After leaving Ollivander, Solim took Silna to buy the rest.

"Are you going to the Yila Owl Shop or are you going to Wonder Zoo?" Solim asked Cyrna.

There are only owls for sale at the Eilah Owl Shop, which is where Harry's Hedwig bought them. And Wonder Zoo has it all. That's where Hermione's Crookshanks came from.

"Wonderful Zoo," Selna said, "We basically don't use owls or anything like that."

Wonder Zoo is a very crowded, noisy pet store full of animal noises. The store owner is a female owner wearing thick black-rimmed glasses, who sells all kinds of animals.

I saw business coming early in the morning, dealing with animal excrement, and the female boss who was feeding the animals breakfast warmly greeted me.

"Are you here to buy a pet? What do you want? We have it all here!"

"Let's not talk about the weird ones, let's talk about the normal ones. What do you think?" Solim looked at his sister, "The ones with cats and dogs are good."

Silna ignored Solim's words, she seemed to be in a daze now.

"Sirna?" Solim called out.

"Huh? Did you hear anything just now?" Selna began to look around the room.

Glancing at his younger sister, Solim said to the female boss: "Let's pick and choose first, and we'll tell you when we're done."

The female boss turned around and started busy with the things in the store.

"What did you hear?"

"Just here...... I can't say, anyway, I can be sure that not only the three of us were talking here just now, but also a voice."

Solim narrowed his eyes.

"Listen!" Sirna obviously heard that voice again.

But Solim didn't hear anything, the noise inside the shop was too loud. The sounds of various animals are so mixed that it is difficult to distinguish one specific sound.

"He said he was a little cold." Sierna looked back at Solim.

animal? cold? no way?

Solim looked at his sister, took her hand and began to walk around the store, as if he was looking for something.

"That's it, Sirna, listen, is it this?" Solim led Sirna to a cage.

Solim, who had been paying attention to Sirna, noticed that his sister's expression began to change.

"I...I'm a...." Sirna's expression was very strange, shock, fear, excitement, and excitement, all these displayed on the face at the same time, it would be really strange.

"That's right, it should be." Solim was also surprised, he never thought that his sister could be a Parseltongue. I will meet snakes this year, and my sister who is just about to enter school is a Parseltongue, this is simply...

"Don't tell anyone about this." Solim pulled Sirna up, but why didn't you know that you were a...

Sirna gave Solim a blank look and didn't speak. Seeing Sirna's expression, Solim also recalled, where did the snake come from in Selwyn Castle? Naturally, Sirna's talent has never been revealed.

"You want this?" Solim knelt down, looking at the snake in the cage. It was a white snake with green eyes, and a small, pointed horn emerged from the snake's head.

"Oh, you guys really have a good eye!" The female boss touched it at some point and started her sales promotion, "This snake is very rare with the lineage of long-horned water snake. You can see the pointed horn on its head. Is it? It's still young. When it grows up, the horn will be useful.

Both Solim and Sirna knew exactly what the lady boss was talking about. The horns of the horned water snake can be used to make magic wands, which are expensive.

"Okay, that's it, Sirna, you have to treat it well." Solim stood up, and said to the boss, "This snake, plus that cat." Solim pointed to a cage at the top of the shelf . It was a black cat with no variegated color visible. The whole body is black and shiny, and Solim saw it when he entered the store.

"That black cat?" The female boss rubbed her hands.

Solim noticed his boss's hesitation.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"She's very picky. It turns out that there were people who fell in love with her, but she didn't go with others at all." The female boss sighed, "Why don't you try it, if she is willing to go with you, I'll sell it. She doesn't want to, and you don't want to, we have other cats in the shop. Look over there, that ginger one, his name is Crookshanks, how is he?"

Solim followed the direction the boss pointed and saw the ginger cat.

His face looked like it had been pan-slapped, and his big, fat, fluffy tail.

Sure enough, it was Crookshanks, how could Hermione fall in love with this? Solim complained in his heart.

Looking at the black cat in front of him, Solim realized that this black cat still has different eyes, one golden and one green. Solim reached out and touched the black cat's little paw. As a result, the black cat quickly pulled out its paw and pressed it on the back of Solim's hand.

"Haha, the cat's paw is on the law!" Solim started his second year.

"Would you like to come with me?" Lim scratched the black cat's chin (cfbh) and turned to look at the female boss: "Does she have a name?"

"You can get one for her, she seems to like you."

Finally, Solim and Cyrna walked out of Wonder Zoo with their pets.

Luna stood on Solim's shoulders, looking at the outside world curiously. This was the first time she saw the scene outside the shop—the name Luna was given by Sirna. Her white snake is called Tris. The little white snake is now wrapped around Sirna's wrist.

"Don't you feel that... you are paralyzed?" Solim couldn't understand his sister's behavior.

Solim glanced blankly, and Sirna didn't say anything.

"Okay, next, let's go shopping for clothes." Solim changed the subject, "Where do you want to go? The Outer Clothes Store? Or Madam Malkin's robe store?"

Most wizards would choose to go to Madam Malkin's place, mainly because of the cheapness. Of course, the quality of the robes at Madam Malkin's place is also good. But compared to the Tufan clothing store, there are not so many styles and functions.

"I don't know, brother, you can make up your mind." Selna usually doesn't have a chance to come to Diagon Alley, and she doesn't know much about the shops here.

Feeling the weight of his purse covertly, Solim confidently took Sirna to the Tufan clothing store. I have to say that the decoration of the Tuofan clothing store looks more upscale than Madam Mojin's.

After coming out, Solim touched his purse distressedly. His Galleons were almost bottomed out, and he probably had nothing left to buy the crucible and potion materials for Silna.

"By the way, the problem in the wand shop just now, explain to me why the wand is sold so cheap?" Silna asked, "Those materials are more than this money. Ollivander will not always be there Are you trading at a loss?"

After touching Luna in his arms, Solim began to explain to Sirna.

Wands are a must for wizards. But the materials that can be used to make wands are very expensive, and many ordinary wizards cannot afford this price. Let's just say dragon heartstring wand, every dragon heartstring wand is meant to kill a dragon. No matter what kind of dragon it is, there is no place where it can be sold cheaply. Even the cheapest dragon dung costs two Galleons a barrel. Not to mention Dragon Heartstrings.

What if ordinary wizards can’t afford the price? Don’t they use wands? The Ministry of Magic has thought of a way to let Ollivander sell wands to wizards at a low price, and the difference between the prices will be supplied to Ollivander in the form of wand materials by the Ministry of Magic. Germany. But this is limited to each wizard's first wand. The second one is the full amount.

How expensive is the full wand? A wand with the most common unicorn tail hair costs seventy to eighty Galleons. The Minister of Magic's salary is only 400 Galleons a month. The most common magic wand is so expensive, but what about the dragon wand? The price of a dragon wand is between 120 and 240 galleons, that is to say, even the Minister of Magic can buy ten dragon wands. It's worth half a month's salary.

How can you ask ordinary wizards to afford it? Think about Ronald Weasley, he is still using his brother's old wand, and even the core of the unicorn tail hair is exposed, so he is not willing to change it. The Weasley family's financial situation really couldn't afford to change. Generally speaking, wizarding families that were not very wealthy would not buy wands for their children too early. They generally tended to use the old wands of their elders for their children. Wait until your child's magic has stabilized before going to Ollivander to buy a new wand, which can save a lot of money.

When Solim bought everything for Sirna and returned to the Leaky Cauldron for lunch, he had already spent 450 Galleons.

Simply presumptuous! thought Solim. .

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