Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 318: Friendship Between Centaurs

The centaurs' gazes were so hot that Solim quickly took out twenty sets of weapons from his box as if he had been burned.

The bow arms made of fine steel and treated unicorn hamstrings make this kind of bow and arrow unsuitable for human use because it cannot be pulled open at all. A pair of bows and arrows is equipped with thirty armor-piercing arrows. Effect steel arrow. The second is the spear that the horse people are accustomed to use. Because it is a horse person, the spear shaft is extremely thick. If it is made according to human standards, the made spear will be no more than a spear for the huge palm of the horse person. toothpick.

The centaurs gathered around Solim's opened box and watched the weapons they dreamed of flying out of the box one after another. Fortunately, there were only twenty sets, and Solim was also a wizard with pretty good magic power. Otherwise, he would just be transporting them. This pile of weapons is enough for Solim.

When Solim climbed out of the box, he discovered that the centaurs were already eagerly touching the weapons with their rough palms.

Seeing Solim coming out, all the centaurs raised one front leg and bowed to him with their upper body.

"Are you satisfied?"

"Very satisfied." Solim, the centaur who led the team this time, looked familiar. He was not sure if he had seen him the last time he came to the Forbidden Forest, or if it was just because the centaurs all looked the same.

"As I said to your leader Grote before, I will provide you with some weapons before the start of the third competition." Solim kicked the box and turned it into a new one. Xiao Sai returned to his arms.

"In this case, we centaurs will not break our promise." The leading centaur said, "We will get you all the maps after the game starts."

"That would be great." Solim said happily, "In that case, I will go back first."

"Please wait a moment. The centaur took a step forward," Grote was on the way, and he said he wanted to thank you in person. "

Solim wanted to leave, but doing so would undoubtedly offend these centaurs, so Solim had no choice but to stand there and wait for the arrival of the centaurs leader. Fortunately, the four-legged centaur did not keep Solim waiting. Within a few minutes, Groat appeared in front of Solim with a group of centaurs.

The subsequent centaurs were very excited after seeing the bows, arrows and spears provided by Solim. Some of the younger-looking centaurs even cheered. Why do they look younger? Because Solim found that those cheering centaurs were basically They all have relatively little body hair, so Solim can only roughly guess the age of the centaurs by observing their body hair.

"Thank you very much". "Groot is different from those young centaurs. He is very calm. He did not even look at the weapons provided by Solim.

"It's nothing, this is something we have agreed on a long time ago." Solim raised his neck and looked at the centaur leader. He couldn't help it, the centaur was too tall. If Solim's eyes were level, there would be an awkward overlap with the centaur. That's really rude.

"You are different from those wizards. You kept your promise and provided us centaurs with high-quality weapons. With these weapons, we will be more comfortable with some things in the Forbidden Forest." Only then did Grote take over. A spear was examined carefully.

"Don't worry about the quality of these weapons," Solim said: "The humid environment of the Forbidden Forest will not make these weapons rust. You can use them with confidence. The only thing I am not sure about is whether you are used to those bows."

Solim didn't know how strong these centaurs were. Anyway, Solim couldn't draw these bows at all.

After trying the bow string, Grote told Solim that there was no problem at all and it was even better than what they used.

"It's just that there are a few arrows missing..."

Before Solim could find where the sound came from, Groat turned around and yelled angrily: "Stay here, we centaurs are not greedy wizards who don't have a bed!"

Uh...Does this count as scolding himself? Solim naturally wouldn't care about this kind of problem, and he just wants more steel arrows, so it's not a big deal.

"It's okay, it's okay." Solim said quickly, "At worst, I'll bring you more arrows next time. Anyway, for us, we don't have any use for these weapons."

Grote didn't seem to realize that what he just said actually scolded Solim, and Solim suddenly felt that the scene in front of him was somewhat familiar.

An old man, an old lady, a middle-aged man with a big face and a thick neck, a bicycle...

Solim shook his head quickly to get these messy things out of his mind.

"Since you have kept your promise, we centaurs will not break our promise." Grote said, "As long as they really hide something in our Forbidden Forest, we will definitely help you find it on that day."

Finally Groat gave Solim a bone whistle and told him that as long as he came to the Forbidden Forest and blew it, the nearby centaurs would come to help Solim.

This was an unexpected surprise that had no effect. It's a bit like just completing a mission, and the reward is a piece of blue equipment that you basically don't use. But Solim didn't refuse, just accept it, since such a gadget doesn't take up much space anyway.

In the small classroom on Tuesday night, Hermione finally couldn't help but ask Solim about the phoenix. In fact, not only Hermione, but Harry was also very curious. Not to mention Draco, so many things happened while he was in a coma, and of course it can be said that he missed a lot of things. So much so that he didn't even see what Solim's phoenix looked like.

As soon as Hermione's question came out, the questions about the basilisk and the centaurs got out of hand. There were too many things that they were curious about and couldn't understand about what happened in the Forbidden Forest last time. (okay okay)

Take the basilisk as an example. Students here all know what a basilisk is. After all, the Chamber of Secrets incident was a big deal in the second grade. Even if they tried hard, they couldn't figure out why the Basilisk went to Solim, not to mention that Solim was a Parselmouth. This incident made Harry's There has always been a knot in my heart.

w Basilisk—" Solim looked at the ceiling, "Indeed, what happened in the second grade was a bit too rough. It was not a precise plan, but the effect was achieved. "

"Then are you the heir of Slytherin?" Harry was still struggling with this question.

"I remember I told you when I was in the Forbidden Forest. There was only one so-called heir of Slytherin from beginning to end, and that was Riddle back then."

"And I only played a relatively key role in the so-called secret room incident back then."

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