Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 354 A Bolt From The Blue

Skeeter's capture operation was extremely smooth. It was more of a trap than a capture. As said before: once Skeeter's whereabouts are confirmed, she can't run away. Skeeter was a woman who might have had a big impact, but catching her was easy.

Moody is himself again. Although the long-term Imperius Curse and being locked in a box have brought great trauma to his body, he still teaches students on his newly made prosthetic legs. The real Moody may be It was because of recent encounters that he did not introduce black magic to the students like Barty Jr. did in class. Instead, he began to teach the students some methods on how to avoid being plotted. He also specifically used Ronald as an example: silly, The unsuspecting Mr. Weasley was sprayed in the face with undiluted Balbo tuber pus, which resulted in serious consequences. If not for Madam Pomfrey's superb skills, Ronald would probably have left some traces that will stay with him for the rest of his life. .

Moody began to teach students in his class how to avoid being plotted.

"You must be prepared and be vigilant at all times!"

Just like little Barty learned before, Moody often said this sentence when teaching students. Regardless of the effect, the students just felt that Moody became more neurotic after being admitted to the school hospital once.

Barty Jr. was already under control, and Dumbledore needed to worry about the rest. For example, the contact between Barty Jr. and Voldemort, how to create the illusion to make Voldemort think that things were still under his control, how to conceal information about Crouch and his son from the Ministry of Magic, and how to arrange what happened after the third competition. ...Wait a minute, these are not things Solim should worry about.

Solim has things he needs to do. Even though Barty Jr. has been controlled, it is only a small change in the process, and the result will not change. Regardless of the process, Voldemort will get a new body - this is not only what Voldemort desires, but also what Dumbledore expects.

What about Solim? Of course he wants to see it too! Seeing Voldemort's resurrection with his own eyes is something that Solim must witness. As he grows older, there is nothing new for Solim in this familiar and unfamiliar world. . Perhaps at the beginning, Solim had a sense of nostalgia and emotion for those familiar characters and stories, but as decades passed, Solim no longer had that initial feeling. Now he is more of a Thinking about yourself.

Even if that passion faded over time, Solim still longed for certain scenes - the night of Voldemort's resurrection was definitely one of them.

Solim needs to be prepared for this - both mentally and physically.

The danger in that cemetery might not have been that high before Voldemort was resurrected, but after Voldemort was resurrected, the level of danger there would instantly skyrocket. Solim didn't want to die there.

As a phoenix, Ashes can naturally take Solim away at any time, but he cannot take Harry away. Solim had two door keys leading to his home, one leading to the study and one leading to the basement. But Solim felt that perhaps Dumbledore should have done something to help escape - such as giving him a portkey leading directly to Hogwarts.

Just when the students had not yet discussed the reason for the coma of Crouch and Professor Moody, the last event of the Triwizard Tournament finally arrived. The students immediately abandoned their original topic and began to discuss the Triwizard Tournament, such as who would win the championship in the end.

The game will be held in the evening, and Elrond and Gilvais will arrive at Hogwarts at noon. Whether it is Elrond or Gilvis, these two old men are not the kind of retired old men, and they have plenty of time to wander around. Solim was very surprised by this. In their eyes, the Triwizard Tournament was not much different from children's play house. The last time they were able to come was mainly because Richie and Remus Johnton came. They You came here to help Solim calm down the situation, so what's the purpose this time?

Near the completed maze, Elrond told Solim a piece of news that stunned Solim.

"What???" Solim looked at his grandfather with a confused look on his face. He couldn't believe what he just heard.

Sirna on the other side quickly showed an expression of understanding after being shocked.

"Why didn't I know?" Solim asked, spreading his hands, "Why didn't anyone tell me beforehand?"

"I have informed you 'in advance'." Elrond said with a matter-of-fact expression, "And this kind of thing has always been decided by the family elders, and there is no need to ask for the opinions of you juniors. Your two brothers We are already engaged. After you have received special attention from the family elders, you should have been mentally prepared for this kind of thing."

0...Please give me flowers...

Solim raised his head and took a deep breath.

"Damn it." Solim opened his eyes and looked at his grandfather, "I can..."

"No." Elrond knew what he wanted to say as soon as he saw his grandson's expression, "It has been discussed and the date has been set. The first day of the second week of the second month after the new year will be yours. The engagement date and wedding time have not yet been decided.”

Yes, Solim is getting engaged. And not surprisingly, it was a girl Solim had never seen before. Under the control of the Selwyn family, Solim didn't even receive any news from the beginning. After they finished talking and even decided on the engagement date, he informed himself of the news through his grandfather.


Resistance? Of course, if Solim himself didn't object to the Selwyn family's behavior, he wouldn't have had that attitude just now.

Sirna on the other side quickly accepted the news after the initial shock. After all, in addition to her brother Solim, she has two other brothers, and they are all engaged. One more brother is nothing. After all, is it possible for a wizard born in a family like Selwyn to still want to have free love? Isn’t it all arranged by the family elders?

Regardless of whether you are a wizard or a Muggle, whether you are from the East or the West, marriage requires a well-matched person. This is especially true for big families, which involve too many interests.

There are more things that need to be balanced and considered, and marriage has always been the best way to deepen the trust between two families.

The reason why an ancient family like Selwyn can be passed down to this day is not only relying on its prosperity, but also relying on marriage to form a community of interests with other families to avoid and resist risks.

"Some things about you in school, such as the few people around you, the old guys at home have already figured it out." Elrond said: "Including the French girl who has been close to you recently."

"Before the family gives you an engagement, as long as you don't touch the bottom line, the family will not care about you. But..." Elrond paused, "...I know you are unwilling in your heart, but You know the importance of "Don't hurt this little girl."

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