The first was Draco, but after knowing what Solim was doing, Draco expressed his interest in compound soup and wanted to try it after Solim was successfully brewed.

The second is Hermione. When she was in class with Slytherin several times, she found that Solim always "sick" at the same time during this period. She found something strange and asked Solim when she was in the small classroom. After learning the reason, Hermione and Draco's reactions were completely different. She objected to Solim's behavior. She said that Polyjuice Potion is one of the restricted potions of the Ministry of Magic, and several ingredients in it are contraband. Solim is committing a crime. . Draco sneered at Hermione's statement, this young master indeed had much more knowledge than Muggle-born Hermione. He immediately pointed out that the "Regulations on the Administration of Dangerous Potions" issued by the Ministry of Magic is a blank sheet of paper—without any binding force. As long as the world sells them with great fanfare, and there is no big trouble in the brewing process, the Ministry of Magic has always turned a blind eye to it. Solim promised Hermione that when the brew was finished, she would test it with Professor Snape, and Hermione stopped her chatter.

In addition to the few people around Solim who knew about it, the twins of Gryffindor Weasley somehow also learned about it.

Once, staying late in the small classroom, Solim happened to meet the twins who came out of the secret passage when he swaggered around the castle during the access control time. These two live treasures immediately got to the point, without~ the slightest nonsense.

"Ah, the genius of Sly-Tring.

"Ha, great apothecary.

"We want to work with you."

"About potions."

These two clowns sang together, and Solim really couldn't tell who they were. But it doesn't matter, he is not the parents of these two live treasures.

"What do you want?" Solim asked.

"The kind that can cause nosebleeds."

"The kind that blisters."

"Are you stupid? George? The scabies potion has no boiled soup, it can produce the effect of blisters, and then a bottle of scabies potion can solve it. I am really ashamed to be a brother with you."

"You are so stupid, Fred. The blisters from the scabies potion that has not been brewed successfully will spread to the whole body, instead of being controlled within a certain range like that, I am ashamed to be a brother with you. Lian Yi I haven't figured out the grade stuff yet."

Then the brothers looked at Solim together.


"We all want it."

"Should we find a safer place to talk? Just standing in the corridor, I don't care, but Filch doesn't seem to have a good impression of you two." Solim said.

"You're right."

"Slytherin genius."

"That old dog Filch."

"It will never let us go."

"Of course, we are also preparing recently."

"Prepare to surprise him."

Solim rolled his eyes. Although the brothers were interesting, they were also annoying.

"Okay, come with me.

Solim led the brothers around a corner and slammed into a wall.

"Wow! Guess what I saw?"

"Of course the same as me!"

"A secret room we don't know about!"

"A door that doesn't know where it leads!"

"Adventure! Here we come!" the brothers yelled excitedly, only to be answered by a meow.

Glancing at each other, the two creatures hurriedly bumped into the wall where Solim had just disappeared.


"Damn it!"

"Don't squeeze me!"

"It's you, don't squeeze me. I'll go ahead.

"I'm brother, I'll go first!"

The sound of footsteps came from not far from the corner, and the two brothers stopped arguing, you squeezed me and I squeezed yours and rolled into the wall.

Watching the two brothers rolling into a ball on the ground, Lim sat on the chair and waited for them to get up.

"What a thrill. That damned cat."

"And that old dog Filch.

"Almost caught us."

"Okay! Let's get down to business. I'm still waiting to go back and rest."

The communication between the two brothers seemed to be without language at all. They looked at each other, shrugged at the same time, and tried to find a chair and sit down.

"Not only can I give you those two medicines, but I can also give you many formulas that I know. When it is done, we will be divided into four and six, I will be four, and you will be six. If you agree, I will ask Neville to give it to you tomorrow." Here's something for you. If you don't agree, I'll go back to sleep.

The brothers looked at each other again.

"George, he looks like..."

"Yes, Fred, he knows what we want to do."

