Early the next morning, Draco came to the auditorium for breakfast with a look of resentment on his face - he couldn't believe that Harry and Ronald were still staying in school! They were not expelled!

"I can't believe it! How could they do this! This is Chiguoguo's cover!" Draco was aggrieved while eating breakfast.

"Okay, don't be so resentful." Solim spread the ketchup and handed the toast to Sierna, "If there is resentment, it should be the Ministry of Magic's Reversal Incident Team, they should have Resentment. They must have worked overtime last night."

Harry and Ronald were seen by many Muggles driving that flying Ford, and whether they called the police or told others, in short, many Muggles would hear about it. Those poor amnestics must have been very busy last night. Witnesses, police or newspaper operators, ordinary people who heard the news about flying cars, all of these people's memories have to be processed. Ronald's father would definitely not give him a good look. These poor amnestics are usually busy enough, and this adds to their confusion, and it's a good thing that the Ministry of Magic has no internal complaints, otherwise Mr. Weasley's salary for this month is probably not enough.

This is simply a model of cheating, this is simply a standard template for a brat. But Ronald is thankful that beating children is not popular in Ying country, otherwise this kind of thing will be put in another place, and the parents will go to the school to beat the child in front of the teachers and students of the whole school.

"I just saw it when I woke up this morning, and the professors didn't even deduct their points!" Draco was still complaining endlessly. In his opinion, Dumbledore might not fire Scarhead and Weasley, but he had to What does it mean to deduct some points? Scarhead is just like Dumbledore's own son, making such a big mistake, "It ended up being nothing.

"Don't be silly," Solim said: "They don't count as the official start of school then, so naturally no points will be deducted. Only after the start-of-term dinner is over, the semester will officially start."

"I've lost my appetite..." Draco looked at the food on his plate with a frustrated expression, then looked at the long table of Gryffindor, and said to Suo, "Look at Scarhead and Weasley, they still say It's funny, don't they know..."

Before Draco could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the owls. Then Draco saw Weasley received a letter in a red envelope.

"Haha! Look, Weasley received the Howler letter!" Draco said excitedly.

Meanwhile, at the long table in Gryffindor.

"No.....no...." Ronald gasped.

"It's all right, it's still alive." Hermione poked the owl with her finger. She had just finished disciplining the two of them - she never had a chance last night, because Harry and En were killed by a group as soon as they returned to the Gryffindor common room. A crowd gathered, and they were celebrating like Gryffindor had won the house cup, and they hadn't seen them so excited even if they won the house cup last term.

"No... not that... this..." Ronald was a little bit incoherent. Obviously, something frightened him.

"You'd better open it quickly," Neville advised from the side, "You have to open it, otherwise the consequences will be more serious.

Harry and Hermione didn't know what was so scary about the red letter - they didn't even know what a Howler letter was.

"It's the 'Howler Letter,'" Neville explained to Harry and Hermione. "My grandpa sent me one once, and I ignored it at the time, and it turned out to be... just horrible."

Seeing that Ronald tore open the envelope, Neville hurriedly covered his ears with his hands still covered in jam. Jam rubbed Neville's face, Harry and Hermione hadn't reacted yet, they didn't know why Neville's reaction was so big - but the next second they two little wizards from a Muggle family knew, and they would live forever memorable.

There seemed to be a violent explosion in the auditorium, everyone's eardrums were buzzing, and the dust that had accumulated for many years on the ceiling of the hall fell down.

An angry female voice filled the hall in an instant: "Stolen the car! I wouldn't be surprised if they kicked you out of school. If I catch you, you'll be in good company. I miss you I never imagined how worried my parents would be when they found out that the car was missing..."

Mrs. Weasley's voice echoed angrily in the hall at least a hundred times louder. The dishes, cutlery and forks on the long table were trembling under Mrs. Weasley's anger, and Ronald was also trembling.

Everyone in the hall was taken aback, and many people sat with their backs to them. Solim even saw a Ravenclaw senior stab a fork in the face scared by the sudden loud noise—he was lucky not to poke his eyes, you know, even in the wizarding world, there is no potion that can Heal the blind.

Solim is much smarter, he has already put on a "closed earplugs" for himself, and now he is enjoying the expressions of everyone in the hall when they are frightened.

Mrs Weasley's rant continued:

...I got a letter from Dumbledore last night, and I think your dad will die of shame. We never taught you to do that, you and Harry should have crashed to death..."

Harry finally waited for his name to appear. He pretended to cover his ears with his hands so that he couldn't hear the sound that resounded through the hall. ...It is simply a disgrace to the family. Your father was suspended from work at the unit for questioning. This is all your fault! If you dare to take another wrong step, we will immediately take you home. "


When he finally finished speaking, he was still buzzing in people's ears. The red envelope fell from Ronald's hand, and soon caught fire by itself, burning to ashes. Harry and Ronald sat on their seats, speechless for a long time.

Mrs. Weasley finally finished her yelling. The cheerful air filled the hall instantly. The students were laughing and looking at the long table in Gryffindor, talking to each other about what had just happened - except for that poor senior Ravenclaw, who was going to the hospital with his face in his hands.

Among those who gloated, Draco was of course the happiest. He swept away the resentment on his face before, and became radiant again.

"Hahahaha..." Draco slammed his hands on the table gloatingly, while laughing, "It's really enjoyable, I suddenly feel that the Weasley family is not useless, at least they educate their children Way to be eye opener...hahaha”


"Then do you have an appetite to eat again now?" Solim handed another piece of toast spread with jam to Sierna.

"You're right. I've got an appetite right now. Haha."

Shaking his head, Solim ignored the happy and crazy Draco and continued to spread jam on the toast.

After breakfast, the second-year students of Gryffindor and Slytherin walked to the greenhouse one after another. Their first class in the new semester was Professor Sprout's herbal medicine class. And today in the greenhouse they will come into contact with a material that Solim has already prepared - mandrake. However, the mandrakes of this season are not mature yet, so his lower grade students can touch them. If it is a mature mandrake, it will be the teaching content of the higher grades.

When Solim and Draco were walking on the road, Hermione touched him quietly. Clearly, she now has a lot to say to Solim.

"Last night was a disaster..." Hermione said to Solim, holding the book in her arms, "They think it's an honor... and many senior students think so too ,They were actually celebrating those two troublemakers last night..." Sighing, Hermione said: "Solim, I'm starting to regret my original choice now, maybe you're right, Ravenclaw might be more suitable for me. "

"You can't say that," Solim replied: "Each house has its own characteristics. The characteristics of Gryffindor are courage and bravery. It's just that few of the Gryffindor students can distinguish between recklessness and courage. They are basically It's about making trouble as a way to show your bravery, don't worry, it will be fine." Solim smiled and enlightened Hermione.

"It's going to get better? It's impossible, is it? They're going to fix that shit?" Hermione looked at Solim in disbelief.

"No, I mean—you're all used to it."

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