Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 328 Despicable Villain! I Want To Duel With You

The third event of the Triwizard Tournament ended very hastily. Both the warriors and the audience were in a dream. They felt that their time had been stolen. In their minds, the game was over as soon as it started.

This result is certainly unsatisfactory - neither for the warriors nor for the audience. The three Solims who caused this result were outnumbered.

As a champion of Beauxbatons, Reyna's pressure mainly comes from the other two warriors: Fleur and Jacques. The relationship between Fleur and Reyna was not good to begin with. In fact, Fleur had no female friends in Beauxbatons. Fleur looked down on Reyna, and Reyna was unhappy with Fleur - this is really normal for beautiful girls. . But Fleur and Mrs. Maxim have a very good relationship, which is very detrimental to Reyna. Logically speaking, it should be a fortunate thing for a Beauxbatons warrior to get the map, but Solim has burned them all to ashes, so naturally there is no map left. In other words, Reyna didn't get anything. She was the same as other warriors who didn't get the map. In this way, one can imagine how many unpleasant things Furong would say from that mouth.

And Harry has been very annoyed recently, and this trouble comes from his good friend - Ronald Weasley. Weasley did not like Solim, but he could help Harry in the Triwizard Tournament, and Ronald didn't bother too much in this regard.

But now it was different: Harry got nothing. The original map is gone too. Solim later explained what happened to Harry and Reyna. Harry knew that the things had been tampered with, and he believed what Solim said, but Ronald did not believe it. Ronald, when had he ever trusted a Slytherin?

Of course, this is all Solim's conspiracy" This argument spread quickly.

Think about it, the box was finally taken away by Solim, and then he said it was destroyed because someone had tampered with it. These maps were placed in the Forbidden Forest by people from the Ministry of Magic. What Solim meant was that someone in the Ministry was planning to assassinate Harry and other warriors - who would believe this?

Although Solim and Harry said that Snape and Moody were also present at the time, many people could not listen to Harry's explanation due to their preconceptions.

The students of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff were very angry about this. Their houses all have warriors. Solim's actions can be said to have offended everyone - from the warriors to their supporters.

On the contrary, the Slytherins admire Solim's approach very much. Take all the benefits yourself, and then others can only watch helplessly. Slytherins are not immune to intrigues, and if it weren't for some reason, Slytherin students would be more supportive of Solim.

Of course Solim knows the changes in the castle, after all, he also has to go to class. Now when Solim moves in the hallways, many students glare at him. But few dared to come up and argue with Solim. When the rumor first spread, someone came to find trouble with Solim, a fool who was fascinated by Furong——Roger Daixin. When this idiot blocked Solim outside the Great Hall, he completely forgot where he was. As a result, Snape deducted 20 points and put him in solitary for bullying his classmates and contradicting the professor. Everyone knows that Snape likes to favor Slytherin students. Regarding Roger's matter, we can only say that he is unlucky, but there are still students who do not believe in evil and are ready to show Suo and his maid ten points.

Snape likes to protect Slytherin students, so why not just find one when Snape is away? With this mentality, several Hufflepuff and Gryffindor student groups blocked Solim outside the greenhouse outside the castle.

Their actions were no secret in their respective colleges, but as a result, these people did not come back all night, and the news came out the next day: these people who went to find Solim were all admitted to the school hospital.

Now no one dares to find fault with Solim. As long as no one jumps out and points his finger at Solim, he doesn't bother to care about those who talk behind his back.

The cannon fodder stopped, but the warriors jumped out.

Krum had a very bad impression of Solim. When he first came to Hogwarts, Richie and Remus John sat across from Solim. The bad relationship between them was obvious to anyone with a discerning eye. Later, these two people died. In the Forbidden Forest, as the principal of Durmstrang, Karkaroff gave Krum the advice: "Don't pry, don't ask too many questions." Krum told Rich and Remus Johnton He didn't have a good impression. Anyway, he didn't recognize those two people as Durmstrang's students. If they died, they would die. But this incident angered Krum, and Solim had a very bad attitude towards him. , and as an internationally renowned star, although Klum does not have the so-called idol baggage, he is not a flashy egg who is bullied to the point of being silent.

Krum attaches great importance to the Triwizard Tournament. He thinks this is a good opportunity to prove himself. But in the third competition that ended hastily recently, Krum was deprived of even the chance to perform, and Solim's indifferent attitude towards the Triwizard Tournament afterwards angered Krum even more.

Of course Krum knows the recent gossip coming out of Hogwarts Castle. After all, he has many fans. Krum is very aware of any troubles in Hogwarts.

The despicable methods and bad attitude made Krum more and more angry. He ignored the warning given to him by Karkaroff. After a dinner, he left directly with a group of fans in front of the professors. Then I found Solim.

wDespicable villain! Krum spoke awkward English and started spitting at Solim, "I want to duel with you!"

His large number of fans include both men and women, but there are more girls. They stand behind Klum, and they look quite powerful.

"(Li Nuo Zhao) Uh... Is there any misunderstanding between you two?" Flagg frowned and looked at Krum. As a student of Durmstrang, Flagg certainly knew Krum. What a temper.

"Ovis, I know you are friends with him, but this time I must teach this despicable villain Yang a lesson!"

There was a large group of people around Krum, and they looked indeed menacing and malicious. There are a lot of people here in Solim...well, a few people, Silna, Draco and Gilvis' grandson——Flag. But Solim doesn't see any fear on their part. Just kidding, Selwyn, Orvis, plus Malfoy, who is very influential in the ordinary wizarding world, what's the use of having more cats and dogs on the opposite side?

After listening to Krum's words, Solim went to the side of his mind to confirm that he heard correctly. He looked at Krum with a strange expression on his face, who looked unhappy in front of him.

"You want to duel with me?".

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