Rosmerta, the little widow, was so busy due to Hogsmeade Day that she didn't even notice the famous Black coming in. It was too noisy in the Three Broomsticks now, with people walking around carrying cups, so after Sirius patted Harry's shoulder, Harry realized that his godfather had arrived.

"Sirius!" Harry was very excited to see his godfather again.

"Hello." Sirius looked at Solim and Hermione, "I remember you have a friend, that boy from the Weasley family. What's wrong? Are you guys at odds?"

"Uh...he's in the school hospital now." The relationship between Harry and Ronald recently was indeed not as close as before, "Because of the relationship with that woman Skeeter..." Harry put Ronald away Tell me what happened.

"So, you want to catch that woman?" Little Sirius "643" asked, "What are you going to do?"

Sirius took out his wand and transformed into a chair. There was no room for the three broomsticks to sit on.

Harry and Hermione both looked at Solim, he was here to help this time.

"Oh, of course, this guy is pretty good." Sirius naturally noticed Harry's gaze, "I still remember clearly what happened last year.

"So, what are you going to do?" Sirius asked, "You don't even know where she is right now."

"The third competition is about to begin, and she will definitely come out soon. And don't forget, this little thing you made back then is in my hands. As long as she appears within the scope of Hogwarts, I will You can find her." Solim took out the Marauder's Map and shook it.

Sirius suddenly realized, "But I heard Harry say————that woman Skeeter is an Animagus. You were the one who told him this news. "How did you know?

Since Sirius regained his freedom, Harry has often contacted him, so naturally these things at school cannot be hidden from him.

"I'm very good at identifying Animagus." Solim poured the last bit of canyon water in the cup into his mouth, "But why did you come here today? The last game hasn't started yet, and I don't think it's because Ski Special things make you make a special trip."

Sirius looked at Som expressionlessly, sighed and said, "It would be great if we were as smart as you back then."

"Professor Lupin is very smart, but you..."

"Ha...yeah." Sirius smiled bitterly, "Remus John is very smart, but James and I never listen to his advice."

Sirius, you are here this time..." At first, Harry simply thought that Sirius wanted to come to see him, but judging from the conversation between Solim and his godfather just now, Sirius had other purposes. .

"Let's talk somewhere else." Sirius stood up and looked around, "It's not convenient here."

Usually things that need to be discussed in another place are troublesome, and Solim doesn't like it, especially not getting involved in other people's troubles. But this time was different. Sirius would not let those miscellaneous things outside the school interfere with Harry. Unless it was related to Harry's safety, Sirius would not be so cautious.

It's easy to find a quiet, undisturbed place in Hogwarts. But it’s not that easy in Hogsmeade, especially on special days like Hogsmeade. Hogsmeade is now full of students, and they crowd all the places where people can stand. It’s not easy to find a place where you can talk quietly.

The Three Broomsticks are overcrowded, and the Pig's Head Bar is almost the same, but students rarely come here. However, during Hogsmeade days, many adult wizards choose to come to the Pig's Head Bar because there are too many students in the Three Broomsticks. . The adult wizards all gathered in the Pig's Head Bar. If you want to talk about something in a place like this, you might as well go out and sweep away the drugs. As for Mrs. Puddieffe's Teahouse? That kind of place wouldn't exist for even a second in Sirius or Solim's mind.

Although the Shrieking Shack is located in Hogsmeade, it is inaccessible from here. The spell Dumbledore arranged back then is still in effect. If you want to enter the Shrieking Shack, you can only enter through the tunnel under the Whomping Willow.

Fengya Wizard Clothing Store, Honeydukes, Zuko's Magic Joke Shop, Literary Residence and even the post office are all filled with students in large and small bags. After Solim and the others came out, they discovered that it was even more crowded outside than inside the Three Broomsticks.

"I never thought that with the addition of students from two other schools, Hogsmeade would feel so overwhelming." Hermione and Solim hid behind Sirius and Harry, and the two people in front were Responsible for leading the way, Solim and Hermione walked comfortably behind...

"Where are you going?" Solim felt that based on the current density of people in Hogsmeade, there would not be a quiet and undisturbed place that could meet Sirius's requirements.

"Of course I'm looking for a place where no one is around." Sirius didn't look back, and he couldn't look back, otherwise he might accidentally step on the shoes of the person in front of him, or collide with the person walking from the opposite direction.

"If you don't have a clear place, just go to the end of the road. I think there won't be anyone there in Bansi."

The Bans Solim was talking about was one of the owners of the materials store at the end of Hogsmeade Road. DeVos and Bans Store was the name of that store. They mainly sell some simple magic items and repair tools, and sometimes they also sell some "contraband items" to regular customers.

Students almost never come to this store because the stuff here has no appeal to them. Every time Solim came here to sell or buy materials on Hogsmeade Day, there was usually only one person guarding the shop. But today was different. When Solim and the others opened the door, they found that there were still customers here - two of them. This is strange.

But when they saw the iconic red hair of those two people, Solim and the others knew who they were.

"Fred! George!" Harry called their names in surprise, why are you here?"

The Weasley twins both looked back at Harry.

"Oh! This is really not easy."

“I thought we were the only ones coming to this store.

"What are you doing here? Buying something?" Harry asked.

"Of course, isn't that why you come to the store to buy things?"

"We have made huge progress in recent research, and we are running out of materials."

Fred and George have been making a lot of noise lately, and they've been returning to the lounge after gate hours more often lately.

"Okay." Harry didn't know what the brothers were doing, but now was obviously not a good time to ask.

"Oh, isn't this our 'savior'?"

The brothers finally saw Solim behind them. For them, Solim, who supported their "career" and gave them start-up capital, was their "savior."

The brothers tipped their hats to Solim—even though they had no hats. .

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