Harry climbed up with difficulty. He glanced around. Death Eaters surrounded him, and Voldemort stood in front of him. He knew that he was finished. Unless Dumbledore suddenly appeared here, he would not be able to escape anyway. And the person who caused all this and deceived himself and Dumbledore - Harry looked at Lim, who was still standing on the hillside, with eyes filled with hatred. Ronald was right, all Slytherins were untrustworthy, and he was blinded by some small help.

"How dare you look at someone else when you're facing me!" Voldemort was furious, "Heart-breaking!"

Harry had just gotten up, and before he could even stand up straight, he fell straight down again. This was the first time Harry experienced the Cruciatus Curse, and it was a curse cast by Voldemort himself. This was not the measured Cruciatus Curse that Solim had been subjected to. This was a Cruciatus Curse that was 100% malicious and inflicted for the purpose of torture.

Harry curled up on the ground, convulsing all over, his mouth open but unable to make any sound. Solim understood the tremendous pain he was suffering now. The Cruciatus Curse that Harry suffered this time was definitely much more severe than what Solim had suffered.

"Cut out the bones!" Voldemort probably felt annoyed, so he did it again.

Solim frowned. He did not sympathize with Harry. There was a limit to the ability to withstand the Cruciatus Curse. Even if Voldemort cast the spell himself, although the Cruciatus Curse once or twice would cause harm to a person's body and mind, it would still be within the tolerable range. , but if you keep doing this, people will become useless, just like Neville's parents.

Fortunately, Voldemort had vented enough, or maybe he thought it would be bad if Harry couldn't stand up if he was too harsh. In short, Voldemort stopped casting spells.

"Wormtail! Give him his wand!" Voldemort turned around first, closing the distance between him and Harry.

Peter approached Harry and thrust the wand roughly into his hand, without even looking at him, and walked back into the circle of Death Eaters.

For a moment, Harry considered running away, but his legs were shaking. He saw the trophy - the trophy that got him into his current predicament. He knew that it was a portal, and Harry had also heard about the portal key from Solim. After using the portal key, he wanted to use it again. A buffer time was needed. Harry didn't know if the time was up. If he caught the trophy now, would he return to Hogwarts?

Harry didn't have much time to think.

"Have you ever learned dueling, Harry Potter?" Voldemort asked softly, his red eyes shining in the darkness.

After hearing this, Harry couldn't help but want to look at Solim. If it weren't for Solim, Harry's only experience that could be called a "duel" might have been the farce that Lockhart caused in his second year. It seemed like a lifetime ago. same thing. But it was different now. Harry learned a lot from Solim, but he could not guarantee that those things would be useful when facing Voldemort. Voldemort was right, this time there was no mother to fight to save him...he was completely unprotected.

"Let us bow to each other, Harry," Voldemort said and bowed, but his snake face was always looking at Harry, "Come on, etiquette must be observed... Dumbledore must hope that you behave respectfully. Grace... Bow to death, Harry..."

The Death Eaters laughed again. Voldemort's lipless mouth smiled. Harry didn't bend down, he knew he was no match for Voldemort, but he didn't want Voldemort to play with him - this was Harry's last insistence.

"I said, bow." Voldemort raised his wand - Harry felt his spine bend as if an invisible hand was ruthlessly pressing his back forward.

The disciples laughed even harder.

"Very well," Voldemort said softly, raising his wand, and the pressure on Harry's back disappeared, "Now you look at me like a man... with your head held high, just like you did when your father died. ..……”

"Now - let's duel."

Seeing Voldemort raising his wand and getting ready for a fateful duel with Harry, Solim took a step forward with some excitement. God knows how long he had been waiting for this moment. That scene was what Solim was determined to see. To do this, he even took huge risks.

Solim once commented on the people around him in a small classroom. Harry is a person whose body moves faster than his brain. Such a person is very suitable for dueling. Moreover, due to years of Quidditch training, Harry's reactions are faster than ordinary people. many. Especially after receiving systematic training from Solim, Harry's dueling skills can be said to be among the best among his peers.

But meeting a wizard like Voldemort had no effect at all. Harry saw Voldemort raise his wand and understood that he was going to take action next. Maybe it was because of the injury or the influence of the surrounding environment. In short, Harry did not show any signs of it. Usual level.

He was knocked to the ground again by Voldemort.

0...Please give me flowers...

Voldemort raised his wand, and before Harry could defend himself or even move, he was hit by the Cruciatus Curse again. Severe pain dominated everything, and Harry didn't know where he was... The red-hot knife pricked every inch of his skin, and Harry felt that his head must be splitting in pain. He screamed, he had never made such a scream in his life——

It's the Cruciatus Curse again... Solim muttered in his mind, but this time Voldemort was obviously controlling the Cruciatus Curse, otherwise Harry would be like what he just did - so painful that he couldn't even scream. Now that he could still scream, it showed that Voldemort had shown mercy.

Harry didn't know if he was screaming, because he couldn't hear anything in his ears--except for a constant "buzzing" sound, and then it all stopped. Harry rolled over and got up, unable to control his body. The place trembled. He staggered into a wall of Death Eaters, who pushed him back towards Voldemort.


"Pause," Voldemort said, his two slit-like nostrils dilating with excitement, "rest for a while...it hurts, Harry? You don't want me to do it again, do you?"

Playing with your prey is not a good habit. Solim shook his head gently. He looked down upon Voldemort's behavior. Since he was an enemy, the best solution was to kill him quickly, burn him after he was dead, and scatter his ashes in the end. How could Voldemort give him such a chance?

Solim couldn't help but think of the times when he faced the enemy, when he wasn't careful and when he didn't go all out, and how could he think that Voldemort was procrastinating like this.

"I asked you if you wanted me to do it again," Voldemort said softly, answer me! Out of Body Body!"

Okay, now that the Cruciatus Curse is over, it's time for the Imperius Curse. Harry was pretty good, having tasted the three unforgivable curses. If there was such a thing as an "achievement", Harry had undoubtedly accomplished it.

But contrary to everyone's expectations, Voldemort's Imperius Curse didn't seem to affect Harry at all, or in other words, Harry broke free quickly.

He used his agile movements to defeat the snitch and hid directly behind a tombstone.

"Do you think this will work? Harry Potter?" An ominous, green light began to glow from the tip of Voldemort's staff.

"Come out, Potter! Let me kill you! Like your filthy Muggle mother!"

"Avada Kedavra!".

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