Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 343: Best Assist (Finally Uploaded)

Crouch had fainted, and Solim's stun spell unfortunately hit him after being deflected by Barty Jr.

The flash of fierce fire had no effect, which was not beyond Solim's expectations. If a flash of fire can kill Barty Jr., then the Death Eaters are worthless.

Before little Barty could take a breath, he noticed that Solim's wand was emitting a green light that he was very familiar with.


At this time, little Barty's body moved faster than his brain, and he immediately fell down and rolled behind a tree. Back when Barty Crouch, his father, was still the head of the Legal Enforcement Department, he signed an authorization: Aurors and strikers could use them directly when encountering Death Eaters without asking for instructions or approval. Forgiveness spell. At that time, both Death Eaters and Aurors understood that the safest way to avoid seeing green is to avoid it immediately. There is nothing to say about Little Barty's combat awareness, but it was this keen combat awareness that made him completely passive.

Solim didn't use the Death Curse at all. Even if Solim knew this spell, he wouldn't use it here. Releasing a complete life-killing spell would be too much of a burden for Solim, who is still underage. Moreover, Solim's purpose was not to kill Barty Jr., let alone whether the Death Curse could hit a battle-experienced Death Eater like Barty Jr.

A variation of the Luminescent Charm would be enough to imitate the green glow before the Killing Curse is fired. Little Barty's reaction was faster than Solim expected. He even fired a blasting spell at Solim as soon as he hid behind a tree, but his accuracy was slightly off. He flew over and hit Solim's hastily released armor spell. Hit a tree behind him.

Splashing branches and stones kept hitting Solim's iron armor spell. At the same time as the iron armor spell was revoked, Solim ducked down and hid behind a tree decisively. At the same time, he did not forget to do bad things:

"Flying wooden legs!"

Moody has a wooden leg, and everyone with eyes knows this. When Moody first put on this wooden leg, the Wizarding War was coming to an end, and the Death Eaters had no chance to attack this leg—not even the Death Eaters who were still outside Azkaban at that time. Several. But now little Barty has experienced it for Moody.

The wooden leg was fixed on Little Barty's thigh with a belt. Under the influence of the flying spell, the wooden leg pulled Little Barty to slide on the ground. For Little Barty, it was only a matter of waving the magic wand to solve such a trivial matter as the Flying Curse, but just this wave of the wand was enough for Little Barty to be dragged out from behind the tree and exposed to Solim's sight. Guilty.

Little Barty was greeted by Solim's crushing spell:

"Shattered to pieces".!"

Barty Jr. felt very uncomfortable. He obviously only needed a chance to fight back. It was only a matter of time before Barty Jr.'s magic power and combat experience were used to subdue Solim, but Solim didn't give him any chance, and as time went by, Barty Jr. Even if Solim is subdued, it's too late to deal with things here. How much time is left before Dumbledore arrives? Minutes? Or two minutes? As long as Harry Potter's notification arrives, Dumbledore can move over directly. At that time, Barty will no longer have any Opportunity.

Little Barty understood that if he wanted to fight back, he would have to pay a price. He must force Solim to cast a spell to create an opportunity to counterattack, but the spell to cast depends on what kind of spell it is. There is no need to think about the crushing spell. If he casts a crushing spell, even if he does not die, he will lose his combat effectiveness. Little Barty lay on the ground, using an awkward posture to block Solim's crushing spell and the ensuing confinement spell.

He is now half lying on the ground, holding up his body with one arm, but little Barty can't find a chance to stand up. Solim's spells are coming one after another, which makes him a little overwhelmed, blasting spells, crushing spells... like this Little Barty can only choose to block the curses, but little Barty will not choose to block the spells such as the Confinement Curse and the Stunning Curse. Now his situation is very embarrassing.

Little Barty couldn't even find a chance to get up, which meant that he could only keep resisting Solim's spells. Moreover, Little Barty also found that Solim was trying to get around behind him. With the stick in his right hand, he fired towards the left. It was a bit difficult to resist the spell. The interval between Solim's spell and the spell was too short. "Little Barty didn't even have the chance to adjust his posture.

A flash of fire flashed, and Little Barty's wooden leg began to burn violently. At the same time, little Barty felt suddenly in a trance.

"Confusion spell."

Little Barty immediately judged what kind of spell he was under. The confusion spell of the underage wizard would not affect him for a long time even if he did not deliberately resist it, but in the current situation, it was the breaking of the camel's back. The last straw.

Without his wooden legs, it was impossible for little Barty to stand up in the battle. He was hit by a confusion spell and couldn't even tell if there was a magic spell flying towards him. He could only use the Iron Armor Charm to ensure that he would not be hit, but Using the Iron Armor Curse meant that Barty Jr. completely lost the chance to fight back.

When little Barty got rid of the influence of the confusion spell, he looked desperately at the three people in front of him: Selwyn who suppressed him from beginning to end, his father lying on a stretcher, and Dumbledore.

At this time, little Barty only had one leg left. The wooden leg had been completely burned to ashes. Only the last small section was tied to his thigh with a belt. The trouser leg had also disappeared, and half of the thigh was exposed, with a dark top. There was an almost layer of hair on the legs that had been burnt by the fire spell just now.

Dumbledore stared at little Barty and said softly to Solim: "`#You performed much better than I expected. You did a great job for a little wizard who is not yet underage."

"Don't say that -" Solim held his left hand against the tree and panted slightly. He was a little dizzy now. Even Solim was a little overwhelmed by the magic power consumed in the battle just now.

"——I think his prosthetic leg is more effective than any of my magic spells." Solim glanced at the dark half of Barty's thigh and said: "If he is his own body , the result will not be like this.”

Little Barty suddenly shouted crazily: "No - the master will definitely come back! You will all die by then!" Little Barty's intact eye looked at Dumbledore and Solim with hatred [Master Zhao's" I curse you"

Dumbledore waved his wand, and little Barty was stunned for a moment as if someone had suddenly hit him with a stick, and then slowly fell to the ground.

"Mr. Krum and Mr. Weasley are still lying over there." Dumbledore conjured a stretcher and put little Barty on it, "Can you do me a favor? Come with me and take them to Poppy. Go there."

Although Solim consumes a lot of money, it is still no problem to get two stretchers and use the floating spell to transport two people. When the principal and Solim took the four people to the school hospital, many students stopped to watch in surprise. They were surprised to find that the people lying on the stretcher actually included a warrior, a referee and a professor. Ronald was automatically ignored by them. After all, he had no sense of existence compared to the previous three people.

This breaking news spread immediately, and while the students were still guessing what happened, Karkaroff and Snape broke into the school hospital. .

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