a justifiable reason." Snape glanced at the door that Solim had just opened from the corner of his eyes and said, "I don't care..."

"Professor, I don't have time," Solim didn't even have time to swallow, "You must inform Dumbledore and Madam Pomfrey immediately."

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