Compared to Solim, Harry didn't think as much. He is not very sensitive to these magical things, and with his meager knowledge reserve, he is not aware of the research value of what happened to him. His mind was now completely occupied by the ghosts around him.

Obviously these ghosts were killed by Voldemort. The witch called herself Jorkins - the woman who disappeared during the summer vacation. Harry also saw the old Muggle man he saw in his dream, who was also killed. Voldemort was killed.

Harry's heart began to beat more violently. He suddenly realized something, and he began to have some expectations for what would happen next -

Now another head emerged from the tip of Voldemort's staff... Harry knew who she was at a glance, as if he had been expecting her to appear from the moment the first ghost appeared. .... He could tell at a glance, because the person who appeared was exactly the person he was expecting.

The ghost of a long-haired woman fell to the ground like Bertha, straightened up and stared at him... Harry stared at his mother's face, his arms shaking violently.

"Your dad is here too..." She said softly, "He wants to see you and it will be fine... Just bear with it..."

Sure enough, he came out, first his head, then his body...a tall man with disheveled hair——James Potter's soul rose from the tip of Voldemort's staff and fell to the ground like his wife. , straighten up. He walked closer to Harry, looked down at him, and spoke to him in the same distant, echoing voice, but low enough that Voldemort couldn't hear him - Voldemort looked horrified as he saw the man he had killed walking around. livid.

Solim is not sure what those figures are, are they souls? Or ghosts - like Bloody Baron? These figures are obviously thinking - because they can communicate with Harry, and they can even Surrounded Voldemort and greeted the Dark Lord's relatives with vicious words.

If we follow Dumbledore's explanation in the original book, the Flashback Curse will never have this effect, and the souls of people hit by the Death Curse will be directly shattered, so those figures cannot be souls. But if they are not souls, what are those figures? Consciousness? But the human eye cannot see such a thing as "consciousness", and it is neither soul nor consciousness, so what exactly are those figures communicating with Harry?

Solim suddenly felt that this question was very important. He engraved this scene deeply in his mind and decided to go back and ask his grandfather. Anyway, the pensieve is not a rare item for Elrond.

Just when Solim was still trying to figure out what those figures running out of Voldemort's wand were, he suddenly felt that the sky was getting dark——

It was already dark, and the reason Solim felt this way was because Harry severed the connection between him and Voldemort. After the golden light dissipated, darkness filled the sky in the cemetery again.

The golden thread was broken, the light net disappeared, and the song of the phoenix disappeared - but the ghosts who died under Voldemort did not disappear. They surrounded Voldemort to prevent him from seeing Harry.

Harry ran with all his strength, knocking two stunned Death Eaters aside. He walked back and forth, using tombstones as cover. He felt the Death Eaters' spells whizzing behind him, hitting the tombstone, and the bursting stones kept hitting Harry's body, but this did not stop Harry's steps at all.

"Knock him out!" Voldemort was still surrounded by those figures, and he loudly ordered the Death Eaters.

After receiving Voldemort's instructions, the red beams of the Stunning Curse flew in all directions, and many tombstones were shattered. Solim watched Harry being suppressed by the Death Eaters and hiding behind the tombstone, unable to raise his head, but showed no intention of helping. He was staring at Voldemort now——

What's going on? Why is Voldemort still standing there? Could it be that those figures can really restrict Voldemort's movements? Solim could only think this way. If Voldemort could move, how could he let the Death Eaters knock Harry out? , he had already taken matters into his own hands. Of course, it was also possible that the situation just now made Voldemort a little scared.

To be honest, Solim really wanted Harry to have another encounter with Voldemort to see if the situation just now would happen again. But Solim also understands this idea and can only think about it. Solim felt that the situation between Harry and Voldemort just now was not impossible to reproduce. If he prepared well, he would be able to reproduce the scene just now. Two wands made from the tail feathers of the same phoenix, Solim felt that he could fully meet this condition... But now was not the time to think about these things, it was time for him to take Harry and leave here.

The trophy as a portkey has long been ready for use. Just when he arrived, while Harry was still trying to get rid of the dizziness caused by the portkey, Solim hid his body and ran up the hillside with the trophy. Now that Voldemort has been resurrected and is still alive and kicking, there seems to be no sequelae. Solim has also seen what he wanted to see. This is a small wish he has always wanted to see. A satisfied Solim feels—— - It's time to leave.

Harry was very panicked now, he thought he was going to die here. He had just tried it——and more than once, the Flying Curse did not attract anything, as if the trophy did not exist at all. You know, before the first project started, I had worked hard. There was no reason why I wouldn’t be able to use it before the semester was over.

"There are many obstacles!" Harry reached out from the cover of the tombstone and fired an obstacle spell in the direction of the Death Eaters. "I hope this will buy me more time."

"Here comes the trophy!" Harry tried again unwillingly, but there was still no response.

"Damn it!" Harry punched the tombstone he was leaning against, not sure what was going on. There is no way that the Portkey is not here, unless 143 - Solim has used it to go back? Harry thought of this possibility, and instantly he felt that the blood in his body was frozen - how could he leave without the Portkey? Now he I don't know what happened, maybe there was only a cold corpse when Dumbledore found him.

"Damn Selwyn! If I had known-"

"What did I know earlier?" Solim didn't know when he touched the tombstone next to Harry.

Harry had a ghostly look on his face.


"Do you think I ran away?" Solim held the trophy in his left hand and pinched the bone spur between two fingers of his right hand. He leisurely helped Harry block a powerful blasting spell - these brainless Nights, Solim could clearly see that the biggest one was That - I don't know if it was Goyle or Crabbe, but it was one of them who fired the spell. The tombstone that Harry had hidden was almost broken. If there was another powerful blast at this time, the rubble would probably penetrate into Harry's body.

"Idiot! Use the Stunning Curse!" The Death Eaters were also extremely nervous. If that powerful blast really hit, Harry would have to bleed heavily even if he didn't die on the spot.

"When will you grow some brains?" Solim glanced outside and saw that the figures around Voldemort were already very thin, and it looked like he was about to get out of trouble.

"Okay, it's time to go." Solim hooked his hand at Harry, "But before we leave, we have to say goodbye to the owner of this place.

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