On the second day after the exam, there was a rumor circulating among the students: the corridor on the fourth floor, which Headmaster Dumbledore pointed out not to enter when the school started, was guarded by the Sorcerer's Stone. Every professor has set up traps to protect it. But Professor Quirrell, who just came this year, wanted to steal the Sorcerer's Stone. It was Harry Potter and three other Gryffindor students who stopped him, and their four freshmen protected the Sorcerer's Stone.

There was no Solim in these rumors, no Evans, no Draco, and no Voldemort. Who spread these rumors? Harry and the others are still lying in the school hospital, and Solim is not a big mouther. It could only be Dumbledore: he was giving Harry a boost. Dumbledore himself is a person who experienced it first-hand: when danger comes, the people will put their hopes and pins on those wizards with great strength and good reputation. Does Harry have great strength? Maybe in the future, but now he is just a little wizard who has not yet fully developed, and Dumbledore is trying to build momentum for him.

Solim and Dumbledore talked a lot about the Sorcerer's Stone at the end, among which Solim "880" Lim made a request: It's okay to create momentum for Harry, as long as he and Draco are not involved, it doesn't matter how many points you give to Gryffindor OK, but don't bring the Slytherins into it.

Dumbledore didn't say anything about Solim's request. In the eyes of Solim and Dumbledore, these are minor issues, not necessary to discuss.

Dumbledore finally agreed to Solim, as long as there is time during the holidays, he will come to Solim and Snape.

Harry was still in a coma, but Hermione and Ronald were just terrified and fine. When gossip spreads, there will always be a large group of people around the two to ask the truth. Hermione wasn't interested in these things, but Ronald was enjoying them, bragging about how they had cracked the levels set by the professors along the way, and how they had protected the Philosopher's Stone from Quirrell. But after Dumbledore's warning and Hermione's repeated emphasis, Ronald finally didn't say anything about smoking Voldemort.

The final exams are over, and it's the last Quidditch match of the year. Almost all the students from the school crowded onto the pitch to watch the game, but Hermione didn't go.

After the dust settled that night, Hermione lay in bed in the school hospital, going through the whole thing in her head. She figured out many things that she didn't think clearly at the time, but she also had some doubts. Since today was the last Quidditch match and there was no one in the castle, Hermione was going to ask Solim for clarification. She knew that Solim would never go to the game.

Hermione knew where to find Solim, and she had learned from her usual contact that Solim basically wouldn't appear in the Slytherin common room except to sleep. He was confined to his small classroom during the day except for class time, and at night he brewed potions in a hidden room near the Slytherin common room, Hermione knew all about that.

Sure enough, when Hermione came to the small classroom, Solim, Draco and Neville were all there.

"Hermione, I guessed that you would come to see me as soon as you came out of the school hospital." Solim took a cushion from the side and threw it to Hermione, "You came just in time, I'm giving these two guys who don't have a good head Explain the situation."

"Then let's move on, Draco, didn't you wonder last night why the professors used devil's nets, which are obviously unqualified, to protect the Philosopher's Stone?"

After going through the whole process, has your doubt been resolved?"

"I do have some ideas, but..." Draco hesitated, "But it doesn't seem to make sense.

"It's okay, let's hear it, I think Hermione should have this question too?" Solim asked.

Hermione nodded, but said nothing.

"The last mirror, obviously stopped Quirrell or... that person" Draco didn't directly say Voldemort's name this time, but last night Draco said Voldemort's name in agitated mood Name, now that he has calmed down, he naturally wouldn't say that person's name casually. After all, Voldemort's prestige is too deep.

"But it's the Philosopher's Stone. How can the professors believe that the mirror can block him? If the professors are sure that he can't take the Philosopher's Stone, it doesn't seem to matter whether the arrangements in front are there or not." Draco said I asked my own question, and it was also Hermione's question: "The levels arranged by Professor Sprout, Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall are meaningless no matter how you look at them, let alone Voldemort, ordinary adult wizards can also Pass easily."

Glancing at Draco and Hermione, Solim said, "You guys are thinking right. If you want to prevent Voldemort from getting the Sorcerer's Stone, a Mirror of Erised is enough. But this doesn't mean that the levels arranged by these professors in front are completely free. It doesn't work." Solim smiled, "You guys forgot about Harry Potter."

Draco on one side hadn't turned the corner yet, but Hermione understood what Solim meant.

"You're saying those traps are actually not for Voldemort, but for Harry?" Hermione said in disbelief. "But why? And how did the professors know that Harry was going there?"

"Hermione, you have to know that Harry's personality makes his actions very predictable. And haven't you thought about it? Using traps to protect an item, especially an item like the Philosopher's Stone, the power of the trap is naturally more powerful." The bigger the better, right? But look at the traps set up by the professors, how lethal are they? Those traps are not lethal, and the one by Professor Flitwick even has a broom ready for you, what do you think? The agency would do such a stupid thing? Those agencies are tailor-made for you...

"Harry is good at flying, Ronald is good at playing wizard chess, and I..." Hermione thought about the design of those levels carefully, "Well, you are right." Thinking that the efforts of myself and others were all done by others Arranged, Hermione was a little frustrated.

"As for you asking me, professors...or why Professor Dumbledore did this," Solim paused, "That's because Professor Dumbledore wanted to know two things."

"Two things?" Hermione and Draco said in unison, while Neville, as usual, sat aside without saying a word.

"One, is to confirm Voldemort's current situation and judge when he will return." Hearing Solim's words, Hermione tensed her body, Draco's face became even paler, and Neville pursed his lips.

"There's one more thing that Dumbledore wants to see most - Harry's choice."

"Harry's...choice?" Hermione asked puzzled.

"Ask yourselves, in the situation last night, when facing Voldemort, how many people could fight Voldemort as hard as Harry did in order to protect the Sorcerer's Stone? How many people would rather die than surrender in front of Voldemort? What Dumbledore wanted to know That's it: Harry, the coward who would kneel before Voldemort, and the fighter who fought back when his life was threatened."

"Obviously, Professor Dumbledore is extremely satisfied with Harry's choice."

"But, Solim, what's the point?" Draco was still a little confused.

Shaking his head, Solim explained to Draco: "You all know Harry's nickname, right? What do they call him? 'Savior', right? When Voldemort returns, Harry will become the banner against Voldemort, He 4.0 can unite people, you all know how scared ordinary wizards are of Voldemort and his Death Eaters.

"So as long as there is Harry, the person who once terminated Voldemort, the wizards will have the will and confidence to resist, so it's like this..." Hermione's expression changed suddenly, she stared at Solim and asked: "Then you don't want to explain why you showed up there last night? And when you showed up, I saw you were holding a bucket of popcorn in your hand." Hermione said fiercely.

"Uh...how should I put it?" Solim scratched his head, "We went there just in case, and for that, I called Evans up—it was his job after all, and then I took Draco and Neville with me by the way, and let them see and see. That's about it."

"What's with the popcorn?" Hermione was still relentless.

Solim leaned his neck back, looked at the ceiling, and thought, if it wasn't for the conditions, I still want to take the ice down.

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