Seeing that the two sides are about to fight, but just like there is always a hero who will stand up in times of crisis, Lockhart played the role of this "hero" at this time, and his arrival made the little wizards on both sides die down, and then Anyway, Lockhart is also a professor in the school.

But as far as Harry was concerned, he would rather have a fight with Slytherin than contact with Lockhart.

"Who is posting signed photos?" Lockhart came over flirtatiously, with his standard smile on his face: "Oh, needless to say, we meet again, Harry." Then he said to Creevey: " It’s so memorable to have a photo of the two of us together.”

Harry tried desperately to break free from Lockhart, but was unsuccessful. Posing for a photo with Lockhart in full view made Harry feel so ashamed.

Seeing Harry's embarrassed look, Draco returned to the crowd contentedly. Overwhelmed with joy, he began to admire Harry's expression, what kind of expression was that, mixed with resistance, but helpless, and had to pretend to be indifferent on the surface, Draco covered his mouth beside Solim and sneered He chuckled—he was very happy.

But right away he couldn't be happier.

"What kind of stupid question is this!" Draco looked at the test paper in his hand in disbelief.

"Gilderoy Lockhart's secret ambition? Gilderoy Lockhart's favorite color? What's your favorite part of Walking with Ghouls?" Draco said incredulously, "What the hell are these questions? I thought we It's Defense Against the Dark Arts class."

Obviously, there are quite a few people who have the same doubts as Draco, and the students——especially the boys, that is, the students who are not interested in Lockhart are also whispering below

"Well, Solim," Draco said helplessly, "looks like I'm going to trouble you again this semester." Draco knew there was nothing he could learn from Lockhart.

"It's not troublesome," Solim looked at Hermione at Gryffindor, who was writing furiously, and she seemed to know the questions on this test paper very well. "But this semester's Defense Against the Dark Arts class is a waste of time. I don't want to come in the future. It's a waste of time."

The rest of the class was devoted to Lockhart bragging about himself and showing off his charming smile to his little fangirls—his good-for-nothing smile. Hell! Lim didn't know there was an award for a smile.

Bored, Solim and Draco started playing backgammon on the parchment below. The rules of backgammon are simple, and Draco can master them in no time. Playing backgammon with the same table in class made Solim find a long-lost feeling. The Gryffindor and Slytherin students who weren't interested in Lockhart were mostly deserting too, either whispering or writing and drawing on parchment like Solim and Draco. Others just fell asleep on the table - Goyle and Crabbe, for example. Seeing this very familiar scene, Solim couldn't help but think: it's almost time for instant noodles.

But soon the students who deserted all cheered up. Because Lockhart took out a cloth-covered cage from under his desk, and after placing it on the desk, Lockhart said with his trademark smile: "I'm going to warn you now—it's my job to show you The most vicious and dangerous creature in the wizarding world, in order to prepare you for the future. And now I will show you a dangerous creature that you may not have seen before - but don't worry, as long as I am around, you will not encounter If you see any danger, please keep calm and don't panic."

The students in the back row stretched their necks one by one, wanting to see what was in the cage.

Lockhart put one hand on top of the cage, and he was about to lift the cloth covering the cage. Some students in the front row nervously grabbed the books on the desk.

"I'll make sure you don't scream," Lockhart said, "because it might piss them off."

Lockhart flipped the cloth back.

"Good. Just caught the Cornish elf," Lockhart said with a wink.

A few students of Gryffindor were giggling, and they relaxed when they saw this thing.

"Don't be careless!" Lockhart said seriously: "These little guys are very dangerous and cunning. y

These elves were blue lightning all over, about eight inches tall, with sharp faces and thin voices. After the cloth was removed, in the cage, they began to dash around, rattling the iron rods and making faces at those who sat nearer.

"I guess he's the only one who thinks the Cornish elves are 'dangerous' and 'cunning'." Draco curled his lips.

"One or two is really nothing," Solim said, "but Lockhart brought too many elves, something is bound to happen, you need to be alert." Solim knew what was going to happen and reminded Draco.

Cornish elf, as you can tell from its name, its place of origin is Cornwall. These pixies have blue skin, an adult size between seven and nine inches, and a pair of wings on their backs that can fly very fast if they want to. They have certain magical abilities. Although they do not pose much threat to wizards, it is not pleasant to let them bite, because their teeth are very sharp and they are weakly poisonous.

"Okay! Let me see what you do with them." Then Lockhart turned on the source of the chaos.

The elves were on a rampage across the classroom in no time, accompanied by their trademark screams. They're obviously very angry, the cage is so small

Stuffed so many elves, it made them angry, they wreaked havoc in the classroom as soon as they came out, many students' books were torn off by them, and many Lockhart's portraits were also knocked off the walls up.

The little wizards ran around the classroom screaming and holding their heads like headless flies. These elves also liked to pull the girls' long hair. They run around the classroom chasing female students.

"What a disaster." Solim and Draco sat farther back, which left them with no elves to mess with - temporarily.

Many students were forced to hide under the table. Lockhart saw it and said loudly: "Get up, they are just some elves! Subdue them!".

No one paid him any attention.

Lockhart then pulled out his wand, waving it grandly and muttering something.

"What the hell is he shouting about?" Draco and Solim hid in the professor's last corner, where there were no other students or those annoying elves

"Ghost knows what it is, it can't be a spell anyway."

Whatever Lockhart was yelling, it wasn't doing anything anyway. Instead, his wand was snatched by the elf, and now he really panicked. Looking around in a panic, he saw the trio of Gryffindor fighting, "You guys, put these little elves in cages, I have something to do now." Then he turned his head and ran back to him office.

The students finally remembered that they could run outside the classroom instead of running around like headless chickens in the classroom, so they all ran out in a swarm, but Neville, who was a little fat, didn't run away, and he was dragged by the elf The wizard's robe was hung on the chandelier.

Solim watched Neville the whole time, he didn't have any intention of doing anything, Draco took out his wand to help him because Neville was Solim's cousin, but seeing Solim who was looking at Neville with a cold face , there is no self-assertion.

Now the classroom is a mess, the only Gryffindors in the classroom are Harry, Ronald and Hermione, and Neville hanging on the chandelier, and the only Slytherins are Solim and Draco.

Ignoring the three of Gryffindor, Solim walked under the chandelier with a cold face, looked up at Neville without saying a word.

"Solim...let...let me...get off." Neville, who was restrained by the collar of his clothes, was a little out of breath.

Solim still didn't speak. Harry and the others finally saw Neville hanging on the chandelier, and were about to come over to help, Solim didn't even move his head, still staring at Neville, but he said to them: "Either you catch those elves , or leave, it's none of your business."

"Neville, where's your wand? Where's your hand? Where's your brain? Where's the spells I taught you? You've forgotten all about it, haven't you?" Solim said softly. .

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