Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 366 Voldemort’S Reward

"Get up, Avery," Voldemort said softly, "stand up, you beg me for forgiveness? I won't forgive. I won't forget. Thirteen long years... I want you to pay back thirteen years of debt before I forgive you. Wormtail has paid some of his debts, hasn't he, Wormtail?"

Putting aside good and evil and his position, Solim really didn't think Peter had anything against Voldemort.

He was just looking for someone to hug him, and you agreed to it on the condition that Peter be a spy for Voldemort. Peter is also a good spy, isn't he? There aren't many people in the Order of the Phoenix, because Peter relationship, the key members of the Order of the Phoenix disappeared one after another or were killed by your Death Eaters. In the end, Peter even told you the address of the Potter family that Voldemort thought about day and night, and some of them came out to you Voldemort. Can Peter be blamed for the unexpected situation?

You asked someone to be a spy for you, and they did it, and their performance was pretty good. To be able to make a group of the Order of the Phoenix itch with hatred already shows the results of Peter's work. You, Voldemort, wanted to kill the Potter family because of the prophecy, but they used the Loyalty Curse to hide themselves, and it was Peter who gave you the news as the secret keeper. It was you who capsized the ship. Could it be possible that Voldemort is still trying to kill you? Is it possible to blame Peter for what happened?

Of course, after Voldemort failed, Peter did not go to Voldemort. This is indeed a stain for a person who took refuge in Voldemort. It makes sense for Voldemort to punish him for this. But Peter betrayed friendship and friends because of you, Voldemort. What did he get in exchange?

He was as frightened as a mouse—well, he was as frightened as a mouse for more than ten years. The result was unpleasant both inside and outside. Because of Peter's betrayal, the people in the Order of the Phoenix wanted to kill him, and the Death Eaters loyal to Voldemort also wanted to kill him. If it weren't for the information provided by Peter, Voldemort would not have found Potter's home. The fact that he couldn't find Potter's home meant that Voldemort would not fail that night... Although it was far-fetched, this was indeed the thought of the imprisoned Death Eaters in Azkaban.

From the beginning, Peter wanted to find a leg in this war - let's call it a war. He hoped to join the winning side - or the side that looked like it would win. But the issue of taking sides can be regarded as one of the most profound issues. Peter did not grasp it well, which led to his current embarrassing situation.

"You came back to me not out of loyalty, but out of fear of your old friends. You deserve this pain, Wormtail. You know that, don't you?"

Voldemort slowly walked up to Peter and looked at him with his head lowered.

"Yes, Master," Wormtail groaned, "Please, Master...please..."

"You did a lot to help me resurrect, although you caused some trouble for some stupid reasons..." Voldemort looked at Wormtail sobbing on the ground and said coldly, "Even though you are a despicable person... Traitor, thank you for helping me... Voldemort will not treat those who helped him badly...

Suddenly, Voldemort struck without warning. Peter's somewhat empty sleeve on the left was suddenly shattered. The same thing happened to Peter's right leg. The wooden prosthetic leg was shattered by Voldemort's magic, causing him to lose his balance. Peter fell to the ground.

"Master!" Peter was shocked. He thought Voldemort was going to kill him. Because for Death Eaters, death is also a reward given by Voldemort.

Ignoring Peter's whining. Voldemort raised his wand again and danced in the air. A strip of light like molten silver was drawn on the head of the wand. It had no shape at first, and then the strip of light twisted and transformed into the shape of hands and feet, and settled on Peter's body.

It turned out that Peter had his left arm and right calf amputated by Solim. His physical defects caused his Animagus to be completely disabled by Solim, which made it impossible for him to escape from Azkaban. Went to Azkaban to get him out, Peter might just die there now.

Solim could understand what his tribesman was thinking, why so many Death Eaters in Azkaban who were loyal to Voldemort chose Peter instead.

Although Peter is disabled, his Animagus can still be used, which creates conditions for prison escape. Moreover, Peter is indeed not a powerful wizard, and he is indeed not valued by Voldemort. It was precisely in this way that Christopher was able to occupy an important position beside Voldemort. Let's not talk about whether he can do it or not. Even if he can do it, Christopher will not release Death Eaters like Lestrange right now, because once he does that, Voldemort will not be around him. position, or in other words, his sense of existence and importance will be greatly weakened, which he cannot accept.

Peter stopped wailing and looked at his left hand in disbelief. Since that night, he thought he had lost his left hand and right leg forever, but he never expected that he could be "whole" again.

"Thank you, my master!" Peter used his new hand to crush a stone on the ground, then knelt at Voldemort's feet and kissed his insteps devoutly, "Thank you.

"I hope your loyalty will not waver again, Wormtail." Voldemort kicked Peter away nonchalantly.

"No, my master... never, my master..."

Solim could see clearly. He didn't know what kind of magic it was. Although he had already known that Voldemort would let Peter regain a hand, such magic would not be the kind that could be used with a wave of a wand. The curse. If potions, alchemy and spells can be used to regenerate severed limbs, Solim believes it. But like Voldemort, who can reattach a hand to others with just a wave of his wand, this touches Solim. There is a blind spot in knowledge, 997 Solim will never believe that it is just a transformation spell. Because Peter seemed to be able to control his hands and feet very well, without any inconsistency.

Peter stood up and joined the circle, looking over and over again with tears in his face his powerful new hand. Voldemort walked towards a man to Peter's right.

"Ah~ Lucius, my cunning old friend." He stopped in front of the man and whispered: "I heard that you have not been doing well recently? Is that right? You have started to sell off your property? Did you leave? I, you can’t even keep your family’s wealth?”

Lord...Master. "Lucius was very nervous, and his voice couldn't stop trembling, "The world is difficult, in order to maintain the past relationships, for those who are inclined to our ideas, and for these companions who were lucky enough to escape..."

"Ah - I heard about this." Voldemort tapped his palm with his wand, "And what surprised me the most was that I didn't see you at the World Cup. I thought you were the leader. .”


"What a shame...I originally wanted to see what you would do when you saw the Dark Mark."

"Master... As long as I have any news from you... It's just that... the scene was already controlled by the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic... I... ..."

"So, prove your loyalty to me in the future, my dear friend.".

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