It was true that Harry had had experience using portkeys, but he still couldn't get used to this feeling. When he got out of his dizziness, he found that they were in a strange place.

No, it can't be considered a stranger. Although Harry was sure that he had never been here before, he had seen it in his dream.

They were well outside the confines of Hogwarts, and they had obviously traveled several miles - perhaps hundreds of miles, for even the surrounding mountains around the castle were gone. They were in a dark, overgrown cemetery, and could see the black outline of a small church behind a tall yew tree on the right. On the left is a hill. Harry could make out a fine old house on the hillside.

Harry looked at the cemetery, the surroundings were eerie and silent.

"Is this part of the game?" Harry had a bad feeling, very bad, just like the night they were preparing to protect the Philosopher's Stone in their first year.

"Solim?" Harry's question was not answered. He quickly looked around and realized that Solim was gone.

How is this possible? Harry glanced around in disbelief. Harry could bet with his Firebolt that Solim had definitely come with him using a portkey.

Wait! Portkey?!

Harry finally remembered, and he finally realized what he felt was wrong - Barty Jr. said that day in the school hospital that his plan was to use the door to take him away. Dumbledore was also there at the time. But if Dumbledore already knew about this plan, then why...the trophy was still a portkey? Why did Solim have to hold the trophy with him?

Could it be that……

Harry felt himself suddenly out of breath.

Suddenly, a sound of footsteps caught Harry's attention. He squinted his eyes nervously and looked into the darkness. Two figures, one tall and one short, were walking towards them step by step between the graves. One of the shorter figures was limping. . Harry couldn't see their faces clearly, but judging from their gait and arm posture, one of them seemed to be holding something. He is short in stature and wears a hooded cloak that hides his face. Taking a few steps closer - the distance between them continued to shrink, Harry could see that the person was holding something that looked like a baby - or just a bag of clothes? The other taller person was holding up one hand. Holding a wand in hand.

They are wizards! Harry suddenly realized this, and then he saw a black cauldron floating next to the tall wizard. If they hadn't been closer, Harry wouldn't have seen it.

Suddenly, Harry's scar felt intense pain. He had never felt such severe pain in his life. The wand fell to the ground. He covered his face with his hands, bent his legs and fell to the ground. He couldn't see anything in front of him, and his head felt like it was going to explode.

Harry fell to his knees, feeling nothing but severe pain. He couldn't feel his body, nor could he feel his heartbeat. When he finally struggled out of the pain that drove him crazy, he found that he was now tied to a tall tombstone.

Harry, who had just recovered from the pain, weakly tried to break free, but he found that his struggle was in vain because the rope was tied too tight.

Harry wanted to speak, but found that something was stuffed in his mouth and he could only struggle in vain. He found that the two wizards, one tall and one short, did not pay much attention to him, but were busy setting up the cauldron.

"First of all -" Harry heard a sharp, cold voice, "Find another person, go!"

"Yes...Yes, Master." A trembling, cowardly voice sounded.


Harry remembered this voice, and even more what the owner of the voice had done. He struggled even more crazily, trying to break free. He stared at Peter: one of his sleeves was empty. Harry (afbi) remembered that it was cut off by Solim. Peter's leg was also cut off, but now it seemed that Peter was standing fine. , maybe he got a prosthetic leg like Moody.

At this moment, Harry heard a rustling sound beside him. Looking down, he saw a big snake snaking on the grass, circling around his tombstone. Harry was no stranger to this snake, he had seen it in his dream, at that time...

Harry looked sharply at the small package placed in front of the tombstone, and he finally realized what it was - Voldemort!

All this is a conspiracy! Harry was desperate. He didn't know what else he could do now. He was tied tightly. What would happen even if he broke free? Fight with them?

"Come out, boy." This voice was something Harry had never heard before. The gloomy voice of another tall wizard made the cemetery seem even more eerie.

"You go about your business." Solim finally showed his body, but he was far away.

"Let's wait until you are done with your work before we talk about anything else." Solim's hands were empty, as if there was no threat, "The Dark Lord must have been impatient. Now that the materials are complete, what are you waiting for?"

"Didn't you hear what our guest said? Wormtail! Hurry up!" Voldemort really couldn't wait any longer. After more than ten years of suffering, he finally saw the hope of resurrection. He just wanted to complete this ritual as soon as possible. You can go back a little bit first.

After Solim was exposed, he felt as if his face was about to be burned. It was Harry's gaze, which was like sunlight focused by a magnifying glass. This was the first time Solim felt such a hateful gaze. .

Harry must have wanted to have his own skin peeled off now, right? Solim glanced at Harry and stopped paying attention. His attention was now focused on the upcoming resurrection ceremony. This magic is extremely rare, and Solim doesn't want to miss this opportunity to learn more.

Voldemort is lying down, Harry is tied up, Solim is standing far away, and two of Voldemort's men: Christopher and Peter, the cemetery is particularly busy tonight

The liquid in the crucible seemed to heat up very quickly. Not only did the surface begin to boil, but sparks shot out, as if it were on fire. The steam became thicker and thicker, and Wormtail's figure tending to the flames became blurry.

"Quick!" Voldemort urged Peter.

"It's done, Master. Peter lowered his head and trembled.

"Then what are you waiting for?"

Harry didn't care to stare at Solim now. He was now eagerly hoping that the patrolling professors in the school would find something wrong earlier [if Dumbledore came, they might be able to stop Voldemort.

Yes, Harry now knew what Voldemort was planning to do. .

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