Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 367 Hello, Dark Lord

Voldemort continued to walk, passing by some Death Eaters without saying a word, and stopped in front of others.

"Ah -" Voldemort walked up to the two men who were obviously larger than the other Death Eaters, "You will behave better this time, right? Crabbe? And you - Goyle?"

The two strong men nodded awkwardly, mumbling what they were saying, and Voldemort didn't pay attention.

Then Voldemort turned his attention to a hunchbacked man in the shadow of Goyle and Crabbe.

"What about you, Nott?"

"Master, I kneel before you [I am your most loyal"

"That's enough." Voldemort tossed his robe impatiently, walked past Nott, and walked along the circle formed by the Death Eaters, looking at the shivering Death Eaters.

Solim on the hillside shook his head, look at the man below. Many people are the fathers of his classmates. Needless to say Lucius, Goyle and Crabbe are just like their sons - or in other words, their sons are just like them, they are all around Mal. Transferred by Fujia.

Nott, the son of the hunchbacked man below is called Theodore. Solim is not familiar with him, but Draco is very familiar with him. Solim heard from Draco that he knew Theodore when he was very young. Yes, it is understandable. After all, the fathers are from the same "work unit", and it is nothing new for children to know each other. This Theodore can be remembered by Solim not because he has a Death Eater father, but because Snape once praised Theodore for the potion he prepared in Potions class - this was praise from Snape. Soliba knew that it was entirely because of Theodore's talent in potions.

Voldemort walked to the largest gap and looked at it with empty red eyes, as if someone was standing there.

"There are six less Death Eaters here...Three of them died for me, and one of them didn't have the guts to come back...and will pay the price. The other one, I think, has left me forever..." …Of course he will be put to death… There is another who is still my most loyal servant, and he has returned to my service.”

There was a small commotion among the Death Eaters, and they exchanged hidden glances with each other.

"He is in Hogwarts, my loyal servant. Thanks to his efforts, our little friend will be here tonight... He will be with those who would rather suffer in Azkaban than betray me." people will receive my reward together.

It seems that Dumbledore is indeed powerful, and Voldemort has not received the news yet. Solim slapped his mouth.

Harry, who was tied to the tombstone, felt that his brain was running out of energy. There was no doubt that Voldemort was talking about Barty Jr., but... thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at Solim, who was still standing on the hillside. , now Harry has developed the habit of asking Solim or Hermione when he has doubts.

Solim neither stood in the circle nor ran away. What did he want to do? Harry was furious when he saw Solim now. Although Peter was here and Voldemort was also here, one of them betrayed his parents and the other killed his parents with his own hands, it seemed that Harry hated Solim even more now.

He felt betrayal and betrayal firsthand, and now Harry was extremely confused - his head hurt so much before that it almost exploded. Harry's constant struggle finally caught Voldemort's attention.

"Ah——" Voldemort turned around gracefully and looked at Harry who was tied to the tombstone, "Yes, the famous Harry Potter is coming to my rebirth party, we might as well call him my special guest.

The Death Eaters also looked at Harry on the tombstone. Only Lucius looked at Solim secretly on the hillside. What is this child doing here?

Voldemort took away the rag from Harry's mouth. He wanted to hear the wails of the man who had accidentally missed him and allowed him, the Dark Lord, to live as a human and a ghost for more than ten years. He wanted to play with Harry before killing him, so as to relieve the suffocation in his heart for many years.

Unexpectedly, Harry's first words exceeded everyone's expectations.

"Are you talking about Barty Crouch Jr.? He has been captured by Dumbledore." Harry looked at Voldemort's unexpected expression with resentment and continued to mock: "It seems like you don't know the news yet?"

The Death Eaters couldn't suppress the shock in their hearts and exchanged glances with each other. As far as they know, Barty Crouch Jr. should have died in Azkaban. What is going on?

Solim on the hillside couldn't wait to stuff the rag into Harry's mouth again. Although Voldemort will know about this matter sooner or later, but now what the hell do you want me to do if you tell me?

Solim is going crazy. I defeated Barty Jr. No matter what, a defeat is a defeat. If you tell this story, will Voldemort throw an Avatar at him without saying a word? Solim I really didn't expect that Harry would reveal this matter here.

Little Barty has been captured by Dumbledore, so what will Voldemort think? Needless to say, Dumbledore must have known the plan, so how did you get here? There are questions everywhere. Did Dumbledore already plan it? There are already people ambushed nearby, waiting for you to throw a cup as a signal, and then rush out to surround me?

Sure enough, Voldemort noticed this problem.

"What do you mean, you caught my useless servant?" Voldemort had just said he was the "most loyal servant", but within a few words, he was now a "useless servant".

"Since that old guy Dumbledore knows my plan, how did you get here? Did Dumbledore abandon you?" Then Voldemort glanced at Solim on the hillside from the corner of his eye, "Or, is it (Qian Lihao) this The credit of the children?”

Now all the Death Eaters could look at Solim openly. They had already noticed the uninvited guest outside the circle, but Voldemort did not say anything, and they did not say anything. As Death Eaters, they knew very well that they would take turns when Voldemort was present. It's not up to them to make the decision, just follow orders.

"Hello, Dark Lord." Solim bowed from a distance. No matter what, you still have to have the proper attitude when facing a great wizard, especially one as moody as Voldemort, and you have to be cautious. And Solim thought it was time for him to stand up and speak out, "Otherwise, Harry, a guy with a muddled brain, wouldn't know what he would say.

"I'm here for him." Solim stretched out his hand and pointed at Christopher below, "Let me introduce myself first: Solim, Solim—Oger—Bashir Taiwin, just call me Solim."

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