Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 400 What You Should Know

"Then it's not your turn to make decisions for him." Sirius said tit for tat, "The things he has experienced are enough to prove that he is qualified to know these things."

"Harry was trapped in that Muggle home for a whole month. He has the right to know what happened-" Sirius took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

"Wait a minute!" George interrupted loudly.

"Why did Harry's question get answered?" Fred asked angrily.

"We've been trying to get something out of you for a month, but you won't tell us anything!" George said.

"You're too young, you didn't join the Order of the Phoenix," Fred said. That high-pitched, thin voice was just like his mother's. It sounded incredible, and Harry wasn't even an adult yet!"

"No one told you what the Order of the Phoenix was doing, and you can't blame me for that," "Five-five-three," Sirius said calmly, "That was your parents' decision. And Harry is not.

"I'll say it again! Sirius!" Mrs. Weasley put her hands on her hips and looked at him fiercely, "You are just his 'godfather' and not his father. You don't need to decide what is good for Harry!"

Mrs. Weasley said sternly, the expression on her normally kind and kind face was scary, "I assume you haven't forgotten what Dumbledore said?"

"Which part?" Sirius asked politely, but with the look of a man ready to fight.

"Just don't tell Harry what he doesn't need to know," Mrs. Weiss said, emphasizing the last few ministers.

The heads of the Weasley children were swiveling between Sirius and Mrs. Weasley, as if they were watching a back-and-forth action on a tennis court. Lupine stared at Sirius unblinkingly.

"I'm only going to tell Harry what he needs to know, Molly," Sirius said. "He was the one who saw Voldemort resurrected. He is more qualified than anyone else to know these things."

"He's not a member of the Order of the Phoenix yet!" said Mrs. Weasley. "He's only fifteen years old, and—"

"But he has experienced no less than most people in the Order of the Phoenix," Sirius looked at Mrs. Weasley sarcastically, "even more than some people."

"No one denies what he did!" Mrs. Weasley seemed not to have heard Sirius's sarcasm. Her voice became higher and higher, and her fists on the armrests of the chair were shaking slightly, but he was still - not - an adult. !”

"He's not a child anymore!" said Sirius impatiently.

Harry was a little bored. He didn't know why, but when he saw Mrs. Weasley arguing with his godfather, the evil fire in Harry's heart grew stronger and stronger. He felt that it would be better to stay here at the Dursleys' house, so he leaned under the window and said Maybe you can learn something else from TV.

"Harry, where are you going?" Sirius saw Harry push away his chair and stand up.

"I'm going back to the bedroom." Harry said calmly: "Maybe I will stay in the bedroom until I am an adult, and then maybe you will tell me what happened.

The adults in the room exchanged glances with each other.

"Oh, dear." Mrs. Weasley quickly gave Harry an unpleasant smile, "We were just discussing..."

"Since you are not going to tell me about Voldemort, why do I still stay here?" Harry tried hard to suppress his overwhelming anger, "You brought me here.

But you didn’t tell me why dementors appeared on Muggle streets, and you didn’t tell me what Voldemort was doing – I saw his resurrection with my own eyes, but you think I’m not qualified to know this?”

Harry couldn't control his anger after talking about it. It's no wonder that after being suppressed for more than a month, he finally thought that he would finally know some news after coming here, but the result was nothing like what he had at the Dursley's house. Both.

"I should have asked Solim at the Dursley's, maybe he would have told me." Harry lowered his head and prepared to go back to his room.

Sirius and Lupine looked at each other. When they saw Solim at the Dursley's house, the two brothers were not surprised. Moody had told them the situation before setting off, saying that Dumbledore had sent someone to stabilize Harry. Something was clearly wrong with Harry's mood now, and everyone except Mrs. Weasley could understand. After all, Harry had been through so much, but in the end they had to keep it a secret from him. Everyone can understand that Harry has emotions.

"What does this have to do with Selwyn?" Ronald still didn't know what happened at the Dursley's house.

Fred and George exchanged glances covertly. Their plan had gone bankrupt - all the goods they had made at home had been confiscated by their mother, which meant - the early payment Solim had given them. The investment has been in vain... The brothers have no idea how to tell Solim about this.

"Oh, Harry, dear..." Mrs. Weasley finally realized that something was wrong with Harry's mood, "We are doing this for your own good..."

"For his own good?!" Sirius raised his voice, "If you are really for his own good, you should tell him what happened instead of stopping us from telling him the truth! He still doesn't know why the dementors attacked Where is he?"

"I don't want to argue with you Arthur! Help me." Mrs. Weasley asked her husband for help.

Mr. Weasley did not speak immediately, but took off his glasses and slowly wiped the lenses on his robes without looking at his wife. He carefully put his glasses back on before speaking.

"Dumbledore understands that things have changed, Molly. He agrees that Harry must be informed of the latest news to a certain extent, and since Harry is now living at the headquarters, I thought it would be okay for us to tell him a few things."

"Personally," Lupine finally looked away from Sirius and spoke softly.

Mrs. Weasley turned to him immediately, hoping that she would finally have a supporter.

"I think it would be best for Harry to get the truth from us - not all the facts, Molly, but a general picture, so that he doesn't get a confusing picture from someone else."

"Okay," Mrs. Wei Xinlai said. She took a deep breath and glanced around the dining table, hoping to get support for 2.6, but no one responded. "Okay, it seems that my opinion is going to be rejected. I I just want to say: Dumbledore must have his reasons for not wanting Harry to know too much. As a person who cares about Harry's vital interests -"

"He is not your son." Sirius still remembered what Mrs. Weasley said just now.

"Molly, you're not the only one at this table who cares about Harry." Lupin quickly smoothed things over, otherwise the two of them would definitely quarrel again.

"I think it's best to allow Harry to express his opinion on this matter," Lupin continued, "He is not young anymore and can make his own decisions.

"I want to know what happened!" Harry immediately said: "Why did the dementors appear in Little Whinging, and "What are Voldemort and the Death Eaters doing during this holiday!"

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