Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 377 Fudge Escapes

Well, Fudge admitted that Solim had a point. But it makes sense. Doesn't this also prove that Dumbledore can unseat Fudge as long as he wants? Power is like this: whether you want it or not, as long as you have the ability to threaten my position, then I will You must be suppressed.

"Don't blame me for overthinking it, Dumbledore." Fudge said, "There has been a lot of negative talk about you in the Ministry recently.

The Kingsley standing behind Fudge now is Dumbledore's man, and he knows very well what's going on in the Ministry of Magic recently. The impact of the news of Voldemort's return

It can make people panic, so that people hope that a powerful wizard will lead them to fight against Voldemort and his minions - this is human nature, but if you count, the most powerful wizard in the hearts of ordinary people is Dumbledore. , so once the news of Voldemort's return is announced, without Dumbledore having to mention it himself, someone will naturally come forward and ask Fudge to step down and make way for Dumbledore. Regardless of whether it was to sow discord or not, the biggest estrangement between Dumbledore and Fudge originated from this.

Solim finally understood that if he didn't pull out the thorn in Fudge's heart, they wouldn't be able to talk to each other properly.

"I only want to do one thing from beginning to end: to end Voldemort completely." Dumbledore said: "Connelly, Voldemort is very good at playing with people's hearts, and this gap between me and the Ministry of Magic is What he expects will be defeated by him individually if we cannot unite as one."

"Isn't it just a matter of trust? With so many witnesses here, why don't you just make an 'unbreakable oath?'" Solim yawned, "With this, I think I can save a lot of trouble in the future."

Yes, once there is no barrier between Dumbledore and Fudge, a lot of internal friction can indeed be reduced, and more energy can be spent on dealing with Voldemort, rather than on intrigues and stumbling between each other.

If they really do this, then that disgusting woman probably won't come to visit next semester. The woman named Umbridge left a very deep impression on Solim. If the pink toad really came to Hogwarts, Solim would still I'm really afraid that my impulse will cause something irreversible.

Unbreakable oath——Ah, this is indeed the best way to eliminate the distrust between two people, but no one will be willing to sign such a strong contract unless they have no choice. Once this unbreakable oath is established, both parties to the oath must abide by the agreement.

No one likes this kind of mandatory and binding oath. Once you make an unbreakable oath, it means that you must abide by it. There is no room for turning back and no possibility of bargaining.

So Fudge refused without hesitation - he didn't even wait for Dumbledore to express his opinion.

"What a joke! As the Minister of Magic, it is impossible for me to make such an oath without any room for change!" Who could see that Fudge was very resistant to Solim's proposal.

"Also, what's going on with you Selwyn? Are you planning to hedge your bets?" Fudge suddenly pointed the finger at Solim.

Hearing Fudge's words, Solim was stunned for a moment, and then thought that Christopher must be using Selwyn's name to form cliques in the Ministry of Magic and help Voldemort win over those wavering pure-blood families.

"First of all, I want to correct you, minister, the Selwyn family has no inclination in this matter, and there is no so-called 'hedging the bets' problem." Solim said seriously: "Whether it's me or the bettor, Those guys who move around under the name of the family, we only represent our personal behavior."

Fudge frowned and looked at Solim suspiciously.

"I can tell you clearly: Christopher has made the old man in the family very dissatisfied because of his defection to Voldemort... Well, the Dark Lord's matter has made the old man in the family very dissatisfied. It is impossible for him to get any help from the family, nor can he represent Serge. The attitude of the Wen family - his behavior is completely personal."

Solim had predicted it after learning that Christopher had defected to Voldemort. He would definitely use Selwyn's name to win over people. After all, it was impossible for the old men in the family to issue a statement in the newspaper saying that this family branch was a side branch of the family. Any behavior has nothing to do with the family. Taking refuge with Voldemort is a very shameful thing for a family like Selwyn. It's like a member of a mafia family running after a gangster who only knows how to collect protection money from junior high school students - he really has no shame to say it out loud.

" also a Death Eater?" Fudge looked at Solim in surprise. He had no idea about this. "He joined...that person?"

"Yes, he was present when the Dark Lord was resurrected, and he even presided over the resurrection ceremony - he contributed his own flesh, and he also stabbed Harry's arm.

"And you just stood there and watched?" Sirius' voice came from the corner. "Watching Harry get hurt, watching Voldemort come back to life?"

What I said was really subpar. Solim rolled his eyes at Dumbledore who was looking at him, thinking what else could I do if I didn't look at him? Rush up and fight them? With Christopher around, he definitely couldn't beat him, let alone Peter next to him. Even if Peter is alone, Solim should stand by and watch, Voldemort must be resurrected - this is what Dumbledore means.

"No matter what, I have brought your godson back. Isn't it a bit too much for you to say that?"

"Sirius..." Lupine on the side gave his good brother a tug.

"Who else was here after Tom's resurrection?" Dumbledore asked.

"The fathers of several students in our college, and some people who are related to them." Solim spoke vaguely, mainly because he was too lazy to name a lot of people.

"Except those who were imprisoned in Azkaban, and some who died, basically all of them went. However, the Dark Lord said that a few of them did not go, and he also made it clear--Limu looked around , did not find Karkaroff, and said with a little regret: "——Let those who betrayed him know the consequences. "

Dumbledore nodded slowly.

"Okay, okay - (Wang Zhao's)" Fudge tiredly took his bowler hat from Kingsley's hand, "It's getting late, as we said before: Crouch and his son, I It will be taken back to the Ministry of Magic for processing."

Putting on his hat, Fudge didn't want to stay here at all now. He was even afraid of hearing any familiar names from Solim's mouth. He just wanted to leave here quickly and return to his familiar office.

Walking to the door, Fudge looked back at the spread.

" he really...really back?" Fudge looked at Dumbledore with a pleading look, how he hoped that everything that happened recently was just a huge joke. But Dumbledore's words ruthlessly shattered Fudge's last illusion:

"Yes, Voldemort is back - absolutely true."

Sighing, Fudge hunched his body and left the principal's office with Kingsley.

Fudge left - in Solim's opinion, perhaps "escape" might be a more appropriate description.

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