Then, I don't know whether it was George or Fred who looked at Som carefully.

"How did you know?"

"Our secret plan?"

"Don't be poor! If you agree, I will give you things tomorrow. If you don't agree, we will break up."

If Sirna fell asleep, Solim would have to wake her up when he went back. She is a light sleeper and wakes up at the slightest movement, but fortunately Solim does not snore.

It's not the first time the Solim and Weasley twins have met. As early as his first year, Solim was still very new to Hogwarts, wandering around the castle often after he got the Marauder's Map from Filch. The twins who like to go out at night will naturally meet Solim. At that time, they said sarcastically that Slytherin finally had a student who likes to go out at night, and they also threatened Solim to take advantage of him, or they would report to Filch that he was not good at night. Sleeping, wandering around the castle. This trick was okay to scare Neville. Solim took out his wand and tied them up, and told them that he was going to hand them over to Filch. Forgive me, since then they will often meet each other in the castle during gate control hours, and will say hello to each other when they see each other, but they don't have a deep intersection.

In the end, Solim promised that he would not only give them the formula, but also sponsor them 200 galleons, which Neville would bring to them tomorrow. The two brothers finally left happily

...seeking flowers 0

Back in the Slytherin common room, Solim tiptoed back to his dormitory. This dormitory still belongs to Draco nominally, after all he is a hidden prefect. But Solim used it, and when Sirna came, the siblings lived in one room.

It's not that Solim has any other ideas, but that Sirna's status makes her attract much attention in Slytherin. Solim was protecting her, and presumably Sirna wouldn't like those girls asking her questions.

Seeing that Sirna was sleeping soundly, Solim became more careful, and finally slipped back to his bed, only to be woken up by Luna's cry - Lu was sleeping on his pillow, Solim pinned her down with his head.

"You're back?" Sirna said in a daze.

"Well, it's okay, go to sleep." Solim picked up Luna and put her next to the pillow. Solim has discovered that Luna's work and rest schedule is almost the same as that of people, and she also sleeps at night. Moreover, she eats at the same time as other people, and she does not miss any of the three meals in the morning, lunch and evening. It is a pity that Hogwarts provides board and lodging, otherwise, just eating will add a lot of expenses to Solim.

Lying in bed, Solim began to think about the Weasley twins. Solim didn't fund them on a whim. Solim doesn't have much money - of course, this is also relative, you have to see who you compare with. Compared with Weasley, he is of course rich, but compared with Harry, Cyrna, and even Draco, he is poor.

Although it seemed straightforward that Solim promised to give the twins 200 Galleons, that was half of his current money. In other words, Solim now only has 200 Galleons left in his pocket. Moreover, because of Solim's status, his family will not pay him living expenses. But Sirna is well-behaved, she is rich every month, but not much, only 20 Galleons, and she gave all the money, as well as the Galleons originally given by her family, to her brother. Anyway, Solim didn't ask Solim to pawn anything, but when Sirna gave him the money, Solim knew that Sirna was really a rich woman.

Silna used to live in Selwyn Castle, so she didn't have much chance to spend money, so she saved all the money. After she became a wizard, her family raised her living expenses, which was much better than Solim's. You know, when Sirna's magic power was not awakened, even when she was considered a squib, Selwyn never cut off Sirna's benefits. Let’s look at Solim again. He awakened magic power at the age of four. He is very talented, but because of his status as an illegitimate child, even a copper nut in his family would not give him it.

Part of the money that Solim has now is given by Elrond, and most of it is given by Neville's grandma, that's why Solim is so concerned about Neville's affairs, otherwise it doesn't seem to be explained by others.

Investing in the twins, to put it bluntly, means that Solim has taken a fancy to their future earnings. Solim knows how profitable Weasley's joke shop will be in the future. Now that they have not made a fortune yet, why not rush to invest? In the future, when their store grows bigger, Solim can wait for the dividends, and he doesn't have to go to the front and back, so much effort. .

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