Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 352 Blocking The News

Without Solim, it would be feasible for Barty Jr. to create conditions for Harry to win the championship. After all, he had done it before - but that was in another parallel world. But if Zaitong wants to secretly help Harry win the championship, he has to face a problem: how to deal with Solim?

As a wizard with quite good magic skills, Barty Jr. understands the gap between other warriors and Solim. He is not blind. Even if he is blind, Moody's magic eye can make him see clearly.

After the first project, Barty Jr. understood that if he wanted Harry to finally touch the trophy, Solim was an obstacle that had to be solved. And little Barty also discovered a problem

In the second project, Harry, Solim, and the Beauxbatons girl, the three of them acted together. The Black Lake could not block Moody's evil eyes, and little Barty could see clearly. The same was true later in the third project. Although the warriors acted separately at first, the three people quickly reunited in the Forbidden Forest. If they were like this for the last project, Barty Jr. really had no confidence in letting Harry touch the portkey first. After all, he could see that Solim was the dominant one among the three.

Although it has an impact, Batty Jr. believes that this impact is not big and cannot be regarded as the kind of problem that must be solved.

If Solim touches the portkey first, he will be teleported away and he will disappear from Harry. At that time, it will be Barty's chance. As a surveillance and rescue personnel sent by Hogwarts, Moody will During the game, you can contact the Warriors in an emergency. At that time, Barty Jr. can easily subdue Reyna and Harry through mental arithmetic or not, and use another door key to take Harry away directly.

So for Barty Jr., Solim is not a big problem. It doesn't matter even if the three of them touch the portkey together, it's just three little wizards. "What kind of trouble can't they make in front of the greatest Dark Lord in history?"

It can be said that Solim has little impact on Barty Jr.'s plan. In some respects, Solim's existence saves Barty Jr. a lot of trouble.

Of course, these situations can only happen if no one knows about it. But Solim knew what would happen from the beginning. Although he was prepared to follow Barty's plan, there was a difference between being prepared and not being prepared.

Dumbledore waved his wand, and Barty fell unconscious again.

"What are you doing? I haven't even finished asking yet...!" This is how a senior member of the Order of the Phoenix like Moody can talk to Dumbledore like this. They are both friends and comrades-in-arms. "There are still many things that I haven't asked yet, you old guy." Why haven't you asked yet? What do they want Potter for? What are their future plans? Where is Voldemort now? These key questions haven't been asked yet!"

Solim glanced at Dumbledore. He was probably the only one in the room who understood why Dumbledore did what he did. If Harry kept asking further, he would no longer be able to hide something. If Harry knew in advance that Voldemort would use him to obtain a body, he would not know what stupid things he would do. In order to avoid causing unnecessary variables, Dumbledore believed that now It would be best to prevent Harry from knowing exactly what Voldemort is planning to do first, and then explain it to Harry later.

"Principal, what are you going to do with this guy?" Solim changed the topic sensibly, "—and Mr. Crouch?"

Although it is a diversion from the topic, Solim's question is indeed well chosen. Because this issue is unavoidable, once the matter of Barty Jr. or Crouch is involved in the Ministry of Magic, the news will be leaked. Crouch has not been dealt with, and there is something wrong with Barty Jr., so who knows what Voldemort will do next?

"The best way to deal with it at the moment is to pretend that nothing happened." Dumbledore looked at Barty Jr., obviously he was thinking about this issue now.

"It seems that Professor Moody is finally able to teach students after more than half a semester." Solim shrugged, "But there was such a big noise before, and many students saw Crouch. What should we do? How to communicate with him? The Ministry of Magic’s explanation? The news cannot be blocked. Maybe an owl has flown out by now. The Ministry of Magic may have gotten the news by now."

"I'm glad you noticed this." Dumbledore remained unhurried, "But you may not have noticed that starting from this afternoon, the west tower has been sealed off, and no owl will leave the Hogwarts today. Gwartz.

"Not only that, the post office in Hogsmeade is also closed. I will block the news as much as possible until there is no need to block it or it cannot be blocked."

Hearing Dumbledore's words, Solim raised his eyebrows. This old guy is really impeccable in what he does. Solim seemed to suddenly think of something, his face suddenly changed.

"But the students will still discuss it, and as far as I know... there is a very unpleasant reporter who often comes to the school to get information..."

Yes, once that woman Skeeter goes to Hogwarts to collect her so-called news, she will definitely learn about the missing Crouch appearing in Hogwarts, and she will definitely report this matter Report the incident. Although this woman is annoying, she knows how to measure things and knows what can be said openly and what cannot. But some of the things that Crouch is involved in are exactly the kind of things that cannot be put on the table and stated clearly. Unfortunately, no matter how well-informed Skeeter was, he would never know that Crouch was related to Voldemort. If Skeeter knew the secret inside, she would definitely hide far away, be blind and deaf, and not get involved in Crouch's matter. But (De Zhao) she didn't know about it, and the report about this woman at this time would be very fatal.

"Can I leave it to you?" Dumbledore still acted calmly, as if Skeeter, a woman, would not cause any trouble at all.

"As far as I know, you are very good at dealing with Animagus." Dumbledore curled his beard with one hand, looked at Som and said: "Since you can deal with Mr. Summerby, Peter, and Sirius Yes, then I guess Ms. Skeeter won’t be a problem for you.”

So in the end, the woman Skeeter's affairs still have to be resolved by herself. Solim sighed.

"Okay, I'll catch him." Solim promised Dumbledore.

"Really, I think I feel the anxious feeling of Evans." Solim patted his forehead, "Maybe I can exchange some experiences with him in the near future.

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