Harry felt that no matter how many times he used the portkey, he could never get used to this feeling. It was difficult for him to maintain his balance, so when Solim took him back to Hogwarts, he still landed face first on the ground.

Harry felt himself fall to the ground, his face buried in the grass, and the smell of grass filled his nose. He had his eyes closed when the portkey took him flying, and now he remained motionless with his eyes closed. All the strength seemed to be gone. He was so dizzy that the ground beneath him felt like a ship deck. In order to stabilize himself, he tightened his grip on the trophy that was still in his hand, but soon he felt that another force greater than him took the trophy away from his hand. Fear and fatigue made him lie on the ground, smelling the smell of grass, waiting...waiting for someone to do something...waiting for something to happen...while the scar on his forehead remained In dull burning pain

A wave of sound overwhelmed him, it was confusing, there were sounds everywhere, footsteps, shouts... He frowned tightly, as if this was a nightmare that would soon pass.

A pair of strong hands grabbed him and turned him over.

"Harry! Harry!" This voice was very familiar, it was Dumbledore! 137 Harry suddenly felt that his body was full of power again.

"He's fine, but he lost some blood." Solim pulled the trophy out of Harry's clenched hand and threw it on the grass.

"Things went exactly as expected - he's back." Solim's tone was as if he was talking about someone else's affairs.

Harry opened his eyes and saw the starry night sky in front of him, with Dumbledore squatting in front of him. He was surrounded by dark figures, all crowding towards him. Harry could feel the ground beneath his head shaking slightly with their footsteps.

"He's back," Harry whispered. He was so weak that he felt like he had swallowed a piece of red-hot coal in his throat. "Voldemort is back."

"What's the matter? What happened?" It was Fudge, his chubby face looked frightened and pale.

"Okay, we can go to the principal's office to talk about some things. Now is obviously not a good place to talk about sensitive topics." Solim looked at the stands. The warriors were looking at this side with complicated expressions——For For them who had no idea, what they lost was just a championship. They didn't know the horror and consequences they would encounter if they came into contact with that trophy.

Cedric, who escaped, applauded Solim and Harry with a look of regret. In his opinion, no matter what, the champion belongs to Hogwarts. Reyna on the other side looked at this side with a strange expression. She actually didn't know any more than the other warriors. Solim's last action was not revealed to her at all, but Solim still gave her a coin. , after entering the maze, he told her the location of the trophy, but when Reyna arrived, the trophy was gone... The missing trophy means that someone got it, so the game should end immediately, But the game was not over. When the few remaining warriors came to the center of the maze, they could only see a bare stone platform with nothing on it.

Of course, these warriors would not give in. They thought it was a trick created by Hogwarts in order for the Hogwarts warriors to win the championship. Cedric, who was present at the time, got into an argument with the other warriors because of this - In fact, there were not many people left at that time. Apart from Reyna and Cedric, only Krum and Beauxbatons' Jacques were left. Fu was the only warrior out - if you don't count the dead Richie and Remus Johnton, as well as Solim and Harry who had left the venue.

In the end, Professor McGonagall had no choice but to take them out of the maze and warned them not to reveal anything to the outside world until the game was declared over. But obviously this request is extremely unreasonable in the eyes of other warriors - the trophy is gone, which means someone took it away, which means that the champion has been produced, but the competition (afbf) is still not over.

When they returned to the stands, they told their principals about their experiences. According to the thoughts of these warriors, with such an obvious shady story, their principals would definitely expose these warriors like them. From their point of view, Hogwarts's shady activities are so obvious that they are fools. Do they think that others can't see it? Or do they think that they, like themselves, will swallow their anger?

But what these warriors never expected was that their respective principals turned a deaf ear to this as if someone had cast an Imperius Curse. Instead, they stared at the field worriedly.

Don't know what to think.

When Solim looked at the stands, he discovered that Karkarov was sitting there properly...perhaps not "well", his face was too pale and "pale" might be more appropriate to describe it. In sharp contrast to his face was Krum, who was sitting next to him. His face was as dark as the bottom of a pot. After seeing Solim, Krum turned his head to the side. He looked very... Not angry.

Put it this way - Solim glanced at Dumbledore who was helping Harry up. Karkaroff seemed to be really prepared to learn from Snape and stay at Hogwarts. He didn't know why Dumbledore agreed to him. Karkaroff Is there any value to Dumbledore?

"Oh my God! What should we do? This has never happened in the Triwizard Tournament!" Bagman squeezed in at this time. He was obviously the kind of person who didn't know the specific situation.

"There are actually two champions! What should we do? Minister, please come up with an idea."

Before Fudge could say anything, Solim spoke first: "Give it to Harry. I don't care about this championship title anyway. Give him the bonus as well. He has suffered a lot today, so just treat him as compensation. Principal. , what do you think?"

Harry grinned. He now understood that Solim had not taken refuge with Voldemort at all. Dumbledore must have asked him to do so, otherwise the trophy would not have brought him to the cemetery. Harry felt like a fool. If Solim really surrendered to Voldemort, he wouldn't be able to come back today.

Harry's groggy head was still burning with pain, especially the scar on his forehead, which was even more painful than the knife wound on his arm.

"Okay, let's not rush this matter for now. Let's go to the school hospital first and let Poppy take care of your wounds." Dumbledore looked at the stab wound on Harry's arm.

"Oh my god, what about the others? Are we just waiting?" Bagman gestured to the stands, "The event will definitely end tonight - the champion will give a speech later."

"Forget the speech." Dumbledore looked down at Harry, "They've been through enough tonight."

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