Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 350 Another Selwyn

"You took the wand," said Dumbledore, "and what did you do with it?"

"We went back to the tent," Crouch Jr. said, "and then we heard the voices of the Death Eaters. Those who had never been to Azkaban. They had never suffered for my master. They had betrayed him. They were not as helpless as I was. They were free to look for him, but they didn't. They only played tricks on muggles. Their voices woke me up. My mind was so clear for the first time in years. I was very angry. , I took my wand and wanted to teach these disloyal guys a lesson. My father was not in the tent, he had gone to rescue the Muggles. Winky was scared when she saw me so angry. She used her magic to tie me to her side. . She dragged me out of the tent and into the woods away from the Death Eaters. I wanted to stop her and go back to the camp. I wanted to show those "697" Death Eaters what loyalty to the Dark Lord meant. , and to punish them for their disloyalty. I used my stolen wand to launch the Dark Mark into the air."

Have you finally found the culprit? Harry looked at little Barty on the bed angrily. He was surrounded by a circle of wizards from the Ministry of Magic. If it hadn't been for Ronald's father, he would have been kidnapped by them without warning.

"The wizards from the Ministry of Magic came and cast stun spells everywhere. One spell hit the woods where Winky and I were standing, breaking the bond between us, and we were both knocked unconscious."

"After Winky was discovered, my father knew I must be nearby. He searched the bushes where Winky was and felt where I was lying. He waited until the rest of the Ministry had left the woods, then re-cast the Imperius on me. He cursed me and took me home. He drove away Winky because she didn't think much of me and let me get the wand, which almost made me run away."

Harry was glad that Hermione was not here, otherwise she would have been nagging about house elves again. Harry remembered that Hermione said that the house elf named Winky was in the Hogwarts kitchen now.

"Then what? How did you break free from your father's Imperius Curse?" Moody looked at little Barty very calmly, as if it was someone else who was tortured before.

"Now there are only two people at home, my father and me. Later...then..." Little Crouch shook his head, with a perverted smile on his face, "My master came to find me!" "

Harry looked at little Barty in horror, Voldemort! He could actually move around. Harry felt that his memory was pretty good, at least better than Neville. He clearly remembered that in the first year, Voldemort could only possess other people's bodies. Did he get a new servant by carrying out activities on his body? Or did he get a new body?

Fortunately, Barty Jr. answered Harry's questions immediately.

"One night he came to my house in Wormtail's arms. My master learned that I was still alive. He captured Bertha Jorkins in Albania. He tortured her and made her tell many things. She told him About the Triwizard Tournament, she also told them that old Auror Moody was going to teach at Hogwarts. The master continued to torture her until she broke the oblivion spell cast by my father. Bertha told him that I escaped from Azkaban. , my father shut me up at home and would not let me go to my master. Therefore, my master knew that I was still his faithful servant-perhaps the most faithful one. Based on the information given by Bertha, my master came up with the idea He came up with a plan. He needed me, and he came to see me at nearly midnight that day. He was my father's

The smile on Little Crouch's face became even stronger, as if he was recalling the happiest time in his life. For a Death Eater like Barty Jr., what could be more proud of than Voldemort personally coming to rescue him?

"Unknowingly, my father was placed under the Imperius Curse by my master. Now it was his turn to be controlled. The master forced him to work as usual, as if nothing had happened. I was released and came to. , restored his nature and gained vitality that he had not had in many years." Little Barty licked his lips excitedly.

"What does Voldemort want from you?" Dumbledore asked bluntly.

Little Barty suddenly showed an angry expression, but it flashed by. Under the influence of Veritaserum, he could not show that expression and narrate in a calm tone at the same time.

"He asked me if I was willing to risk everything for him. Of course I was willing to serve him. Proving my loyalty to him was my dream, my greatest wish. He told me he needed to place someone at Hogwarts. A confidant, he wants to guide Harry Potter in the Triwizard Tournament, and he has to do it in a secretive way... He has to monitor Harry Potter and ensure that he gets the Triwizard Cup, and he has to steal the trophy and exchange it for a portkey. Whoever catches it first brings it to my master, but first—"

"You need Alastor." Something seemed to be spilling out of Dumbledore's blue eyes, but his voice remained calm.

"That's right," the flesh on Little Barty's cheeks trembled, "the master sent another of his servants to assist me. The two of us subdued Moody."

"Is it Peter?" Dumbledore asked.

"No, it's the master's new servant." Little Barty gasped a little loudly, and it seemed that he didn't want to talk about this topic.

"Is his name Christopher?" Solim suddenly said, "Christopher Selwyn?"

"That's right, a Selwyn." Little Barty's neck twitched nervously.

Several people around Solim looked at Solim and Selwyn in surprise... Couldn't they be relatives who are related to Solim by blood?

Ignoring the weird or scrutinizing looks from others, Solim asked: "What exactly is he doing? Is he responsible for responding to and cooperating with your actions?"

"I don't know. After he subdued Moody with me, he was given another task by the master."

Solim frowned. If Peter was alone, Crouch's escape could be explained. After all, Peter was not a powerful wizard in 4.6, but Christopher was different. If he was also with Voldemort, Crouch It's almost impossible to escape. In other words, he is not with Voldemort, or is not with him most of the time, but the existing intelligence can confirm that this wizard named Selwyn has taken refuge with Voldemort, so what will Voldemort ask him to do? What is Fudge's attitude? Could the transformation have something to do with this? Moreover, his defection to Voldemort is a very secret matter, at least most people don't know about it. In other words, he can appear in public, and Selwyn will not turn him over to Voldemort. When such embarrassing news about Voldemort was released, the surname Selwyn would be very useful in this situation.

Solim shook his head and prepared to go back and think about it. The current occasion was obviously not suitable. .

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