Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 395 The Owl And The Unexpected Person

"What did you say?" Uncle Vernon looked back at Petunia, "You said you saved him?"

"In my opinion, you made him become—" Vernon paused. Maybe he felt that it was a bit inappropriate to use certain words to describe Dudley's current appearance, right? "

"It's not me! It's the dementors!" Harry told the truth, but he didn't expect Dursley to understand him.

"...What's weird?"

“Dementors—they are the guards of Azkaban.

The air in the room froze once again - Harry and Uncle Vernon both looked at Petunia in disbelief.

.....What? Honey?"

"You actually know about dementors?!"

Harry thought this evening was truly amazing. Their neighbor, an old lady who likes to keep cats, turns out to be a squib, and now - Aunt Petunia, she actually knows what a dementor is! Harry doesn't know that he should be a squib now. What kind of mood do you have? Not long ago, he released a complete physical guardian. If he didn't think about the unlucky Dudley, Harry felt that it was really worthwhile for the Dementors to come tonight - let him master all the time. The Patronus Charm, which had made no progress since then, allowed me to know so many things.

But Harry soon changed his mind.

A long-eared owl suddenly swooped in through the kitchen window. Almost hitting Uncle Vernon's head, it glided through the kitchen, dropping a large piece of parchment letter in its mouth at Harry's feet, then turned around gracefully, and the ends of its wings passed over the refrigerator. to the top, then flew outside again, rose sharply, and disappeared across the garden.

"Owl!" Uncle Vernon roared, the bulging veins beating angrily on his face, and he slammed the kitchen window shut. "An owl! I will never let another owl into my house again!"

But Harry had torn open the envelope and pulled out the letter, and something in his heart felt heavy.

Dear Mr. Potter:

We have received information that you performed Partanam in a Muggle neighborhood at 9:23 tonight, in front of a Muggle. This behavior has violated the provisions of Article 70 of the Regulations Restricting the Use of Witchcraft by Minors, which will result in your expulsion from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Representatives from the Ministry of Magic will arrive at your residence shortly and destroy your wand.

I hope you are well,

Sincerely yours

Mafalda Hopkek

Ministry of Magic's Office on the Abuse of Magic

Harry read the letter twice. He was only vaguely aware of the conversation between Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia. Everything was cold and numb in his mind. The fact penetrated his consciousness like a paralyzing dart. He was kicked out of Hogwarts. All is lost. He can never go back.

He looked up at the Dursleys. Uncle Vernon was turning purple and roaring loudly, his fists still raised. Aunt Petunia put her arms around Dudley, who was vomiting again.

Harry's briefly numb brain seemed to wake up again. Representatives from the Ministry of Magic will arrive at your residence shortly and destroy your wand. This can only mean one thing. That means he must run now. Where he was going Harry didn't know, but he was sure of one thing, he would need his wand whether at Hogwarts or outside. In a dreamlike state, he drew his wand and left the kitchen.

"Where do you think you are going?" cried Uncle Vernon.

When Harry refused to answer, he walked through the kitchen and locked the door to the living room hard.

"We're not done yet, boy!"

"Get out of the way," Harry said calmly.

"You will stay here and explain what happened to my son." Uncle Vernon refused to budge.

"I'll curse you if you don't get out of the way," Harry said, raising his wand.

Just when the room fell into a confrontational silence, a voice came from outside the door:

"Is the pot broken? A broken letter from the Ministry of Magic makes you think you have been expelled?"

Harry couldn't believe his ears. This sound was extremely familiar to Harry, but Harry couldn't believe it was here - at the door of the Dursleys' house?

"Solim?" Harry asked uncertainly.

"Of course it's me! Hurry up and open the door."

Of course Vernon would not let Harry open the door. The only person who could get acquainted with someone like Harry was "that kind of person". Vernon thought it was bad enough to have a person like Harry in the family, so how could he let another one do it? Unknown "freaks" enter his house.

"Let me pass." Harry said, looking at Uncle Vernon who was blocking the entrance to the living room.

"No, I will not let another person like you enter my home!" Vernon was very tough, and he was determined not to let Harry go.

"Okay, if you don't let me in, then I will have to come in by myself." Solim's voice came in again from outside the door, followed by the sound of the door opening.

A dangerous "freak" broke into his house? Uncle Vernon was a little scared, but he still opened the living room door and tried to drive Solim out.

"Get out! We don't welcome people like you here!" Uncle Vernon, who was yelling at Solim with a stern look, frowned when he saw Solim. He was a little confused because Solim didn't look like "that kind of person." "People"——The boy in front of him was obviously underage, but he was dressed very well. He was not wearing a dirty black robe and a ridiculous pointed hat on his head as he originally thought.

"Look, I could have come in by myself." Solim pointed to the closed door behind him and said, "But I think since the owner here is at home, I still want to be polite, but it seems like I'm overthinking it. .”

"Who are you? Why did you come to our house?" Uncle Vernon looked at Solim warily.

"I'm Harry's classmate." Uncle Vernon's eyes widened when he heard Solim's words.

"As for why I'm here?" Solim smiled at Harry behind Vernon and said, "Of course it's to prevent someone from doing something stupid - whether it's you or Harry."

"Why don't we go in and talk?" Solim glanced into the room. "I think your son needs help now - if you want him to stay like this, then just pretend I didn't say so."

"Solim! Why are you here?" Harry squeezed out from behind Uncle Vernon's fat body.

"Dumbledore asked me - of course, maybe he thinks I shouldn't be so idle during this holiday... In short, he asked me to come and see you, so as not to make you do something drastic - - Like get out of the house.”

After entering the house, Solim began to look at the furnishings in the Dursley's house. Solim had also thought about getting some electrical appliances in his house - such as TVs or lamps. The magic set by Elrond conflicted with these. Solim either chose to remove those defensive measures or not. Use any electrical appliance, and it's really inconvenient to get those things on Fair Isle.

To be honest, this period of vacation gave Solim a sense of boredom that he had not seen for a long time. .

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