Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 365 Death Eaters

After doing these things, Voldemort began to pace back and forth. Apart from glancing at Solim in the distance from time to time, his scarlet eyes mostly stayed on Harry, who was still tied to the tombstone.

"Harry Potter, you are standing on the bones of my father." Voldemort's snake face was filled with a cruel smile, "He is a Muggle - just like your idiot mother, but they both have their uses. , right? When you were young, your mother died to protect you...and I killed my father. You see, how useful he was after his death...

Voldemort laughed again. While pacing back and forth, he glanced around, and the snake was still wandering on the grass.

"See that house on the hillside, Potter? My father lived there. My mother was a wizard who lived in this village and fell in love with him. But when she revealed who she was, he abandoned her." "Three Zero"... My father doesn't like magic... Of course, he is just a dirty Muggle."

"He left her and went back to his Muggle parents. I wasn't born yet, Potter. My mother died in childbirth and I grew up in a Muggle orphanage...but I I vowed to find him... I took revenge on him, the man who gave me the same name as him... Tom Riddle..."

He continued to pace, his red eyes darting back and forth between the graves.

"Listen to me, listen to me recall my family history..." he said softly, "Ah, I'm a little sad...but look, Harry Potter! My real family is back... …..”

The air was suddenly filled with the clatter of cloaks. Between the graves, behind the fir trees, and in every dark place, wizards apparated. They all wore hoods and covered their faces. They walked over one by one...walking slowly and cautiously, as if they couldn't believe their eyes. Voldemort stood there waiting in silence.

Solim, who was standing on the hillside not far away, looked at the group of men in black who appeared below expressionlessly. There is no need to make conservative guesses or cautious guesses. The group of people who suddenly appeared below must be Death Eaters—they were summoned by Voldemort. Who else could they be besides Death Eaters?

A Death Eater fell to his knees, crawled over to Voldemort, and kissed the hem of his black robes.


The Death Eaters behind him did the same, each crawling to Voldemort on their knees, kissing his robes, then stepping aside, standing up, and forming a silent circle.

Harry looked at what was happening in front of him. He had heard someone say that Death Eaters would kiss Voldemort's robes. At first, Harry thought it was an exaggeration, but he didn't expect it to be true.

Thinking that the person who said these words to him was now here, Harry couldn't help but look in the direction of Solim again. He was still standing on the hillside, neither approaching nor leaving.

Even though Harry started to get angry just thinking about Solim, he was still confused. What is Solim doing?

He did nothing. Neither came to Voldemort's side like the Death Eaters, nor did he leave. He stood on the hillside as if to look at the scenery. This was somewhat in conflict with Solim's previous behavior. What he said before was obviously more in favor of Voldemort. He watched Voldemort's resurrection but did nothing.

Oh, he did, he took over from Barty Jr. and brought me to Voldemort. Harry looked at Solim in the distance with a complicated expression. The moonlight shone on him and cast a long shadow on the hillside.

The Death Eaters formed a circle, with some gaps left in the circle, as if waiting for others to join. However, Voldemort seemed to no longer expect anyone to come. He looked around at the hooded faces. Although there was no wind, there seemed to be a slight rustling sound in the circle, as if the circle was trembling.

"Welcome, Death Eaters," Voldemort said calmly, "Thirteen years... Thirteen years have passed since our last meeting. But you still responded to my call just like yesterday... …That is to say, we are still united under the Dark Mark! Right?”

He raised his ferocious face, opened his two slit-like nostrils and sniffed.

"I smell guilt," Voldemort said softly. "There is a stench of guilt in the air."

The circle trembled again, and it seemed that everyone wanted to step back, but did not dare to move. God knows how these Death Eaters felt after feeling the reaction of the Dark Mark, and God knows what kind of mental journey they went through before coming.

The Death Eaters all understood that Voldemort was not really dead. They were taking chances and thought that Voldemort would not be able to come back even if he was not completely dead. However, what they feared most happened. Voldemort was now standing in front of them, and no one would go. Doubting Voldemort's attitude towards traitors, what will be waiting for them? Every Death Eater here has no idea...

"I see you, healthy and sound, with magic arriving as quickly as before! I ask myself - why haven't these wizards come to help their master and the person he swore to be loyal to forever?"

No one spoke, no one dared to move. In addition to Voldemort, there was a tall wizard in the circle of Death Eaters. The Death Eaters looked at him secretly under their masks. They were very curious about who this man was and why he was standing behind their master. ?

"I answer myself," Voldemort said softly, "They must have believed that I was no longer good and thought that I was finished. They slipped back among my enemies and claimed that they were innocent and unknowingly using sorcery... ...

"I asked myself again, but why do they believe that I will not come back? Don't they know that I took measures to prevent death a long time ago? Didn't they witness me countless times when I was more powerful than any wizard? Do you want to prove your potential?"

"I answered myself, maybe they believe that there is a more powerful force that can defeat Voldemort... Maybe they have loyal to others now... maybe it is the protector of the mudblood and Muggles—— Albus Dumbledore?"

"No! Master, we did not turn to Dumbledore. We will not, will not, and will never turn to him! We all know what kind of person he is!

Suddenly one of the Death Eaters knelt down, lying on the ground as if begging Voldemort for forgiveness.

"This disappoints me... I admit that I am disappointed..." Voldemort shook his head slowly, and he suddenly raised his wand and pointed it at the person on the ground:

"Heart-breaking and bone-cutting!"

The Death Eater who fell to the ground was writhing and screaming in pain.

This scene was familiar to both the Death Eaters and Solim on the hillside. Only Harry had really seen the wizard's reaction after being hit by the Cruciatus Curse for the first time - it was completely different from the spider.

Voldemort raised his wand. The tortured Death Eater lay flat on the ground, breathing heavily.

Seeing this familiar scene, Solim felt a little emotional for a moment. He used to suffer from the Cruciatus Curse like this every month. .

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