Solim has always made Harry feel different from other Slytherins, or in other words, different from any other students.

Harry sometimes felt that Solim didn't look like he came to Hogwarts at all.

Even for the main courses, such as astronomy and history of magic, Solim never went there.

Harry never saw the flying class from beginning to end.

Solim's figure.

And I heard from Hermione that this guy took an elective course, which was the obscure ancient magic pattern.

According to Hermione, if he wanted to pass the ordinary wizard level exam, it would be O.


To get enough points in L to pass successfully, Solim's grades in each subject must be O.

Although Solim looked like a student who had no intention of going to class and liked to skip classes, Harry knew that his written grades were not good, and in the past two years, this guy had always been the first in his grade in final grades.

After seeing Solim's Patronus with his own eyes, Harry was very keen on this spell, but he had no place to learn it, and his relationship with Solim was just an acquaintance. He had shamelessly spoken about it, but so far Lim refused, but this time with Hermione's help, he agreed that Harry could come and listen, which made Harry very happy. Harry dared to say that he would never be as serious as this in any other class.

"When everyone is here, we will start directly. Solim sat on the chair and said:"First of all, I want to explain something to you: the patron saint spell is very difficult. Magic power, willpower, and spell-casting skills are all indispensable. Some of you may not have the magic power to use this spell." Standard, this spell is completely different from the spell you learned from the professors before. You must be mentally prepared"

"I won’t go into details about the Patron Saint’s restraint against dementors or other dark creatures.

I think everyone here knows it.

But what I want to say is that the role of the Patronus is not just to ward off those dark creatures.

It can help you resist spells in battle, among which the effect of resisting black magic is the best, while other spells are less effective, and the patron saint can also be used to communicate with other wizards from a distance, but these are very I don’t know how to deal with high-end content.

I can only release the Patron Saint completely now, so you can’t learn much about the Patron Saint Spell from me.

Solim spread his hands to everyone,"I'll tell you the truth.


"That's enough." Draco sat closest to Solim."Except for the professors, I don't think there are many people in the school who know this curse, and they are all students in the sixth or seventh grade. They can't teach us"

"The most important thing in the Patronus Spell is will, firm will, and the will to protect.

Only such a Patronus is powerful.

"Seeing what Hermione wanted to say, Solim waved his hand,"I know what you want to say.

Happy memories or happy emotions can only release some thin smoke.

These are the only things that can be released when practicing the Patronus Charm.

Useful, this can help practitioners find the feeling, but if you really encounter a dementor and you use this method to summon the patron saint...

the dementor should be able to eat to its full.


"When you practice this spell, you can think about happy things, but if you want to really summon a real patron saint, a lethal patron saint, then you must learn how to use the spell in the spell. inject one's own will"

"Infusing the spell with the caster's will is a common phenomenon among all advanced spells. Just like the killing curse that everyone is familiar with, it must be infused with the caster's killing will when it is released. When a wizard becomes more and more proficient in using the killing curse, I think you can all figure out what this means. What. Likewise, if you become more proficient in using the Patronus Charm, your will will become stronger."

Solim taught them step by step how to release the Patronus Charm from the next until lights out time, but as expected by Solim, no one found the feeling in one night.

Hermione's magic was not up to par, even if she If you can learn this spell this year, you can only release some silver mist at most.

Harry and Draco's magic is enough, but Draco has too many thoughts, and he is not as good as the single-minded Harry in this aspect.

Unexpectedly, Harry's progress will be much faster than Draco's, and Neville...

Solim doesn't know what to say.

Among the four, Harry is eager to avenge his parents and to prevent Voldemort's return.

Willpower should not be underestimated.

Solim estimates that this kind of willpower is also the key to why Harry mastered this magic so quickly in the original book.

What Draco desires is to protect and revitalize the family.

From the starting point, it is not better than Harry.

How much is the difference, but how to exert this will is entirely up to him.

In Solim's view, Neville may be the one who needs the most attention among the four people.

His character is cowardly and his heart is sensitive.

It seems that A firm will has nothing to do with him, but Solim understands that the sacred and inviolable place in Neville's heart is the memory of his parents.

As long as he is properly guided, Neville will be fine.

Solim has already He told them what he knew without reservation.

How much time they spend practicing every day is their personal business.

Solim has been very busy recently. In addition to the unshakable class time, he has to spend time with Ashes every day. After dinner, he He would stay in the small classroom for an hour or two to instruct the four people on the practice of the Patronus Charm, and then return to the underground classroom to brew the potion. He often didn't go back to bed until one or two in the morning every day.

During this time, Professor Lupine quickly He became the most popular professor in the entire Hogwarts.

No student would dislike a humorous, affable, and serious professor.

Even the Slytherin students, although they mocked Lupin's clothes, But that's all.

Compared to the decadent and self-destructive Hagrid, Lupine is less like a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor and more like a professor of Conservation of Magical Creatures.

Since he exposed the students to the Borg After that, Lupine took the students to see Red Hat and Kabbah - both magical creatures, but these creatures are full of dangers and can cause varying degrees of harm to wizards.

Compared to the highly praised Lupine, Hagrid's life has been very difficult recently, and even more difficult for his students.

The students who chose the Care of Magical Creatures class can only take care of the Flobber caterpillars in Hagrid's class again and again, and cut up the chopped pieces.

Lettuce was stuffed into their slimy throats.

This caused Hagrid's evaluation among the students to drop rapidly.

Lupine, who was also a professor who just took office this year, and Hagrid formed a sharp contrast.

It was during this period that Lupine En discovered something was wrong with Harry.

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