Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 70: The Legend Of The Chamber Of Secrets

Riddle still didn't confide anything until the vitality provided by Solim's blood was exhausted. But none of that mattered to Solim. He already knew what he should know, this time it was just for show, and to see what Dumbledore wanted to do with the diary.

Dumbledore was silent for a while, as if thinking about something.

"Solim, you got this diary from Malfoy Manor, did Lucius tell you anything?" Dumbledore asked.

"He said that this diary was specially given to Voldemort when he came to the manor alone. Obviously, with that person's temperament, if he only made one Horcrux, then he would only hide it in a place he knew place, but since he can give the Malfoys one, he must have made several." Solim then added: "Honestly, I don't believe Voldemort can't see that Malfoy is not loyal to him, The Death Eaters who were loyal to him are all in Azkaban now."

"You mean, since Malfoy can have one, those Death Eaters who are more loyal to Voldemort may also have his Horcruxes?" Dumbledore heard what Solim wanted to express, "That's very possible…………"

"So... Principal, what are you going to do with this diary?" Solim asked, "This diary was made when he was underage, so it must be much easier to destroy.

Dumbledore obviously had his own thoughts on the diary, he put away the diary directly, and said to Solim: "Let me deal with the matter of the diary, I have some other ideas about it, maybe there will be some in school next semester." Funny things happen." Dumbledore gave Solim a thoughtful look.

Huh? Solim was stunned for a moment when he heard Dumbledore's words. In his original plan, he planned to do the same as in the original book: let the diary enter Hogwarts, then let him open the secret room, wake up the basilisk, so that he can follow behind to detect leaks . But because of the discovery of Sirna's Parseltongue talent, Solim changed his plan. Since Sirna can speak Parseltongue, the diary will no longer be useful. Then the safer way is to bring your younger sister, or ask your younger sister to teach me a few words of snake language, and go down to get rid of the snake monster by yourself, so that nothing will happen to the school this year.

But what Dumbledore said seemed to mean that he was going to do something with this diary. After going through it carefully in his mind, Dumbledore was only the professor of Transfiguration during the Myrtle incident, but he must have suspected Riddle, and this diary contains Riddle's memory when he was 16 years old. Moreover, there is no saying in the wizarding world that "dead people can keep secrets". It is true that Myrtle is dead, but her ghost still stays at Hogwarts. Solim has reason to believe that Dumbledore already knows the ins and outs of what happened back then , then what he wants to do with this diary is almost ready to come out.

"Principal..." Solim's expression was as if he was constipated. In his opinion, everything on the basilisk should belong to him. "Do you want to open the secret room next semester?" Solim asked cautiously This sentence, while carefully paying attention to Dumbledore's face. But obviously, as long as someone like Dumbledore doesn't want to, you won't see anything from his face.

"I never thought of you as an eleven-year-old, Solim." Dumbledore said, "But I have to say, sometimes you know more than even the professors at Hogwarts know."

Solim understood that Dumbledore wanted to hear his own explanation, "When Voldemort was in school, someone died in the school, and poor Miss Warren is still crying in that women's bathroom. It's not something unknown Professor." Solim put his legs down and continued: "As for the rumors of a secret room in Hogwarts, hehe

There are many chambers of secrets in Hogwarts, but when people in the know discuss chambers of secrets, they usually talk about the chamber of secrets left by Slytherin. The time 70 years ago was not the only time it was opened, it was opened once in the 13th century, and it was also opened in the 15th century. Only someone like Voldemort, completely ignorant of past history, would believe that the Chamber of Secrets was used to rid the school of Muggles. "

After hearing Solim's words, Dumbledore asked with interest: "It seems that you know that secret room very well? As the headmaster, I only know that such a secret room exists, but you actually know that it has been opened twice?"

"Hogwarts was attacked both times. Hogwarts was established in 993. After a few years, Slytherin left. The secret room he left was used to defend the school.

Solim explained: "Principal, you also know that the defensive statues in the school are all disposable, and if they break, they will be broken. In that chaotic era, every generation of principals had a headache to replenish the statues." Salazar Slytherin in the secret room A creature is placed. When the school is attacked violently and most of the defense measures are destroyed, the creature in this secret room will be released to kill the enemy in the dark through the pipe buried in the Hogwarts castle. , to defend the school. It is not used to eliminate Muggles in the school. With the pride of Slytherin, he may not trust Muggles, and may despise them, but as long as he comes to Hogwarts and becomes a student of Hogwarts , he will treat everyone equally, and during the years he was still at school, there was not a single incident of attacking a Muggle student. The rumors about the Chamber of Secrets are all nonsense for later generations."

Dumbledore frowned at Solim's words, "So, do you know what creature is in that chamber?"

"Let me go first, Headmaster." Solim hurriedly vaccinated Dumbledore: "The things in there are mine. It doesn't matter if they are alive or dead. Seeing how much I have helped you, treat it as if it were for me Thank you."

Seeing Solim's anxious look, Dumbledore smiled: "It seems that you are nervous about that creature?"

"What kind of creature is there, you know in your heart, Headmaster, right? After Myrtle became a ghost, I don't believe you didn't ask her what caused her death." Dumbledore likes this: Pretend to be confused.

Suddenly Dumbledore's expression changed, and he said to Solim, "Okay, let's do this first, I will arrange things for next semester, Harry really wants to grow up as soon as possible, while there is still time." Dumbledore stood up , "Severus is over, 390, let's go and see."

Solim wasn't in the slightest surprised that Dumbledore could sense what was going on down there. After all, he is a great wizard, and his perception of magic power far exceeds that of ordinary people.

Solim and Dumbledore headed down to the basement.

"Principal, is there a way to preserve the function of the resurrection stone while destroying the Horcrux?"

"I'm afraid not," Dumbledore said regretfully, "The death curse is deeply related to this Horcrux. If the curse is intact, it may be possible to trigger the curse and destroy the Horcrux at the same time. But when the curse was lifted by Elrond, the soul in that horcrux had no connection with the outside world. It can only be destroyed through external destruction, and this horcrux can be destroyed. Very ingenious design ........I have no way to destroy the Horcruxes under such circumstances while retaining the function of the resurrection stone. It was also because the curse was broken that the soul inside could not affect the outside world, so Severus was able to use the resurrection stone normally .”

After hearing Dumbledore's explanation, Solim was a little dumbfounded. Originally, under Dumbledore's self-sacrifice, the resurrection stone not only destroyed the Horcrux, but also retained the function of the resurrection stone, but because Elrond lifted the curse on it in advance, the soul in the Horcrux and The only channel to the outside world is gone, which makes it impossible for Voldemort's soul inside to affect the outside world, but the outside world can no longer destroy it except by using violent means. This means that one day in the future, the Resurrection Stone will be destroyed, and one of the Deathly Hallows will disappear from this world forever. .

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