Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 320 The Whole Story 2

"Dumbledore was very satisfied with your performance in the first year of school. At least it confirmed that you would stand firmly against Voldemort, which is why a series of things happened later."

"Secret room?"

"Yes, Dumbledore wants to train you and gradually tell you some things to let you understand Voldemort's past and his weaknesses." Solim said, "I think Dumbledore must have approached you alone several times, right?"

Harry nodded silently. He suddenly felt that he was trapped in a vortex, a vortex that he could not escape from.

Solim noticed Harry's expression.

"Don't think too much, it's useless, and for those of you Gryffindors, using your brain is not something you are good at.

"Sometimes I really don't know which of your words is true and which is false." Draco said suddenly.

"What do you mean?" Solim looked at Draco in surprise.

"I remember it very clearly. You told me that you didn't do the things in the secret room. Do you remember? It was after Blaise was attacked~.

Solim started to think about it after Draco said this.

"Then you have memory problems. You asked me if I did the attack on Shabini." Solim spread his hands and looked at Draco and said, "I will still tell you this now. Then I really didn't do it because I was in Snape's office at the time

"But you just said that those people are all because of you..."

"'Because of me' and 'I did it' are two different things. You'd better understand the difference."

Everyone is a bit unable to turn around for a while, what's the difference?

"We have been together for such a long time. How has I, Solim, ever deceived you?" Solim seemed a little innocent. This was obviously a very misleading statement. People who usually don't lie to others will only lie to others at critical moments. Believe it or not.

"It's true that I didn't do it that time in Shabini. It was Sirna who did it that time."



The effect was immediate, and everyone was stunned by this sentence.

"Don't look at me like that. She's also a Parseltongue. Of course, you just need to know about it and don't tell anyone about it." Solim thought about it. You can't hide things like Parseltongue. As long as you know Those who were born into Solim and Silna will know that they may have the gift of Parseltongue. Generally speaking, wizards who know something about this kind of thing are wizards with a certain status and strength. In comparison, it doesn't matter whether ordinary people know about it or not.

Draco frowned and thought hard, "Is it because Blaise harassed Silna? I remember that I told you this news."

"Partly for this reason, and also for the sake of fairness. At that time, except for Slytherin students, I took action in all other colleges."

The group of people looked at Solim with strange expressions. In some ways, this is indeed fair...

"Harry can also speak Parseltongue... you Selwyns and the Potters... don't you?" Draco looked between the two people, as if he was hesitant to speak. .

"If you say that Ignotus did have some blood relationship with Selwyn in the long past, but that was a long time ago. As for Potter later, that is another matter, and Harry The origin of Parseltongue is not through blood, but another way.

"In what way?" Harry himself looked at Som impatiently.

"I can't tell you yet. Like I just said, I never lie to people, and I do know it, but you haven't known it yet, and I believe Principal Dumbledore will be more willing to talk to you about this topic. "

"But this is my business." Harry was not very satisfied with this answer.

"Dumbledore will tell you when the time comes." Solim was impatient.

Not to mention Harry, Solim also wanted to know something about himself. Just like Elrond knew clearly but didn't tell Solim. Solim could understand Harry's mood, but Solim understood better than Harry: since he didn't tell him, there must be a reason why he didn't tell him.

Why can Harry master Parseltongue, an ability that relies on blood inheritance? This involves Voldemort's biggest secret, and this secret is not suitable for Harry yet


"What happened in the school in the second year was as man-made as the Philosopher's Stone." Solim did not entangle Harry with the matter of Parseltongue, "Voldemort

- Of course, I think it might be more appropriate to call him Riddle. Some of the things he did when he was a student, his enthusiasm for blood, his discrimination against Muggles and mixed-bloods...etc., these are all told to you through the events in the Chamber of Secrets. . Dumbledore is letting you know about Voldemort's past in this way.

0…Please give me flowers…………

"Maybe you still don't understand it now, but it doesn't matter, I can explain it to you clearly."

Riddle is undoubtedly a genius, no one will deny this. He has no backing, no powerful family to endorse him, he only has unparalleled talent and a smart mind. All the power and knowledge he possesses are obtained through his own efforts.

If someone is your enemy and you are not prepared to sit back and die, it is best to get to know him. Voldemort's past, Voldemort's character, Voldemort's weaknesses. These are things that Harry, who is on the opposite side of Voldemort, must understand.

"No one who doesn't understand his enemy will have a good end in the end." Solim said: "Look at what Riddle did when he was a student. He was not a few years older than you are now, but he already had He had many followers, not only in Slytherin, but also in the four colleges. This group later formed the Walpurgis Knights, the predecessor of the Death Eaters. And at that time, Riddle was doing You already know some of those things, framing Hagrid, releasing the basilisk, etc. But if you want to truly and completely eliminate Voldemort, just knowing these is not enough."

"Then what else do I need to know?" Harry asked.

"A lot of it, his weaknesses, what he's most afraid of happening. And..." Solim paused, "...what's the connection between you and him."

"The connection between Voldemort and me?" Harry seemed to have thought of something.

"Headmaster Dumbledore told me..." Solim glanced at Hermione as he said this. He thought it would be better not to involve Hermione in order to avoid Harry having any thoughts about Hermione. "You made one during the holidays. Dream?"

"Maybe you already know it from Headmaster Dumbledore, maybe he didn't tell you. But what I want to say is that the dream you had is true. A Muggle really died in that place. There was not a single wound on his body. , that was caused by the Death Curse."

Draco and Neville didn't know what they were talking about, but Hermione knew that Harry told Ronald and herself about his dream. .

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