The third grade was very easy for Solim personally, mainly because Solim chose one elective course, which was Ancient Magic Patterns, and other elective courses such as divination, Solim gave up on magical creatures, Muggle studies, arithmetic and other subjects.

For this reason, Professor Snape even approached him because Solim only took one course, plus the required courses.

If Solim Mu wants to pass O smoothly in fifth grade.


For the L exam, all seven compulsory subjects plus one elective must be graded O.

Otherwise, as long as the grade in one course is below O, it means that Solim will not be able to obtain the ordinary wizard level certificate.

But Solim doesn’t value that kind of thing either.

Choosing only one elective means that Solim has plenty of time to do his own thing. He doesn't have to waste time on courses he doesn't need. Look at those electives.

Professor Trelawney's Divination class was a complete waste of time and mixed credits. It is true that she has the special bloodline of a prophet, but the ability of divination that only looks at bloodline cannot be mastered through learning. Without that special bloodline, you will not learn anything even if you study for a lifetime. Of course, Solim would not waste time in her class.

Hagrid's magical creatures...

How should I put it? Solim is indeed interested in things that Muggles have never seen in their lives, but now is obviously not the time.

Solim will be happy to make up for it after solving his own troubles.

knowledge of this part, but not now.

And Solim did doubt whether Hagrid's teaching ability could reach the level of a qualified professor.

It seemed that Hagrid taught the students whatever he wanted in class, and taught the students whatever he thought was interesting, without considering the students' ability to accept it.

And because of his bloodline, some of Hagrid's common sense and habits are indeed different from ordinary people.

Some magical creatures attack Hagrid, which may only cause him minor injuries, but the same attack on an ordinary wizard may result in fatal injuries.

This cognitive difference causes Hagrid to often do things without importance.

If Professor Kettleburn is still teaching the Care of Magical Creatures class this year, Solim will be happy to take this class.

Unfortunately, Professor Kettleburn has retired.

Muggle studies at Hogwarts are a big joke to Solim.

Although Professor Caridibabuji cannot say that she knows nothing about Muggle society, the content she teaches in class makes Solim Lim was really speechless.

According to what the senior senior said, she would give her students a detailed introduction to the principles of steam engines and various Muggle physics formulas.

Solim was dumbfounded by what he heard.

It was obvious that Professor Babuji, like Hagrid, only taught students what she was interested in, and didn't care about the students' ability to accept it.

She even talked about Muggles during class.

The customs and customs of society are better than talking about steam engines.

Although Professor Babuji appears to be teaching Muggle studies, she actually teaches science.

She not only tells her students about steam engines, but also various Muggle machines: how cars move.

, how does the plane fly into the sky...

Will Solim bother to go to her class? Obviously impossible.

Professor Victor's arithmetic divination is indeed somewhat interesting, but her class has little to do with traditional magic and does not help improve personal strength. Since it cannot help improve one's own strength, then Solim Naturally, I won’t waste time on this course.

Ancient magic patterns, this is a course that Solim attaches great importance to, second only to the spells class, transfiguration and potions classes.

If the magic of wizards is regarded as a science, then the magic pattern class is equivalent to the hemp class.

Our math class is the basis of all magic.

If you want to deeply explore the essence of magic and improve your personal spell-casting ability, then magic patterns are an unavoidable hurdle.

Whether it is modifying existing magic spells or inventing new ones, it is all done based on magic patterns.

Even if you see a spell you've never seen before and want to break it, you still have to rely on magic patterns in the process of developing a counter-spell.

Moreover, Solim also heard that the professor who teaches this course: Basilida Barbling has elf blood, which means that she is a hybrid of a wizard and an elf.

This makes Solim a little curious.

In fact, Solim He knew that most of the news he heard was true, because no one except her students had seen her, she never walked around the castle, and she never came to the banquet hall to eat.

You know, except for Professor Binns, other faculty and staff have basically shown their faces.

Sometimes they will meet in the corridor, sometimes they will go to the hall to eat, and these faculty and staff will also watch during games.

, but it was as if Professor Babling had never appeared in the castle.

This morning was the elective course on Divination and the professor's Transfiguration class. Solim, who had not had the first period, stayed comfortably in the Slytherin common room and looked at things related to the Animagus. Just start trying

"Solim!"It was a little late to get up. When he came back from breakfast, he saw Solim with his feet on the table."The next section is Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration. It's almost time to leave. I'll tell you something about myself on the way. Interesting thing just heard."

The two of them walked to the Transfiguration classroom. On the way, Draco gloated and told Solim what he had just heard.

"……That's it. Draco smiled and said:"That old liar said Potter would die just because she saw a big dog in Potter's teacup." To be honest, I'm a little regretful that I didn't see it with my own eyes���scene"

"Do you really like to get into trouble with Potter? Solim squinted his eyes at Draco,"Forget it, just be happy.""

Professor McGonagall noticed something was wrong with the students during class. You know, she just showed off her Animagus. As usual, students should show wonder and disbelief, rather than acting like So absent-minded now

"I said," Professor McGonagall patted the desk,"What on earth is going on with you? This was the first time I didn't get applause after my transformation."

The students looked at Harry unconsciously, and Professor McGonagall obviously noticed this.

"Okay," Professor McGonagall walked up to Harry,"What's wrong? Mr. Potter? what happened?"

At this time, Hermione raised her hand hesitantly.

"Miss Granger?"Professor McGonagall looked at Hermione in confusion.

"That's right, Professor McGonagall."Hermione bit her lip,"During the divination class this morning,……"

Professor McGonagall's original puzzled expression changed instantly. After putting on an expression of understanding, Professor McGonagall confidently interrupted Hermione's speech:

"Needless to say, no need to go on... tell me, is it the lie... Professor Trelawney said today that Harry will die? Tell me, what trick did she use this time? Crystal ball or teacup? Or is it the rising smoke from burning incense?"

"Uh...tea cup."

After glancing at Harry, Professor McGonagall turned around and walked onto the podium, facing everyone calmly.���Said:"Since Professor Sybill Trelawney entered Hogwarts, she has predicted the death of a student every year, but as far as I know, no student has died so far. Maybe you can tell me Ask your seniors and sisters who among them has been prophesied, and then you can go and see if he is still alive."

Frowning, Professor McGonagall continued:"It's not that I want to say bad things about my colleagues, but You must understand that divination is very uncertain and is not a strict branch of magic. You must know that true prophets are extremely rare. And your Professor Trelawney……"

Professor McGonagall stopped talking in time and looked at Harry who breathed a sigh of relief:

"According to my observation, Mr. Potter is very healthy, so you still have to complete my homework on time. However, if you really die, I allow you not to hand in your homework."

Professor McGonagall's words were very effective in dispelling the doubts of these students, making them think that this might just be Professor Trelawney's welcome ceremony.

This is why Solim scorned traditional divination: Those so-called soothsayers like to regard the various things they see as omens. Seeing this means disaster, seeing that means misfortune, and Harry seeing a dog means he wants a dog leash...

Of course Well, if you put it this way, Solim can be sure that he is also a diviner: for example, when an unfriendly wizard is pointing at you with a magic wand, at this time you���It can be said that the sight of a wand means blood and injury. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - close

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