Solim and Sirna obviously heard the rustling sound in the distance, and they knew exactly what it meant to hear this sound at this time.

"Hurry up!" Solim took out his suitcase from his pocket and touched it with the ring on his right hand. When the box was thrown to the ground by Solim, it had grown to its normal size.

"Use the Levitation Charm to throw all the corpses into the box." Solim ordered, "If you can't fit them in, force them in, anyway, they are all corpses."

The rustling got louder, and Solim knew he had to do something now, they hadn't got enough acromant carcasses yet. Solim put away the wand in his left hand - the dragon wand he had bought from Ollivander.

A bone spur appeared in Solim's right hand.

"Fire is raging!" Violent flames gushed out from the front of the pale bony spurs, dispelling the darkness and dampness here [the fire formed a wall of fire under Solim's control and surrounded the two of them——Song left a narrow space in front of them. the gap.

Although he knew that a large number of acromanders were approaching, Solim did not plan to evacuate. Even if he wanted to leave, he would get the corpses of seven giant arachnids before leaving.

Solim is not reckless, he has confidence in himself, Acantara is extremely afraid of fire, as long as he still has magic power, he dares to guarantee the safety of himself and his sister.

The acromantulas arrived, and they stopped at a distance of 25 meters from the flame, but they did not stop. The subsequent acromantulas kept their distance from the flame and surrounded it.

"What should we do now?" Sirna asked nervously, "Also, will the fire get out of control?"

"No, I'm in control. All we have to do now is wait for them to come in through that gap." Solim stared at the gap he left, and he wasn't worried that acromantulas would jump down from the tree and attack them. The circle of fire is not large under Solim's control, and their current position is the farthest from the gap, behind which is the wall of fire. Even if an acromantula jumped in from the tree, it would only land directly in front of Solim, and if it tried to attack from behind, it would only be burned to death by the flames. Creatures like giant acromantia are not the kind of human beings with a firm will. Human beings can overcome their instincts under certain circumstances, but they cannot. So Solim didn't worry about the sneak attack from behind.

An acromantula with a height of 6 feet crawled in through the gap, and Solim saw that the fine hairs on its legs were scorched by the high temperature. The perception of medium vibration will be greatly reduced. It had no future, though, and Solim had split its head in two with a cutting spell.


Without hesitation, Silna pointed at the acromantula's corpse with her wand and forced it into Solim's box.

In fact, in Solim’s view, it’s totally unsuitable for a creature like acromantula to be classified as a five-star dangerous creature by the Ministry of Magic. You can see what other five-star dangerous creatures are: dragons, snakes Monster, Poison Leopard, Three-Headed Dog, Chimera, Manticore, Werewolf, etc... The types here are almost all powerful creatures that are immune to spells, even if it is a werewolf, unless it is A very powerful spell, otherwise ordinary spells would have no effect on people.

That is, the acromantula, a powerful cutting spell can get it done. However, the Department of Magical Creatures Management and Control of the Ministry of Magic classifies these creatures not only by their degree of danger, but also by whether they can be tamed by wizards. Sometimes Solim felt that the Ministry of Magic of the Kingdom of England was too delusional, and many things were ambiguous and unfounded. Under such circumstances, they dared to arbitrarily divide the types of magical creatures, which was simply a serious malfeasance.

Acromantus are afraid of fire, but the fresh human flesh in front of them is tempting them. These descendants of Aragog have never eaten human flesh—never, they usually prey on centaurs and other creatures, because in most cases in the Forbidden Forest, there is only Hagrid, a "half human", and Aragog They are also strictly forbidden to harm Hagrid.

But now, there are two delicious human cubs in front of them. Although they are surrounded by flames, the instincts of the acromantulas have begun to gain the upper hand. They are eager to know what the taste of real humans is like.

Another one, about the same size as the previous one, entered through the gap, and it suffered the same as its predecessor--was cut in the head by Solim with the cutting curse.

This time Sirna skillfully used the floating spell to stuff the corpse into the box.

"It seems easy?" Sirna was no longer nervous. "It just feels a little hot..."

"Why don't you try this?" Solim was talking to Sirna, but his eyes were fixed on the gap, and another acromantula had already entered.

"Forget it, I'd better move the corpse honestly." Sylna threw the corpse of the fourth acromantula into the box.

"Then you should practice the floating spell."

Although giant arachnids cannot be regarded as intelligent creatures, they are intelligent, and they are not completely instinctive creatures. They have also discovered that something is wrong. Three of their kind have already died in the fire circle. Those who are about the same size as them are free to enter, and those who are larger than them cannot pass through the gap.

So they changed tactics.

Many small acromanders swarmed through the gap, the largest reaching Solim's waist, and the smallest reaching as high as Solim's calf.

"It seems that they are not stupid."

"What should I do?" Silna clenched her wand tightly.

"Basque only stipulates the quantity, right?" Solim asked.

"...That's right." Sirna looked at the little spiders entering the circle of fire, and she already knew what Solim was going to do.

"Then these little spiders have saved us a lot of time." Solim waved his magic wand happily, and the gap was blocked, and the fate of these small acromanders was sealed.

"It smells..." Solim sniffed hard, "It seems to feel good?"

While carrying the corpses of these baked little spiders with the floating spell, Sirna rolled her brother's eyes.

"Can't you help me?" Silna complained while waving her wand in her hand.

"It's almost enough, it's already exceeded the number. And it's very tiring to control these flames from spreading." Solim looked through the flames, observing the situation outside the circle of fire

"We should go. Before I can put out these flames."

After closing the box, Solim touched the box again with the ring on his right hand. Solim put the shrunken box in his inner pocket, looked at Sirna and asked, "Are you ready? We're going out."

Solim began to wave his wand, the wall of fire began to move outward, and the acromantulas backed away in horror.

"Follow me! Keep an eye on your head!"

Solim began to trot towards the direction they came from. Whenever the flames around Solim were about to go out, he would add some flames to keep burning. As the circle of fire became smaller and smaller, the surrounding acromantula There are more and more of them. At this time, Solim will control the fire circle to expand rapidly outward again, and the acromantula will retreat in horror. The acromantula will be quickly ignited by the flames if it is too late to retreat. The ignited acromantula made a piercing sound, and then, surrounded by flames, it ran into another acromantula in a panic, and then this unlucky acromantula would also be set ablaze by its companion.

Solim's magic power is getting less and less, and the flames he maintains are getting smaller and smaller, but at the same time, the surrounding acromantulas are gradually becoming rarer. Solim knows that they will soon return to the path of the Forbidden Forest. Once there, they are safe.

"Is it exciting?"

Solim is a British, so you can say he is European, and of course, so is Sirna. But now the two Europeans are out of the EU.

When it's hot, people sweat, and there's no difference between wizards and Muggles. When the black ash and particles that linger in the air after the burn mix with sweat, it turns one... two Europeans into Africans.

"It's really bad..." Sirna said to Solim while wiping the black ash on her face with her dirty sleeve. "Before you go out, clean it up quickly. I didn't feel it when I was in the fire just now, but now I feel sticky all over my body. It's so uncomfortable.

"Well, after walking a certain distance, I will..." Solim stopped suddenly, turned quickly and pointed at a place with his wand.

"come out!".

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