Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 323: We Are All Relatives

"Your father and your godfather were wrong about Peter, and they paid the price." Solim could feel Harry's mood becoming unstable again, "Peter was rescued from Azkaban. I promise you, You will meet him again in the future."

There is no doubt that the person who rescued Peter should be the Selwyn who Elrond said had taken refuge with Voldemort. When he rescued Peter, we could see that he was also a man with a quick mind. There were so many Death Eaters imprisoned in Azkaban, but he only got Peter out. Why? Because Peter would not pose any threat to him. Of course, it might also be because Peter's Animagus could Make it easier for him.

If he really released Death Eaters like Lestrange, Voldemort would probably ignore him, a half-way monk. Freeing Peter poses no threat in this regard.

"That damn rat!" Harry was filled with hatred. If it hadn't been for this kid, his parents wouldn't have died, and Sirius wouldn't have been imprisoned. All of this was thanks to him.

"Stop thinking about unrealistic things." Solim knew what Harry was thinking, "Your current level cannot support you in killing your father-killing enemy.

Even though Peter was crippled by Solim, as long as Peter had a wand in his hand, he could probably kill Harry even while lying there. Maybe compared with James, Sirius or Lupine, Peter is not very outstanding, that is because he chose the wrong comparison object. If compared with ordinary wizards, Peter is still very powerful and can be used without any problems. The wizard of the Killing Curse should not be underestimated in any way.

"It's okay to want revenge. But you have to master the method. It's stupid to rush in front of an enemy who is stronger than you. Don't learn this from your godfather.

"Solim killed Black by the way.

"?" Harry looked at Solim confused.

"To be honest, as a traditional Slytherin family, your godfather really didn't learn the Slytherin way of doing things at all." Solim actually has a good impression of Black. Who doesn't want a friend like Sirius? But the fact is the fact, Black does have big flaws in some aspects, or it can be said that every qualified Gryffindor has a flaw - arrogance.

"Maybe under the influence of Weasley and...々`..." Solim glanced at Draco, "...under the influence of some fools, you don't have a good impression of Slytherin, but you have to Admit it: a normal Slytherin is quite cautious - except for some fools who take the initiative to provoke magical creatures."


Draco scratched his face in embarrassment. Solim was obviously talking about the time he provoked Buckbeak.

"What does a qualified Slytherin look like? You must have met Draco's father. Speaking of which, your godfather should be called brother-in-law."

"Ah?" Harry was a little dumbfounded. He had never known that Lucius Malfoy and Sirius had such a relationship. No one had ever told him, not even Sirius. He didn't care at all in front of Harry, his godson. He would talk about relatives who disgusted him.

"Draco's mother is also a Black," Solim said, "as is Bellatrix, both of whom are your godfather's sisters. She married Rodolphus Lestrange. , these two people have committed unforgivable crimes."

At this point, Solim glanced at Neville again, but Neville had no expression.

Seriously speaking, Neville and your godfather are also related, as are your Gryffindor Macmillan, Slytherin's Burst, and even your good friend Weasley is related to the Black family. relative. "

"Huh?" Harry groaned again. Ronald is actually related to his godfather or is he related?

"I know this," Draco interrupted, "Cedrella Black was expelled from the family because she married Septimus Weasley. My mother told me before that she was one of the Weasleys. Red-haired grandmother.

"So if you really want to talk about it... Malfoy and the Weasley family are actually related?" Hermione thought this was simply too confusing.

"Essentially, the last Wizarding War was just a fight between a bunch of relatives." Solim clapped his hands, "Okay, let's go further. Let's continue what we just said.

"Lucius is a qualified Slytherin. You can call him cunning, you can also call him insidious, but you have to admit that he is a very capable person."

So many Death Eaters died and were imprisoned, so Lucius was able to escape and exchange for the safety of himself and his family at a small price. This was indeed his ability. Maybe some people can't stand this kind of behavior of adapting to the situation, but it does work. Lucius first gained a lot of wealth and power for his family by joining Voldemort's side, and then "confessed" to the Ministry of Magic that he was controlled by the Imperius Curse within a very short period of time after Voldemort's failure. After paying a certain price Perfect escape. The power of other pure-blood families who took refuge with Voldemort has shrunk significantly. Now many wizards who had a chance to escape and some who escaped with the help of Lucius are very grateful to Lucius. If Lucius hadn't covered them up, many people would have died. All will be liquidated. Not to mention anything else, Lucius can control the notorious werewolf Greyback. It can be said that all the Death Eaters who are still alive and have not been imprisoned in Azkaban have been gathered by Lucius. Under his command.

Solim could see clearly that if Voldemort really came back, then this series of actions of Lucius could be regarded as a sign of loyalty. He was secretly accumulating strength for Voldemort and waiting for his master's return. But if Voldemort couldn't come back, or if his strength after coming back was not as good as before, he could sell these people to draw a clear line with the Death Eaters and preserve the family.

This is a typical two-handed preparation, this is the insidiousness of Slytherin. Being a Slytherin does not mean that you are of noble blood or that you discriminate against Muggles, but that you have a way of dealing with things that always leaves a way out. Lucius is clearly a proper Slytherin.

This was the first time for everyone to hear about this Slytherin-style conspiracy, and they couldn't digest it for a while.

" father really..." Draco was not a real fool. He understood that this was walking a tightrope, and one wrong step would lead to disaster.

"He has no other choice. Unless Voldemort truly dies, it will be impossible for your family to get rid of his shadow." Solim then looked at Harry, "It's your fault.) If you really want revenge - no matter whether it's against Peter is still Voldemort, so you'd better not follow your godfather's tricks, or rather Gryffindor's tricks."

Regardless of how many times Black came in and out of the castle, it was with Dumbledore's tacit approval. If Dumbledore really wanted to catch him, it would be useless even if he turned into air, not to mention turning into a dog.

"If you want revenge, you must first ensure that you can stand firm in front of an adult wizard, or at least be able to break his protective spell. Wait until you have reached this level before talking about other things. And compared with Draco and the others , you left too many things behind.

"But how can a minor wizard break the protective spell of an adult wizard?" Harry said, "You also told us about the gap between minor wizards and adult wizards. Do I have to wait until I reach adulthood?"

"So you can't use regular magic spells." Solim stood up, "Today I am going to teach you some relatively high-end combat spells. In some extreme cases, it may save your life.".

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