Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 334 Return And Warning

In the end, Gryffindor was deducted 20 points by Snape.

Harry now knew very well how to deal with Snape, and the students in Snape's Potions class all knew very well how to deal with Snape.

When first-year students first enter school, their seniors will tell them things to note about Hogwarts, and Snape's Potions class is usually among the top three priorities.

After four years of torture by Snape, the students were no longer surprised by this result. If Snape had not deducted points from Gryffindor in any Potions class, it would definitely become the news of the day.

No one will care about Snape's deduction of points. What everyone is most interested in right now is Skeeter's article in "Wizard Weekly". That's the great thing about going to Hogwarts - you'll never be short of something to talk to your friends about.

Harry was already used to this feeling of being talked about, after all, it had been like this since his first year. But Hermione is still not used to it. From this point of view, Hermione is not as good as Ronald. Skeeter's article contained vicious slanders and baseless speculations about Hermione. People who are familiar with Hermione certainly know that they are all false, but there are many students at Hogwarts who don't understand Hermione, and Kit's article 760 has always been three points true and three points false, and the remaining four points are speculations and inferences that could kill people. This has caused great trouble to Hermione's recent study and life.

But this only strengthened Hermione's determination to catch Skeeter.

In the evening, several people in the small classroom had just finished sparring, and now they were all slumped on the sofa, panting.

"Solim, I want to discuss something with you." Harry and Solim were already familiar with each other, so this time he spoke first without waiting for Hermione to speak first.

"The Marauder's Map?" Solim estimated that this was what they wanted to borrow. If they wanted to catch that woman Skeeter, it would be easiest to use the Marauder's Map. As long as that woman Skeeter enters Hogwarts, her name will appear on the map.

"Yes, we want to catch her, and we can't do it without the map." Harry looked at Hermione, "We must let her experience the pain and let that woman know the consequences of spreading rumors."

"In normal times, I would be very happy to lend you the map." Solim shook his head, "But not recently.

The map was originally made by Harry's father and his group of friends. If it weren't for the sensitive time, Solim thought it would be okay to give it to Harry.

But if it doesn't work, it won't work. When Solim has something to do recently, he will take out the Marauder's Map and look at it, just to see a name on the map. Solim will never lend the map out before that happens.

"I heard Sirius say that this map is-"

"Yes, your father did it with his friends." Solim continued Harry's words, "I didn't bother you, or didn't want to lend you the map. To be honest, this map was originally It should be yours - in every sense of the word. But in recent times, this map has become really important to me.

"That's right, my brother will take out that map and stare at it if he has something to do now."

Gabrielle went back to Beauxbatons' carriage today, so Sirna had time to come over.

"Don't ask what it is, he won't even tell me if I ask, so don't think about it.

Solim doesn't necessarily need the Marauder's Map, but the Marauder's Map has been of extraordinary significance to Solim recently.

"Let's do this——" Solim felt that the Marauder's Map was not that important to him, and this thing was left by Harry's father and others, so it was indeed a bit excessive for him to always act like this.

"Harry, when is your birthday? I'll give you the map as a gift when it's your birthday." Solim said.

"July 31st." Harry was happy, but then his face fell.

"That's unfortunate." Solim shook his head.

Unfortunately, Harry's birthday falls on a holiday, and Hogwarts is on holiday when he celebrates his birthday.

(afdd) "Since you can't lend us the map, can you give us some help in other ways?" Looking at Solim hopefully, Harry knew that with Solim's help, he would be able to catch Skeeter. It will be much easier.

"This is easy to handle. There is another Hogsmeade day before the last game starts. I will just go with you." Catching Skeeter is not difficult for Solim. For Skeeter, a fly-like woman, Harry is her favorite... Well, so they will definitely meet Skeeter in Hogsmeade.

With Solim's words, Harry and Hermione were relieved and they were looking forward to the next Hogsmeade Day.

"Now that things have developed to this point, you guys - especially Hermione, you have to be more careful recently." Solim reminded, "Because...about your origin, I estimate that many people will Use vicious words or methods to attack you."

"Are you saying they are planning to attack me in the castle?" Hermione asked. Since the article came out, many people have looked at Hermione strangely, and many students who support the blood theory have ridiculed her. .

"They won't dare to do it even if you pour a ton of courage potion on them." Solim rejected Hermione's idea, "But you have to be careful about people outside the school. For example, a letter."

Hogwarts is a school, and there are many owls coming in and out every day. Although the owls will be checked to see if they are carrying dangerous items after entering the castle, there are still loopholes to exploit.

"Letter?" Hermione didn't quite understand what Solim meant. "Are you saying someone would send a howling letter to embarrass me? That doesn't matter, I don't care!"

"You'd better 'care'." Solim understood that he had to start doing science popularization work again.

Wizards have many methods. It is not just potions, spells or transformations that can harm others. Many processed and unprocessed potion materials can cause harm to people.

"Undiluted pus from the tuber of Barbo - I think you all know how harmful this can be to an unsuspecting wizard." Solim said, "And as a medicinal material, Hogwart There is no ban on this kind of thing being transported to Hogwarts by owls. So using this kind of thing to trick people is a very good choice."

This is how Hermione was tricked in the original novel.

"And not only that, if it is a roaring letter, as long as there is no black magic such as a curse attached to it, Hogwarts will not intercept it." Solim continued: "But this does not mean that the roaring letter is absolutely safe. The cry of a mature mandrake is deadly—this is second-grade herbal knowledge, and the roaring letter records the sound. Do you understand?"


Hermione's face turned a little pale, and she was a little frightened.

"In the next period of time, you'd better not accept any letters from strangers. I have warned you."

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